Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year-

2024/07/0305:34:32 emotion 1127

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he misses so much, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling.

Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old

My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a daughter who is 12 years old before, but he has no children.

My friends all say that I have found a treasure, because a man without children is like never married. He is also very good to my daughter, who is two years older than me.

We were introduced and met by colleagues in the factory. He is doing financial management work in another factory. Although the salary is not high, the work is very rigorous and serious. It is okay for the two of us to live a small life. Besides, I also only have one daughter, and my ex-husband will also provide a certain amount of child support, so the pressure in life is not very great.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

He has an old and small house. Although the decoration is very outdated and the area is only more than 70 square meters, it is very gratifying because the school district is very good and my daughter can study in a good school. , when we were together, we spent more than 50,000 yuan to renovate this small house, and it was quite comfortable to live in.

He also bought a new bed and study table for my daughter’s room. The study table alone cost more than 3,000. I told him that this was too expensive. He said that for children, functional study desks can be easier on the eyes. I can see that he still treats my daughter as his own. It is because of this that I am more determined to be with him, and I feel that being with him is not a disadvantage.

My daughter also likes this uncle very much. Although she hasn’t changed her name to dad yet, the two of them have a tacit understanding. They watch variety shows together. Sometimes when I’m not around, my husband also helps her with her homework. His math is pretty good, at least better than I am much better. I have safely forgotten all my daughter’s math problems and handed them all back to the teacher.

His monthly salary is more than 6,000 yuan, and he will give 4,000 yuan to me. There will also be a year-end bonus at the end of the year, which is also given to me.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

usually saves money. He only smokes the kind that costs ten yuan a pack, and sometimes he can’t smoke even one pack a day. It is said that he saves money and restrains himself. I don’t drink either. I only buy salt soda that costs two yuan a bottle. Of course, in winter, I only drink boiled water.

I have no other opinions about this husband. The only thing is that his relationship with me is not very close. He won’t share some of his deepest things and thoughts with me, maybe he thinks I don’t understand! The relationship between us as husband and wife is also very distant, or only once every two or three months. Sometimes I wonder, then why does he want to remarry? How is this different from living alone? But then I thought it was different for me. It gave me and my daughter a complete home.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

And sometimes he won’t tell me when he goes out. Later I discovered that there was a number in his mobile phone number without a name, but he was contacted frequently, maybe several times a month, which made me feel a little strange.

Once he went out after contacting this number. I followed him and then walked around to a community not too far away. I watched him climb up the corridor there, including a house on the third floor. Stayed.

I waited for a long time, probably two or three hours. I felt very desperate at the time. I saw him and a woman with long hair walking over, standing side by side. That woman is more mature, has long wavy hair, and looks about 50 years old. It's quite charming.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

"Who is she? What are you doing?" When I suddenly appeared in front of my husband, he was still startled, as if he had been caught.

"Don't get me wrong," said the wavy-haired woman. Later, I learned that this woman was the aunt of my husband’s ex-wife, and his ex-wife was raised by this aunt.

Husband’s ex-wife was diagnosed with cancer after they got married. After going through treatment for 5 or 6 years, she still passed away. This is why they did not have children. Moreover, the ex-wife is actually a left-behind child. When she was a child, her parents were away from home and she was kept at her grandmother's house. Only her aunt was by her side and she always took care of her like her own daughter. She was not much different from her at the age of one or two years ago, only ten years old.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

Therefore, the death of the ex-wife is not something that is too grieving for the parents-in-law who still have a son, but it is indeed very sad for this aunt, and the aunt is 52 years old and has never been married in her life.

On the one hand, I still envy my husband's sincere feelings for his ex-wife. Only with this feeling can he always remember and care for the people she misses. On the one hand, I feel that he hides such a thing from me, which shows that he doesn't trust me very much. I also have some doubts about whether we can continue to get along with each other. In other words, middle-aged people's love itself is divorced from the essence of love. It is a blessing to be able to live with each other and support each other.

Everyone has his own white moonlight in his heart. That white moonlight is the knot in his heart that he can't let go of, and it is also his purest and most sincere feeling. Narrator: Ms. Xiang, 38 years old. My husband and I are both married for the second time. I had a 12-year- - DayDayNews

is written at the back:

Women are all emotional animals, and some women may lack everything. When people reach middle age, they only remember a pure trust and heartbeat that can be telepathically transmitted to each other. The reason why

wants to remarry is to find a shoulder to lean on in the vast sea of ​​people, so that he can no longer hesitate when he is tired or confused.

This lady was lucky enough to find a relatively reliable husband for her second marriage, but her second husband did have a white moonlight that he could not forget. I think it is difficult to stop him from continuing to miss his ex-wife, and it is also difficult to stop the husband from taking care of his ex-wife's aunt. It depends on whether the lady can accept this.

Or open your heart and have an in-depth communication with him to see if your relationship can be closer and more intimate. In short, it depends on how you position your second marriage. If it is for love, then maybe it is not what you want. As a result, if you want a stable and comfortable life, then you still have a reason to go together.

Discussion: Do you think this woman and her second husband should stay together?

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