What a happy family we must be. Also, I want to accompany my father to the small theater of Renyi to watch the newly scheduled drama "Thunderstorm" every time. Although my optimistic and cheerful father majored in metallurgy, he is quite talented in literature and acting. When he

2024/07/0214:08:33 emotion 1897

What a happy family we must be. Also, I want to accompany my father to the small theater of Renyi to watch the newly scheduled drama

What a happy family we must be. Also, I want to accompany my father to the small theater of Renyi to watch the newly scheduled drama

Author during the Corps period

Imaginations about happiness

Author: Lei

What a happy family we must be. Also, I want to accompany my father to the small theater of Renyi to watch the newly scheduled drama

It is said that human lifespan has a great relationship with the genetic gene . According to this statement, my father should really live a long life. My grandfather ate fatty meat every day and smoked home-grown tobacco leaves. He lived to be ninety-six years old. My grandma and grandpa smoked leaves together and often coughed. They lived to be eighty-nine years old, and my father was the fourth child. His eldest sister and my eldest aunt passed away at the age of ninety, and my second aunt and his second sister are still alive at the age of 94.

If there had been no "Cultural Revolution", my father would have lived a strong life like my mother who was two years older than him. What a happy family we must be.

First of all, I will buy a big desk and a comfortable chair for my father. My father is a teacher and works late at night every day. The tables and chairs he used were all old furniture rented from the Tsinghua University Logistics Office. The back of the dark brown wooden chair was glued, so my father wrapped it with wire and sat on it until the end. If my father sat on the sturdy and comfortable chair I bought, he would be filled with happiness and smile from ear to ear.

Also, I want to accompany my father to the small theater of Renyi to watch the newly scheduled drama "Thunderstorm". Although my optimistic and cheerful father majored in metallurgy, he is quite talented in literature and acting. When he was in school, He is the backbone of the school drama team. He played the role of Zhou Chong in the drama "Thunderstorm" and achieved success. But in my memory, my father never went to the Grand Theater to watch a play. One is that he is busy with work, and the other is that he is reluctant to spend money to buy tickets.

In addition to raising us, my father had to send living expenses to our grandparents and support his sister in going to college. At that time, I thought that when I grow up, I must invite my father to see "Thunderstorm". I believe he can't help but tell all the interesting things about rehearsing and performing when he was young. I will make my father excited and proud with my exaggerated curiosity. Our The topic will last for a long time.

Also, my father will definitely be present at the wedding. This is a belief that has never wavered since I knew that I was getting married. My father will speak on behalf of the woman’s side of the family, who is my parent, and the words of blessing he will say will definitely be humorous. The wedding will have a small climax at this time, and I will be radiant with happiness, and I will be excited all the time. Wipe away tears.

When I was born, my father was still studying in college at the age of 22. It is said that my father was extremely excited when he became a father for the first time. It was summer vacation, and he held me in his arms every day, happily doing the work of changing and washing diapers. Whenever my father comes back from vacation, he always dresses me and combs my braids. When my beloved daughter gets married, he will give me all his love for me to enjoy. Without my father attending the wedding, I felt so lonely and my happiness was not full. On that day, I missed my dear father very much.

Also, when I am discharged from the hospital after giving birth to my daughter, my father will definitely come to pick me up in person. He will give my daughter a name, he will become the kindest grandpa, and my daughter will get happiness and joy beyond her imagination. Fathers are known to love their children. Visitors to my house only need to bring their children, and the conversation with adults is left to the mother, while the father will happily play with the children. When we say goodbye, the child will definitely cling to his father and refuse to leave.

In order to satisfy his father's "love". My sister, who once worked in a kindergarten, would "borrow" a child to go home with her father on weekends to spend happy time with her. The father would hold the child's hand and go for a walk, carefully take care of the child's meals and sleep, and tell the child stories and guess riddles. The child Wuji's children's words often make him laugh and then sigh with emotion. I imagine my daughter growing up beside him. What a strong and long-lasting happiness my father, my daughter and I will share.

Also, when my daughter goes to college, her father will definitely send her to school in person, because the Harbin Institute of Technology that her daughter got is her father's alma mater. Her father would take her around the campus and tell her about his studies here. He would take a group photo with his granddaughter in front of the main building of Harbin Institute of Technology. The main building is a Soviet-style building, and my father took photos there when he graduated from graduate school. If our family could have a group photo of two generations of alumni, I would look at it every day and let happiness overflow my heart.

And, and...

In our family, as long as we talk about what if there was no "Cultural Revolution", there will be a long happy rhapsody about my father.

My father was born in Haicheng, Liaoning, and attended Anshan Tsinghua Middle School in middle school. After the liberation of Northeast China in 1948, my father became the first batch of college students trained by New China at the Northeast Institute of Technology. His father, who came from a poor family, was determined to contribute to the industrial development of New China and chose Received the tuition-free metallurgical major. After graduating from university, he was admitted to the Harbin Institute of Technology as a graduate student and completed his studies under the guidance of Soviet experts and professors. After graduating from graduate school, due to his excellent performance, my father was assigned to teach in the Metallurgical Department of Tsinghua University, where he lectured on "Metallology and Heat Treatment."

He loves education and is erudite. Not only can he read professional books in Japanese, Russian and English, he is also approachable and humorous. His class is often arranged in the first period of the afternoon when students are most sleepy, and there is always laughter in class. He took his students to Changchun FAW Beijing Special Steel and other places for internships many times. He stayed there for several months and insisted on working as a follower and giving on-the-spot explanations to his classmates. He was deeply loved by the students.

During the "Cultural Revolution", my father also put on the hat of a bourgeois intellectual and underwent labor reform at the Tsinghua Cadre School on the banks of the Poyang River in Jiangxi. At that time, I was feeding pigs in the Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps, and my father was assigned a pig number in the cadre school. The father and daughter who walked out of Tsinghua Park became pigherders at the same time. My father was not pessimistic and wrote a letter to encourage me.

What is terrible is that the cadre school of Tsinghua University was chosen in an area severely affected by Schistosoma ! Schistosomiasis is transmitted through oncomelania in the water. My father and all the staff worked barefoot in the water. Many people are infected with schistosomiasis but cannot receive timely treatment. My father's schistosomiasis symptoms were obvious, but treatment was repeatedly delayed. In April 1977, my father, who had just turned 49, finally passed away from us forever due to malignant liver disease.

A year later, at a meeting to denounce the "Gang of Four" held at the Capital Gymnasium, Uncle Li, my father's teaching assistant at that time, took the stage to speak. He described the persecution of intellectuals during the "Cultural Revolution" and mentioned the mental and physical abuse of faculty and staff at Tsinghua University's Jiangxi Cadre School. of destruction. He said, "My beloved teacher, Mr. Lei, is the tenth young and middle-aged teacher who has gone to Jiangxi Cadre School to die of illness!" Only then did I know in the audience that nine teachers had lost their lives before my father. I couldn't help but burst into tears and burst into tears.

Our family’s tree of happiness was broken by the bloody storm of the Cultural Revolution! Thoughts about happiness often make us extremely painful and sad. Yes, the hypothesis is just a hypothesis. The only thing we can hope for is: the tragedy of history will never happen again!

[This article was written to commemorate a certain college student taught by my father]

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