Recently, I have been busy dating and disappeared from the Internet. My friends started asking me if the PC was arrested and why there was no sound at all. There is no communication in the group, and even though the brothers are chatting enthusiastically, you don’t even say a wor

2024/07/0305:32:32 emotion 1378

Recently, I have been busy dating and disappeared from the Internet. My friends started asking me if the PC was arrested and why there was no sound at all. There is no communication in the group, and even though the brothers are chatting enthusiastically, you don’t even say a wor - DayDayNews

has been busy dating recently and has disappeared from the Internet. Why did


My friends started asking me if my PC had been captured and why there was no sound at all. There is no communication in the group, and even though the brothers are chatting enthusiastically, you don’t even say a word.

The truth is, I even have plans to quit the group.

Exit all invalid social groups.

Any group that diverts attention, exit.

was just afraid of causing misunderstanding and was too lazy to explain, so he didn't exit.

There is another point. I haven’t reached the realm yet, but I still want to keep a link.

I'll stop it when I think it's ready. How did

change so much? My grandfather passed away some time ago and after experiencing the death of a loved one, I began to think about the proposition of life.

How to live meaningfully?

Sadly, the conclusion is that life is meaningless, everything will dissipate, everything is empty.

But it is meaningless. Let us use the concept of chaos mentioned before, and resisting this meaninglessness is exactly what it means. How can

resist? Fight against all evils and limitations.

Go against the will of heaven and finish this life.

My sister-in-law Liang often laments to me that time flies so fast and we are thirty in the blink of an eye. This life is too short and fleeting.

Last night, she asked me what I want to do most now? Maybe it was due to the Sage Moment, but I didn’t think much about it. After thinking about it for a while, I answered:

Write a novel, similar to A Song of Ice and Fire, and create a world in the book.

This is what comes to mind. After

finished speaking, I realized that this was not the correct answer. The man's sensitivity was lost in me. Quickly ask her what she wants most to change the subject.

She said she most wanted to ride with me Qiandao Lake to Xinjiang, Tibet, and Gansu.

Everything I want to do is with my brother.

depends on it?

After listening, I was very moved and decided to change my girlfriend.

How can the meaning of life be pinned on others? This is a woman, love brain , hormone secretion, risking life and death regardless of everything.

So stupid.

is also great.

I really wanted to tell her about pursuing the meaning of life, but at that moment, it was obviously inappropriate.

I said earlier that the process of resistance is the meaning of life, which is very vain. How to implement


When you have no direction, no passion, no motivation, and confusion, just study and exercise. Enrich yourself with knowledge and savage your body.

These are basic tasks that can provide you with decision-making in the future and sufficient physical energy to complete your goals.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, waiting for the day when the flowers bloom.

Learning and fitness should be carried out throughout life. Life is endless, and learning and fitness should not stop.

Of course, you can also choose to have beer and barbecue and play mahjong.

This is a joy.

It's just that you can't experience greater happiness like this.

cannot see the true beauty of this world.

because you don't have the


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