Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal

2024/07/0107:04:33 emotion 1537

netizen contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make it up to her. I really want to find someone. Talk to the tree hole.

My wife and I are recognized as a model couple in our community. We never quarrel. My wife is also the female director of the community. She is very caring and kind-hearted. People in the community like my wife very much. She is often available to help the neighbors when they have something to do. She is often praised by the neighbors.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Because of an opportunity at work, I met my wife’s best friend. My wife told me a long time ago that she has a very good best friend. She has always had a very good relationship with her best friend, which is better than biological sisters. They have been classmates since childhood. , are also neighbors. We go to school together, play together, talk about everything, and my wife often goes to her house to sleep on the same bed with her. I have always envied my wife for having a good best friend. I remember that when I was in junior high school, I also had a very close friend. We would fight together and climb the fence together to surf the Internet. However, we didn’t keep in touch with each other after graduation.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

My wife’s best friend is her childhood sweetheart. Her best friend is not married yet, but she has had a boyfriend before, but it was because this boyfriend was not an economical person. He often spent time and alcohol, either gambling or going to bars, dance clubs, and Internet cafes. Although he was very nice to her, it was said that this man often went to places like Foot Washing City Massage Parlor, which an experienced driver should know.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

She finally couldn't accept it and finally broke up. When they broke up, her boyfriend was still reluctant to let go and begged not to break up, but she still made up her mind and broke up decisively. After the breakup, her ex-boyfriend often harassed her, so she reported it directly to the police. In the end, her ex-boyfriend was severely punished by the police and never came to see her again.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

She has been single since the breakup for several years. My wife said that she just wants to wait for someone who is really good to her, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t go to bars and Internet cafes, and doesn’t gamble, but she has met a few good ones. Boys don't take the initiative to pursue them. People think that she doesn't like them, so they don't pursue them, so there's no chance. However, her parents were very good to her. Her family opened a breeding farm and she was raised as a princess. She was an only child. She had been a good girl since she was a child. Her parents were often worried about major events in her life. I often ask my wife to help introduce her to boyfriends, but she refuses and wants to find them on her own.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

I met her best friend on a business trip. At that time, I went to another company to ask for information. The other information clerk actually got into an argument with me over a trivial matter and wanted to fight. It was very fierce. In the end, their leader came over and settled us down. He quickly apologized to me and brought me tea and water. My heart gradually calmed down. After that, I communicated with the information clerk for a long time. The more we talked, the more we talked, and I found that we have a lot in common. Yes, she is so cute. I also like this cute girl a little bit. Then we became friends and added each other on WeChat. She asked if she could ask me for help if she had something to do. I said yes, that’s it. We don’t know each other if we don’t fight each other. .

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

While chatting with her, she finally asked me if I had a girlfriend. I said no, and she immediately smiled with satisfaction. Then, I said that I was already married. She looked a little uncomfortable after knowing that I was married. , I asked her what was wrong, and she said she felt a little unwell recently. As we chatted, we finally talked about my wife. She felt that the more we talked, the more familiar she became, so she asked for my wife’s name. I told her, and she was shocked. She actually said that my wife was her best friend and her best friend in the past. My friend, I was dubious, so she took out her phone and pulled out a photo of them together. She was really my wife. I asked why I haven't seen you, and I haven't heard her talk about you. She said that after graduating from college, everyone went about their own business and didn't have much contact, but they did have contact occasionally.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

After get off work, my best friend said she wanted to visit my house, mainly to catch up with her best friend. After all, they hadn’t seen each other for a long time. I said yes, so she took my car and went to my house together. When we got home, my wife didn’t expect anything. I brought her best friend home, and then they sat down and talked non-stop, reminiscing about the good experiences in the past. Then we cooked and ate at home. After dinner, she said she wanted to go home, but my wife wouldn't let her go home. She said it was getting dark and she wanted to sleep with her tonight. I would just sleep on the sofa for the night. That would be fine, but she insisted on going home because she was worried that her parents would be worried, so we had no choice but to let her go home.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

My wife asked me to drive her back because her home is in the suburbs, which is quite far away, and it is dangerous to take a taxi alone. There are many bad people now, and girls are often abducted, so I drove her home. When we brought her home, she was reluctant to get out of the car. She grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. I didn't know what she wanted to do. She was still smiling at me. I said stop making trouble and get out of the car. Your dad? Mom is still waiting for you. After saying that, she reluctantly got out of the car. She insisted on dragging me to her house for a drink of tea, so I had no choice but to follow her. As soon as we entered her house, her parents thought I was her boyfriend and asked her why she didn't say she had a boyfriend, which made us worry about you and introduce you to a blind date. Then I explained to them that I was her best friend's husband, and her parents didn't say anything more. They were happy for nothing.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

A few days later, I was at home and my wife went back to her parents’ house. My best friend called me and said that she had something to do at work and wanted to talk to me. I said that I was not at the company but at home, and she said that she would come to my house to talk. Then she So I drove to my house, and after helping her solve the problem, she knew that my wife was not at home, so she asked to see our room, and I took her to see it. She said she wanted to take a bath in the master bedroom, and I agreed to her After she finished, she asked me to bring her something in. Unexpectedly, when she brought it in, she was naked and completely exposed in front of my eyes. I was dumbfounded and ran out immediately. After she came out, I apologized quickly and she said no. Then she hugged me. I was stunned and pushed her away. She also panicked and quickly apologized and said she thought I was her ex-boyfriend. I couldn’t laugh or cry, so I smiled sheepishly, and then she replied Home.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Another month later, on a dark and windy night, she called me and said that she was sick, very serious, and was feeling very uncomfortable now. She was in the hospital, and asked me to accompany her and take care of her. To be honest, I was very busy at the time. I was working on a big project in the company and I had to rush to complete it. I had no choice but to say that I was working overtime. She said that she felt very uncomfortable and wanted to find someone to talk to and accompany her. I said that my wife Go, she said no and let me go. She said she felt panicked when she couldn't see me. I had no choice but to ask other colleagues to help me, and I ended my overtime work early and drove to the hospital.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

went to the hospital and found her ward. At this moment, she was reading a book quietly on the hospital bed. When she saw me coming, she jumped up and felt as if she was getting better all of a sudden. Then she hugged me. I pushed her away hard and she got angry. I said don't do this. We are different between men and women. I am your best friend's husband and I have a family. You make me very embarrassed and embarrassed. But she said she didn't know why, she just couldn't control herself. Just like that, we chatted for a while, wiped her body and washed her face. She fell asleep soon, and I was lying next to the hospital bed sleeping. Suddenly my wife called and woke me up. Come on. Asked me why I haven't come back yet, I said I was working on a project. This project was a very important one for the company. I had to work overtime very late, around 3 a.m., or it had to be completed all night. When my wife heard me saying that I couldn't go back after working overtime, she just I can go to bed alone first.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

The next day I went to work as usual with dark circles under my eyes, and asked her to see the nurse if she needed anything in the hospital, and she said yes.I was driving home after work that day. She called me again and said that she would be discharged from the hospital later and asked me to come over. She was discharged from the hospital today and was almost recovered. She took her luggage home by the way. I went over and helped her. After completing the discharge procedures, she thanked me for coming to take care of her and said she would treat me to dinner tonight. I readily agreed and asked if I could bring my wife with me. After all, she is your best friend and she couldn’t and didn’t want to see her. My wife said she would be distracted when my wife came and was afraid of eating our dog food. This reason made me laugh so hard that in the end I had to lie to my wife that I had to work overtime again tonight.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

She found a Western restaurant and ordered a lot of delicious food, which was very rich, including sea cucumbers and abalone and lobster, and many of them I had never seen before. Finally, she ordered two bottles of red wine and several bottles of beer. I told her that it would cost a lot of money to say that she would not come home until she was drunk if she was happy tonight, right? Let's just find a restaurant to have something to eat. She said that she likes to eat Western food and like to have a sense of ceremony. She said that today is also her birthday, so she would like to have a sense of ceremony. Moreover, this Western restaurant is having an event tonight, and the entire restaurant is 50% off. discount. I said why don't you order birthday cake , she said no, she is tired of eating birthday cakes every year, so she won't eat it this year, and will try something else, something high-end, such as sea cucumber, abalone, lobster and other Western food, isn't it better? Okay. I think so. After all, I haven’t eaten these things for a long time. The last time I ate these things was when I was passionately in love with my wife. Thinking about it, I have never eaten such delicious food after being married for so long. I am a strict wife, and everyone I don’t keep a penny of my monthly salary and leave it all to my wife for safekeeping, so delicious food is too rare for me.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Just like that, we were eating, drinking and chatting, having a great time. She even gave me a glass of wine. I thought it was nothing, maybe she was drinking happily. Finally, I went to the front desk to find a microphone and sang a birthday song to her in person. Although the singing was not very good, it made her very happy. After singing, she asked me to sing a few songs together. I said that I was not good at singing. , she said it was okay, she taught me, just like that, we sang several songs together, her singing skills were really good, she said she used to be an art student, studying vocal music, I asked how she could sing so well, and praised her repeatedly, She also smiled sheepishly.

After we got tired of singing, we continued to eat and drink. Finally, she got drunk and was a little unconscious. I was also a little drunk, but I was still a little energetic. I asked her if I wanted to send her home, but she said no. She would definitely be scolded by her parents if she got so drunk. After all, she had been a well-behaved girl since she was a child. She never drank at home, and did not go near bars or singing and dancing. In the lobby, she took out an ID card and said she wanted me to help her get a room, and then she settled the bill in a daze.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

After paying the bill, she took out her ID card and gave it to me. I carried her to the hotel opposite to get a room. On the way there, she vomited all over me and tried to kiss me. I hid. I opened it and took her in. She asked me to give her a simple bath, which I did. After bathing, I put her in clothes, put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Then I packed up and was about to go home. Unexpectedly, she woke up and hugged me. I pushed her away and she cried. She said she liked me and she had liked me since the day she saw me. She wanted to be with me. She wanted to be with me. I was the man in her mind. After experiencing the failure of her relationship, she learned how to cherish, work hard for her own happiness, and try her best. I wanted to fight for my own happiness. I said I was married and had a family. She said she didn’t care and was willing to be my lover forever. Even if she couldn’t get married, she was still willing to give me a child without getting married. After hearing what she said, I was a little confused.

To be honest, my wife was already 6 months pregnant at the time, and I had been a monk for half a year. In this situation, everyone wants to be in demand, and there is a beautiful and charming beauty who takes the initiative to join me. It is impossible not to have any evil thoughts in my heart. I understand. , let alone her, everything that was supposed to happen happened in the end.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

The next day, she bought me breakfast early. It was so rich and she said she wanted to replenish my body. She was too tired from helping her last night. I quickly apologized to her without saying anything, but what I didn’t expect was that she actually said that she did it voluntarily and that it was a help to her. After all, she had been a nun for many years and was like a living dead. She said that what she said last night was all It's the truth. She really likes me. I hope I can spend more time with her and spend more time together in the future. I was stunned again. I said this is not okay. I am a family man and this is not good. She said it doesn't matter, it's good this way, no one knows if you don't tell me or I don't tell you, it's more exciting this way. To be honest, I didn't really want to have sex with her at the time because I knew the consequences, but seeing her pleading and her longing eyes, and having such a plump body, I couldn't overcome the demon in my heart, so I couldn't help it and refused. No.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, after the first time, there is a second time and a third time..., and then it got out of hand. At first, she asked me once or twice a week, and finally about three or four times a week or more. I did not refuse, nor did I refuse. Can't touch her. Every time I go out, I hide it from my wife. I say I am on a business trip or working overtime to catch up on a project. I do it secretly. I am happy and scared at the same time when I am with her. I am afraid that one day my wife will notice me. Although my wife has always believed in me, I also I made a promise to her, but it will definitely not end well after being discovered. After all, this is not a trivial matter, it is a moral and ethical issue.

What I am more afraid of is that she will be pregnant with my child, because we don’t use that thing, but she takes medicine every time to solve it. I ask her to eat less of that thing, which is very bad for the body. After the problem occurs It will affect your life, but she doesn't take it seriously. She said that this medicine is very safe according to the advertisement, and there are several sisters who have been using this medicine without any side effects. I told her what to do if it didn't work and I got pregnant. She said it didn't matter and she was willing to have a baby for me. She likes children best and she has always wanted to get married and have a baby. Unfortunately, she hasn't found the person she likes in the past few years.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

We may be getting deeper and deeper into each other now. She can't live without me. She can't stop or control herself anymore. She has already fallen in love with me. I also feel that my mood will be different without her. miss her. I also found an opportunity to confess to her that we can't go on like this and should we break up peacefully. It's not going to work out for us if we go on like this, and there will be no good results. But she refused, saying that this was good, that she couldn't live without me, that she couldn't help but love me, and that she was willing to continue living like this with me, day by day, even if we couldn't get married.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

I don’t know what to do anymore. Should I break up decisively or continue like this? I don't dare to talk to my relatives and friends to solve the problem together, and I don't dare to confess to my wife, for fear that I won't be able to accept it. We also have a child who is about to be born. I love my wife very much, and my wife loves me very much. I don’t want to lose her, and my wife doesn’t want to lose me. I am a little reluctant to break up with her best friend now. Maybe it’s because we have been in love for a long time. Every bit of her has been imprinted on In my heart, there will be some nostalgia.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

But what is the meaning of our feelings? I really want to end this relationship as soon as possible, but she can't let go of me, and I'm a little reluctant to let go, but what can I do? My wife is about to give birth. For the sake of my wife, children, and this family, should I break up as soon as possible or continue? I regret so much that I shouldn't have done that with her that night. But there is no point in regretting. You must bear your own faults.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

Being able to do things that I feel sorry for my wife with my best friend, I felt that I was really confused at the time. I really regretted and felt guilty, but regret is useless. There is no regret medicine in the world. I can only use time to slowly immerse myself in it. fade.

Time may dilute the memory, but it can never be erased. It may be imprinted in our hearts forever. We are afraid that one day our wife will accidentally find out, because there is no airtight news, there is no airtight wall , there is no A fire that paper can contain.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

I hope everything goes well and give my wife, children and sister a reasonable answer. I also hope that her sister can find a good man who treats her well in the future to accompany her and take good care of her. Don't love me anymore, and don't It's haunting me.

If you say that you are unhappy and cannot get divorced, it is because of your breach of contract that your partner has a child and loses the warmth of a father's love and family. Should you pay mental damages? Should you pay enough for the children's education? Surcharge? Should children also have inheritance rights, not just illegitimate children? Does it violate the morality of being a human being to lose the responsibility of being a father under the freedom of marriage? Because in a moment of greed, one has forgotten the fundamentals of being a human being. Is it no different from animals? If you do that, no one will want to be with you.

No matter whether it was an accident or not, it will never change the fact of being unfaithful, but if you truly know that you are wrong, you must make it up to your wife, so that you can make your marriage last forever.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

If I can successfully break up with her peacefully, I will make good compensation to my wife and the upcoming child, and spend more time with them. I am already very sorry for my wife, and nothing like that will ever happen again. I want to be a good father. The husband works hard to make money to support the family and give his wife and children a warm, solid and happy home.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

I don’t think you should find all kinds of excuses to defend yourself after cheating. If you are wrong, you are wrong. No matter how you defend yourself, it may be useless and you will not be forgiven. No matter it is accidental disloyalty or intentional disloyalty, Your lover will never forgive you. If you are found out, it will not only destroy your marriage, but you will also be hated for the rest of your life. So you must remember that disloyalty is not allowed in marriage. Don't touch it easily. Once you touch it, you will really lose your temper. It will be over.

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

No matter whether it happened accidentally or not, it can never change the fact of disloyalty. If you are wrong, you are wrong, but if you truly know that you are wrong, you must make up for it. Only in this way can you make your marriage last for a long time until both parties grow old together. .

Netizens contributed: I made a big mistake. I did something sorry for my wife with my best friend during her pregnancy. I cheated on my wife. I feel so guilty and regretful. I want to break up with her. I want to find a chance to make up for her. I really want to find a tree. Tal - DayDayNews

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In a family with many children, the most taboo thing for parents is favoritism and robbing the rich to give to the poor. Once parents are biased, their children will be biased. Even if parents think that their actions are justified and their partiality is natural, no child will a - DayDayNews

In a family with many children, the most taboo thing for parents is favoritism and robbing the rich to give to the poor. Once parents are biased, their children will be biased. Even if parents think that their actions are justified and their partiality is natural, no child will a

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