"Men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man." Such a popular but philosophical proverb has influenced people's thinking for thousands of years in the feudal society where men were superior to women. Even today, women are in

2024/07/0305:29:33 emotion 1634

"Men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man." Such a popular but philosophical proverb has influenced people's thinking for thousands of years in the feudal society where men were superior to women. Even today, women are independent in thought, economy, and personality, but their social status and family status are still different between men and women. It is still the traditional family marriage model where men take charge of the outside world and women take charge of the house. Men focus on career and women tend to marriage.

Career, for men, is not only the support of life, but also the embodiment of ideals and life values. Marriage, for a woman, is a lifetime commitment. Doing well is not as good as marrying well. It has also become the first choice for some female college students today who want to take shortcuts and quickly change their lives. I am deeply affected by it! A marriage without love cannot achieve happiness. Marriage in the wrong family will suffer discrimination. Women should strengthen themselves! Only lovers who have gone through hardships and are in love with each other can hold their children's hands and grow old together with them.

Before I graduated from college, I signed a contract with his company. After graduation, I went to work for him smoothly. A year later, we fell in love. He was my boss, the yearning and glory in my heart. It can be said that he got me without any effort. I trust him completely, and I listen to him completely. Even if he is ten years older than me, even if he is married for the second time, and even if he has a son, I am willing to accept it all. Because, I feel that I love him very much, but as for what I love, I can’t tell clearly.

After I got married, I became a full-time housewife and no longer went to work in the company. I went shopping with my mother-in-law every day and playing mahjong became my main occupation. Even though I tried every possible means to please my mother-in-law, I could not regain her favor. There was always a gap between us. She looked at me through colored glasses again and again. She even felt that my motives were impure and that I married her son just to divide the property. I couldn't explain it to her, and it was useless. Although she always said that she never asked about her son's affairs, in fact, she was the real leader in the family.

My husband is a very filial man and listens to everything. Mother and son both had stronger personalities. I heard that my father-in-law passed away due to illness when he first entered college. Later, the company was taken over by my mother-in-law, and after my husband graduated, he was in charge of everything. Later, he got married and had a child. His ex-wife was a rich girl. Because her style was too dissolute, they divorced in the third year after their marriage. It wasn't until five years later that he met me again and that passion was ignited. I was a true Cinderella. Although I am also vain and impetuous, I think I am still a very responsible and reliable wife. Husband, you praise me like this too. I'm not like the women I met before who got married for his money. And I, to a large extent, affirm and admire him. He said he understood my heart. . .

But my mother-in-law never thought so. She felt that we lacked knowledge and etiquette. Although he can work in the kitchen, he cannot work in the living room, which is not conducive to the development of his son's career. She once secretly told my husband that I could only be a "knowledgeable nanny". I heard all the conversation between the two of them, and I cried secretly for many days.

My husband is always busy. Sometimes I don't leave home for several days. I don't know where he went either. I wanted to make a phone call, but I was afraid it would affect his work outside. Besides, there are those instigations from my mother-in-law. In fact, after marriage, there is no freedom and happiness like before marriage. At least at the beginning, I could see him every day in the office.

It’s been one year since marriage. I'm getting more and more irritable. Suddenly I understood my role. He had no intention of cultivating my career development, but married me to accompany my mother-in-law to relieve her boredom. I became his caged bird. There are too many banquets and entertainments. He can bring his secretary to them, but he won't bring me. Although the house at home is big, I can only stare at the ceiling and sigh every night. Although I don't have to worry about food and clothing and wear famous brands every day, I don't have the joy of buying goods from the street stalls.

Faced with a marriage that was as useless as a piece of cake, just when I hesitated, hesitated, and regretted my choice. Someone actually came to "relieve worries". She is a middle-aged woman, about the same age as her husband. I heard that she is a director of a private company. She shamelessly came to talk to me with her big belly. She said that the child in her belly was the result of love for my husband. She cherishes this pregnancy very much. She is about to become a fourth woman and she has never been a mother. She advised me to take the initiative to give up my seat. She said it didn’t matter how much money I paid.

After hearing the news, the mother-in-law realized that the visitor was not kind. I hurriedly called my husband and he returned home quickly. For a moment, the house was so quiet that you could hear a needle, and no one wanted to speak the first word. Only my tears came out of my eyes very unsatisfactorily. But what can I do? Making a scene? Does it work? I had no choice but to hide in my room and cry bitterly. They stayed outside and carried on. . .

The husband led the woman out. My mother-in-law comforted me. She told me bluntly that I had to think about this matter carefully and make a decision as soon as possible. She said that her family would not treat me badly no matter what. The implication was that I was advised to take the initiative to "give up my seat." In the evening, my husband came home. I asked him how he solved it? He didn't speak and I was speechless. But I understand that my end will never be optimistic. I don't have the capital to fight with her. Even my mother-in-law advocates "abolition of the old and establishment of the new." What's the use of me still hanging on with a shameless face? If I had to choose again, I would rather live in seclusion in the mountains and forests with the person I love and live a pastoral life where men farm and women weave. . .

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