Today I continue to read "Guiguzi". The more I read, the more I feel that the mouth is a very dangerous guy. People always say that "the mouth has no door." If you want to live a comfortable life and work, you really need to find a "mouth" for the mouth. Doorkeeper". The mouth is

2024/07/0205:51:32 emotion 1432

continues to read " Guiguzi " today. The more I read, the more I feel that Mouth is a very dangerous guy. People always say that "there is no way to control your mouth." If you want to live a comfortable life and work, you must give Mouth a lot of attention. Find a "doorkeeper".

The mouth is the door of the heart, and disasters come from the mouth and diseases enter from the mouth. Beautiful speaking art can resolve conflicts in time and help you get out of embarrassing situations. If you don't shut up when you should shut up, you will make even bigger mistakes. Close in time and speak in key.

I think it is quite difficult to achieve this "close in time and speak in key". If a person is aroused with angry emotions and feels that if he speaks less, he will be wronged, how important it is to keep a calm mind.

cleverly uses the leverage of others to achieve his own goals. For those who have made mistakes, we do not "beat them to death with a stick", but grasp their vital points and then show mercy, one by one, one by one. When dealing with certain problems, especially when encountering villains, if you blindly take tough measures without knowing how to adapt, you may encounter desperate struggles and strong resistance. We do not need to put the other party to death, leave a way out for the other party, benefit ourselves without hurting our kindness, and be able to deal with others' difficulties with ease.

Learning these is not really about seizing other people's leverage to seek benefits for ourselves, but more about guessing other people's psychology and how to prevent others from using these strategies on us. Sitting upright and acting upright, not leaving any clues to the "villains" and not creating opportunities for them, is a good way to protect ourselves. Today I continue to read

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