Third brother, why don’t you go out and drink? Later, Gong Laosan got married and had children, went out to work, and gradually lost contact with his fair-weather friends. Later, when I returned to my hometown, my fair-weather friend became rich for some reason, and the elder bro

2024/07/0301:29:33 emotion 1278

Third brother, come out for a drink if you have nothing to do! = Dasha, borrow some money to spend!

Mr. Gong was a fair-weather friend who he met ignorantly when he was young. At that time, a group of street kids with no academic qualifications entered society together with their passion.

Later, Gong Laosan got married and had children, went out to work, and gradually lost contact with his fair-weather friends.

Later, when I returned to my hometown, my fair-weather friend became rich for some reason, and I would often ask my third brother to go out drinking.

Gong Laosan often boasts in front of his wife: Friends are friends, and when you are rich, you will never forget your brother.

In fact, my wife knows very well: We just went back to our hometown to start a small business, and others won over you. They are all fair-weather friends.

Later, Gong Laosan offended his boss and relatives and lost his job because of his talkativeness.

The small business at home has become increasingly difficult to run due to e-commerce and the epidemic.

The child also fell ill, and Gong Laosan was frustrated in finding a job and became more and more decadent.

What’s even more ridiculous is that the fair-weather friend who usually spends a lot of money now has no money and asked Gong Laosan to borrow it.

Gong Laosan told the truth: The family has no money, the child needs surgery, and he is worried about money.

The fair-weather friends thought that Gong Laosan just didn’t want to borrow him, so he bluntly said that without this brother, he would never contact him in the future.

Gong Laosan’s heart was broken.

Later, Gong Laosan finally raised the money for the child's surgery.

After hearing about this, my friends who were fair-weather thought that Gong Laosan had become prosperous again, so they contacted him again and said that they were all angry words at the time, so don’t worry: Third brother, come out for a drink if you have nothing to do!

After hearing this, Gong Laosan easily forgave him without thinking about it, and even told his wife to forget about the past.

Unexpectedly, Gong Laosan went out at ten o'clock in the evening and came back at 10:30 in the evening. After coming back, he sat at the dining table and drank. Later, his wife heard him arguing with the person on the other end of the phone.

The other end of the phone said: Do you think you are free of charge when I ask you to come out? It’s really fun to go out and drink when you don’t have money.

Gong Laosan's eyes turned red again after hearing this. It turned out that he was asked to go out just to borrow money. It turned out that all he had made were fair-weather friends all his life.

Third brother, why don’t you go out and drink? Later, Gong Laosan got married and had children, went out to work, and gradually lost contact with his fair-weather friends. Later, when I returned to my hometown, my fair-weather friend became rich for some reason, and the elder bro - DayDayNews

Third brother, why don’t you go out and drink? Later, Gong Laosan got married and had children, went out to work, and gradually lost contact with his fair-weather friends. Later, when I returned to my hometown, my fair-weather friend became rich for some reason, and the elder bro - DayDayNews

Third brother, why don’t you go out and drink? Later, Gong Laosan got married and had children, went out to work, and gradually lost contact with his fair-weather friends. Later, when I returned to my hometown, my fair-weather friend became rich for some reason, and the elder bro - DayDayNews

Yes, some people are lonely all their lives. They come and go alone, doing nothing, no friends, nothing left. From beginning to end, they are alone, wandering in the world.

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