In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes". What are the poor mountains and rivers like?

2024/07/0207:01:33 emotion 1815

[ What is it like in poor mountains and poor waters? That is, all the evil in " Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of " is present, but there is no good at all! ]

In the past, when I described the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare them with. Now I have, thanks to the popularity of the TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes", what are the poor mountains and rivers like?

is that happiness is such that there is all the evil in ten thousand families, and it is even worse; but happiness is that there is no good in ten thousand families, and there is even less goodwill. Because, at least the Wan Shan Tang family, although they did evil, still wanted to cover it up and pay the price to settle everything.

But all this does not happen in poor mountains and rivers. Evil people will never feel guilty for their evil deeds. It is just a dream to want them to pay for their mistakes, because their logic is very simple, "I worked hard to take advantage." , Why should I apologize? "This only proves that I am more capable!" For example, if his son is married and looking for a woman outside, his mother will say: "This proves that my son is capable." That’s why someone follows him.” For example, if his son cheats to get into college, his parents will say, “You have the ability, so go ahead and cheat too!”; For example, if his son takes the exam in his place, His parents would say, "If you have the ability, go ahead and sue!" For example, if he stole money from the village credit union and bought a coal mine outside and made a fortune, his parents would say, "Would you try to sue?"; for example, the boss I was knocked down by a stick when I was paying my salary. When I came back to open a supermarket and paid my salary, everyone would say, "His children are so courageous. Life is not so good now. My mother is sick and she has a nanny to take care of her." There is no trace of it. Is kindness” in it?

The only thing I heard from my father that seemed like retribution was that two teachers who took my place to take the technical secondary school examination (in 1989) and those who maliciously replaced me got cancer and died early. ; And the director Yan who asked me to refuse to cheat for his son in high school also died of cancer; but those who cheated to take the technical secondary school entrance examination should be living well now, although it seems now that in the small city Shaoyang They live like dogs (like Xiao Zhihai, the son of Teacher Xiao from the No. 8 Middle School in Shaoyang County, and a daughter from a junior high school, I forgot her name). After all, they got the bonus early. Will they repent? It is absolutely impossible, and it will be kept tightly concealed, and no more people will know.

Another problem is that the goods ran away on credit. After being found by a foreign boss who spent money, he died inexplicably. There is nothing that can be changed or become good through the cycle of poverty, and there can never be anything. Because it is so bad that it can no longer be changed, and there is no room for change. More importantly, he is confident and lives a more prosperous life than anyone else.

In the real society, rationally speaking, there is no karma. I have seen people who have been kind all their lives, but they can't even afford food; I have even seen people who have been bad all their lives, and lived very gloriously; if we talk about retribution. If so, I'm afraid it's a tutor, because it's hard for me to imagine how they can teach their offspring in this kind of family? Let's pass it on, it's an ugly thing. Even if you don't teach it, according to the rule that there are no secrets in the family, his descendants will definitely be self-taught and naturally do evil. There may be some scientific reason for this. Just like the "happiness" that people in poor and remote areas robbed through breaking the law, doing evil, speculating, robbing, cheating, relationships, backdoors, etc., there is an iron law that cannot be escaped, which is the education of future generations. Maybe a bit of karma. However, they have no scruples, which has a Darwinian undertone.

Their inheritance is unconscious. Are there any people who deliberately pass on evil as a family lesson? I’m not sure about this, but if you look at it nationwide, there are some. For example, the Liu family is actually inherited. By the way, the ancestors of the Liu family also opened a nursery. Secretary Wan’s name is Wanshantang. I’m afraid it has a meaning. . If the traitor family remains unchanged, its inheritance will be terrible, because it is not a small evil, but a big evil.

I once wrote a special article about those who opened charity halls before liberation and the churches in the West to do charity. This is a thousand-year inheritance and is an extremely dark evil of human nature. The darkness of human nature is reflected in this process. Creepy.If you are interested, you can search and take a look. The title is "What exactly is Tung Sin Tong ?" You will understand what the true colors of charity people are.

"Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" is a TV series, so it inevitably has a creative component. Because it promotes good reform, it has the possibility of a happy ending. This is in line with the main theme of " New Socialist Countryside ", but in reality , I said that if the atmosphere is not correct, bad people get richer, and there is no mercy for the sake of wealth, it will be very difficult. Otherwise, why does the central government say that in order to build a new socialist countryside, we must first crack down on village tyrants? In the implementation of

, the phenomenon of apologizing to cover up such as Wanshantang and Wanchuanjia is absolutely impossible to happen. "If you have the original, you can do it, and if you have the right, you can sue." Moreover, basically in poor mountains and rivers There are no bloody people, including evil people, who are bloodless. Some are just treacherous, vicious, servile, indifferent and hypocritical. What’s even more bizarre is that in the end, even people with kind hearts will be deceived. Assimilation, this is the power of ethos.

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

If you are interested, you can search and take a look. The title is "What exactly is Tung Sin Tong ?" You will understand what the true colors of charity people are.

"Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" is a TV series, so it inevitably has a creative component. Because it promotes good reform, it has the possibility of a happy ending. This is in line with the main theme of " New Socialist Countryside ", but in reality , I said that if the atmosphere is not correct, bad people get richer, and there is no mercy for the sake of wealth, it will be very difficult. Otherwise, why does the central government say that in order to build a new socialist countryside, we must first crack down on village tyrants? In the implementation of

, the phenomenon of apologizing to cover up such as Wanshantang and Wanchuanjia is absolutely impossible to happen. "If you have the original, you can do it, and if you have the right, you can sue." Moreover, basically in poor mountains and rivers There are no bloody people, including evil people, who are bloodless. Some are just treacherous, vicious, servile, indifferent and hypocritical. What’s even more bizarre is that in the end, even people with kind hearts will be deceived. Assimilation, this is the power of ethos.

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

In the past, when I was describing the poor mountains and rivers, I never had a vivid and intuitive metaphor to compare it with. Now I have it, thanks to the popularity of the TV series

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