When you have these two thoughts in your mind, you are destined to be farther and farther away from the correct path of separating from your mistress. In fact, the hearts of cheating men and mistresses are not what you think at all.

2024/06/3008:36:33 emotion 1264

Have you ever thought that you can't solve your marriage problems because of your own [fixed thinking]

In your heart, the mistress is not afraid of anything, and dares to think and do.

In your heart, the woman outside is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a steal, and a steal is worse than being unable to steal.

When you have these two thoughts in your mind, you are destined to be farther and farther away from the correct path of separating from your mistress. In fact, the hearts of cheating men and mistresses are not what you think at all.

Today’s article is full of useful information and a must-read for married women.

When you have these two thoughts in your mind, you are destined to be farther and farther away from the correct path of separating from your mistress. In fact, the hearts of cheating men and mistresses are not what you think at all. - DayDayNews

1. Why do men cheat?

Do men cheat for lust?

Chenxi has been focusing on third-party separation for eight years, and has handled tens of thousands of cases, among which more than 60% of cheating men were middle-aged men over 45 years old.

Many first wives have told me that their men are not very capable in that regard. They have not touched themselves for a long time. It is difficult to even hand in homework, and they are not that much trouble at all.

What's more, most men cheat with third parties who are not young, beautiful, with breasts and butts. Many mistresses are not as good looking as their original spouses, and are even several years older than the men. Some are divorced, with children, or even There are also some who are not divorced.

Can these third parties satisfy men’s desires?

So 80% of the time when men cheat, it’s not for desire.

Do men cheat for love?

In fact, it is not the case. If I am a man and I meet a woman that I truly love, then I have only one choice, which is to divorce my original wife and give the third party a title.

However, the first reaction of most cheating men after being discovered by their original spouse is to admit their mistake and go home to continue living with their original spouse. Even if they still keep in touch with their mistress, they must first stabilize their original spouse.

Obviously, middle-aged men no longer put love first. The first wife represents the stability of life, which is the most important thing in a man’s heart. That’s why there are so many cheating men and mistresses. She loves her to death outside and refuses to divorce.

So men don’t cheat for love.

So do men cheat for money?

This is easier to understand. Unless your man is Daniel Wu , otherwise a middle-aged man with an average appearance and a bit greasy will not even look down on you. The mistress is not stupid, so how can he take the initiative to help the poor?

Why did the man cheat?

is actually for a kind of value. This kind of value is called [emotional value]. It may be a sentence, dear, a sentence of caring from time to time, a sentence of disgusting words that an old couple would never say.

These sweet words are of no help to men’s lives, and even just a few words start to make men pay. But I have to admit that men can make men feel happy if they just eat this set of good and obedient words.

Because the original wife put all her energy into life, she had long forgotten to protect each other. Gradually, the original wife became a good life partner, but no longer a good lover.

Men have needs, they need to be worshiped, they need to be recognized, they need to be relied on, and they need a woman’s femininity. However, the first wives who are strong as mothers have no time to maintain these, just like the sisters in front of the screen. , you can think about how long it has been since you said soft words to a man.

The mistress is different, even an older mistress, as long as she can speak into a man's heart. Men only see sweet things in their eyes, why is it that no matter how much the original wife does, it is not as good as a few words from the mistress.

Because in a man’s mind, this is what a [life partner] should do, and the mistress is the [lover].

Therefore, many first wives lose because of their temper and their mouth. Even if the man comes back, the conditions are coercion and inducement. I don’t know what the man lacks and he can’t say it, but the man will still cheat.

When you have these two thoughts in your mind, you are destined to be farther and farther away from the correct path of separating from your mistress. In fact, the hearts of cheating men and mistresses are not what you think at all. - DayDayNews

2. What is the mentality of the mistress?

Although the mistress is the enemy of the first wife, she still cannot stop her. Many first wives admit that they are really afraid of the mistress. It is not their husband who is robbed, nor is their life in pieces. Everything they do seems to be a third party. within the author’s plan.

In the heart of the original wife, the mistress is still alive Kong Ming , but is this really the case?

In fact, the mistress is even more panicked than the first wife. The first wife must understand that even if the man really wants to divorce you, your family will stop you, the children, property and other conditions will also stop you. In the end, the court will stop you. To get a smooth divorce, you have to do whatever it takes. A month or two?

But where is the mistress? If a man has changed his mind, is tired of playing with her, or is afraid, all he needs to do is get rid of his mistress and contact her in a second or two.

So even if the man stays with the mistress 24 hours a day, as long as you have not divorced the man, the mistress will always be worried.

Moreover, mistresses have very twisted minds. While they want to be with a man, they also think that a man is just a cheater, and even his wife can betray him. Who knows if he will kick himself too one day.

So they seem to have a good attitude, but in fact, the slightest disturbance will cause them to have a nervous breakdown. For example, if you and a man are in love with each other in the circle of friends, for example, when the mistress is dating a man, the man will have your feelings. The smell of perfume, for example, the mistress asked the man to accompany her, but on this day you asked the man to go home for dinner.

The mistress doesn't panic on the surface, but she is actually doing it to please the man. In fact, she is already confused in her heart.

When you have these two thoughts in your mind, you are destined to be farther and farther away from the correct path of separating from your mistress. In fact, the hearts of cheating men and mistresses are not what you think at all. - DayDayNews

After understanding the above two points, you will know that if you want a man to come back, you must overcome the issue of emotional value. Similarly, the mistress’s mentality is far from as good as you think. If you seize the other party’s weaknesses and use some small tricks, it will be easy to win. It can be driven away.

If you are facing the problem of cheating at this moment, or are interested in marriage issues, you can [follow] Chen Xi, and I will update more emotional information in the future.

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Maybe just like those first wives who consulted me, you can get a method with a high success rate and easy to separate the mistress just by chatting.

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