The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s

2024/07/0114:13:32 emotion 1126

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s - DayDayNews

                                               employers/Yichen · Zhengzhou, Henan

since | Editor / Yu Fu · Tianjin Hedong

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface.

To put it more bluntly, we need to be grateful and contented, be self-disciplined and self-loving, and introspect and cultivate.

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s - DayDayNews

Thich Nhat Hanh told a story in "The Life of the Buddha". A grief-stricken king came to the Buddha for comfort because his beloved grandson had died. Buddha asked him: "How many grandsons do you have?" The king said there were more than 30. Buddha asked again: "Do you love all your grandchildren?" The king said yes. Buddha said, you have more than 30 grandsons, and you will be sad when each grandson dies. You still have so many wives and children whom you love dearly, and you will also be sad when each wife and child dies. How sad will you be in this life? The king became enlightened after hearing this.

  Nietzsche said that whoever possesses less things will be possessed less. On the contrary, whoever possesses more things will have more of them. The more grandsons a king has, the more he is bound to lose in the future, and every loss is accompanied by sadness. In real life, the luxury houses, cars, rare treasures, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, flowers, birds, fish and insects we possess are all the same as those of "grandson".

Some people work hard all their lives and finally save money to buy a shop. Finally, they are able to collect rent, but they are depressed because they cannot rent it out or the rent is low. Some people suddenly get rich and own 10 shops, and finally become a "big landlord", but they are depressed because they cannot rent out 2 or 3 shops, because they are counting how much they have lost every day. money. Those luxury cars, luxury cars, etc. are all like this.

Today I met a relative who lives in a large villa, but he lamented that when it was renovated, it was a sauna and a steam room . Now that I am getting older, I just want to live in a flat floor with upstairs. I feel tired even after climbing down to my own home. The villa is too big. There are 2 or 3 people in the family, and they can't hear each other shouting. Apart from adding a sense of loneliness and housework, I really don't know what it can be used for.

In this life, a person is trying his best to pull back and forth, wishing to put gold banknotes and rare treasures into his pocket. Some corrupt officials often have dozens of properties and dozens of luxury cars, but they can use it if they are so greedy. ? In addition to being on tenterhooks, he can also be regarded as a "dutiful" custodian of the country.

While we were desperately rowing back, those wealthy people who had made a lot of money were donating hard there. Some people say that this is how life should be lived. In the first half of your life, you work hard to make money to fill your desires. When you feel bored and bored, you then pursue spiritual things. If you are not satisfied with material things, how can you find someone who regards wealth as a floating cloud and regards wealth as a floating cloud? The feeling that money is like dirt, isn’t that self-deception? He also said that the Buddha was tired of being a prince and thought of becoming a monk!

If Siddhartha was born into a poor family, especially a poor family in a big city, he would probably be struggling like us to pay off the mortgage and work nine to five to pay for his children’s tutoring! I am so crowded in the subway every day that I have difficulty breathing and feel dizzy. How can I think about enlightenment? I probably only think about when I can drive.

If according to this logic, we regard money as dung and must have a full storehouse of gold and silver, then we regard floods as wild beasts and must be trapped in their mouths, we regard plagues as death and must be infected, and regard drunk driving as a crime and must test the law. Isn't this insulting? This little bit of human wisdom. But this is indeed the case. Drug addicts, smokers, alcoholics, drunk drivers, and people who stay up late, all of them are eager to "eat puffer fish to the death". As long as the god of death does not intervene, they will only lick the honey in their mouths.

Of course, we cannot give up everything and seek enlightenment and awakening like the Buddha. But I think that at least three things can be done:

First, enjoy ownership rather than permanent possession.If conditions permit, we can enjoy the material or emotional possessions we have. This is understandable, but we must never regard it as one's own and eternal possession. In other words, we must be prepared to lose it at any time, including all gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, as well as relatives and friends. We have to learn this from the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca. He said: "I have never trusted the goddess of destiny. I have put everything she has given me - money, official position, and power - in one place. , she can take them back at any time without disturbing me. In this way, she only takes them away instead of forcibly peeling them away from me." Enjoying life with such awareness can be considered a state of mind!

The second is to please yourself rather than to please others. This is crucial. If you like antiques, calligraphy and painting, famous cars, luxury houses, etc., as long as you like it and like it from the bottom of your heart, you will be fine even if you lose everything and spend a lot of money to get it, even if you lose your ambition by playing with it and are ridiculed by others, you will not hesitate. For these infatuated people, elopers, and fetishists, I still have some appreciation and envy in my heart, thinking that most of them have independent and interesting souls. Spending your whole life enjoying yourself is a way to live! And those who only know that things are rare are valuable, but don’t know where they are expensive. They only know famous brands but don’t know where they are. People who value everything in the eyes of others are a bit pitiful.

 The third is to penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. In philosophy, there are soul-body monism and dualism . Let’s not care whether it is one yuan or two, just whether we are “happy” or not. The premise is to realize that spiritual happiness can last forever. When we enjoy material things and comfort the skin of the body, we must ultimately point to the soul. When it comes to enjoyment, it’s just about eating, drinking and having fun, but you must have some thoughts and insights while eating, drinking and having fun. It’s best to come and see your true nature. I once read a fantasy novel, which said that "everything can enter the Tao", including the Tao of love, the way of swords , the Tao of business, the way of cooking, and even deception. In ancient times, a cook can handle an ox with ease; an old man sells oil, but his hands are familiar; Boya Ziqi, high mountains and flowing water; Bo Le, a horse, and get carried away... Example is a visible philosophy. It can be seen that everything can be used as a medium. If you observe it carefully, you can learn from things, use one to get ten, use ten to turn hundreds, and finally return it to your soul, gain insights on life, and live a clear life. Don't just mess with the skin.

[About the author] Ye Chen, whose real name is Zhang Yechen, is born in the 1980s in Lucheng, . He wears a military uniform and travels all over the world. He sharpens his ambition through hard work, practices through reading, makes friends through articles, cultivates his mind, and explores life. Many personal works have been published.

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s - DayDayNews

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s - DayDayNews

The suggestions given by Yechen are of great reference value: enjoy possession instead of permanent possession, please yourself instead of pleasing others, penetrate into the soul instead of floating on the surface. To put it more bluntly, it means being grateful and contented, s - DayDayNews

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