Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year.

2024/07/0115:45:33 emotion 1771

Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you don’t love each other. Maybe you really love each other at the beginning and really want to spend a lifetime with each other. However, as you spend more time together, the relationship between you will change. But it gradually fades away. The reason is only understood in your hearts. After all, this is your marriage.

Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year. - DayDayNews

However, there are many people nowadays. It is obvious that there is no love between two people, and the marriage has long existed in name only, but they are still tied to each other. Maybe you have unavoidable difficulties, maybe you have your own reasons, but, If you do this, you will only suffer yourself. We obviously no longer love each other, but we still have to live under the same roof and look at each other unfavorably every day. Since you have already reached this point, why not break up as soon as possible, stop tormenting each other, let each other go as soon as possible, and let yourself go.

Husband and wife getting along: 3 major manifestations of a marriage that is “in name only”. Don’t torture each other even if you have one, and break up as soon as possible.

Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year. - DayDayNews

1. The communication between two people becomes less and less, and in the end they ignore each other.

In a relationship, if two people truly love each other and have each other in their hearts, then you will definitely have a lot of topics to talk about together. There will also be a lot of things you want to say to the other person, such as: What happened in the company today, what interesting things happened today, what achievements were made at work... These are all daily topics that you will communicate with every day. , because we love each other, we always want to share our daily life with each other.

However, if there is no relationship between you and you no longer love each other, then the topics between you will become less and less, and in the end you will have nothing to say, because you no longer love each other, so you are not willing to be with her. The other party is unwilling to share, and is even less willing to take the initiative to communicate with the place. Therefore, the two of you become more and more silent, and in the end you are unwilling to talk to each other.

Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year. - DayDayNews

2. You started sleeping in separate beds.

There is no overnight feud between husband and wife. Even if they quarrel, it is always at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. Therefore, two people who truly love each other will not sleep in separate beds unless there are special circumstances. If two people reach the point where they must sleep in separate beds, it means that there is a problem with the relationship between you. , so they sleep in separate beds.

Two people who really love each other will never sleep in separate beds under any circumstances. Even if they quarrel, they will not make a big fuss over such a trivial matter. However, if two people really don’t love each other, they will no longer love each other. If you completely give up and no longer love each other, then naturally you will no longer be willing to sleep with the other person. Therefore, if you have already slept in separate beds, it means that there is really no relationship between you.

Marriage is a lifelong event for everyone, and many people take it seriously. However, even so, many people still get divorced every year. - DayDayNews

3. You eat together less and less often.

As a couple, you will definitely eat three meals a day together. Of course, even if there are not three meals, you can still have two meals together. However, if the number of times you eat together becomes less and less, and the number of times you eat together in a month can only be counted on your fingers, then the relationship between you has really come to an end.

Two people who truly love each other, even if they are really busy, will still find time to have a meal with a woman. They will never say that they are unwilling or have no time. Only when they really don’t love each other will they find various ways to excuses to prevaricate and decline. If you two eat together less and less often, and in the end you almost no longer want to eat together, then, in that case, stop tormenting each other and break up as soon as possible.


Any relationship needs to be managed carefully. Marriage does not mean forever. If you get married but don't manage it well, then, even if you two fall in love again, you will eventually leave. Take the path of divorce.Therefore, when you have it, you must cherish it. Of course, if you really don’t love it anymore and can’t run it anymore, don’t torture yourself and let it go as soon as possible.

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