#生活的stage# A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After several years of hard work after getting married, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, h

2024/07/0119:49:33 emotion 1484

#生活的stage# A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After several years of hard work after getting married, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, h - DayDayNews

A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After getting married, after several years of hard work, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, he has a younger brother and younger sister. They were both in college at the time. The family was poor at the time, so the elder brother had been taking care of his younger siblings and paying their school fees.

They both work in a company. After receiving their monthly salary, there is not much left except paying rent and water and electricity bills. At this time, their younger brothers and sisters often come to them for money. As an older brother, he feels that since he is the eldest, he should help his younger siblings. Therefore, his husband always saves money in daily life and gives all the money he saves to his younger siblings.

The wife can't stand the husband's behavior. She feels like they are a family. Now that they are married, as the younger brother and sister, this is the responsibility of the parents. How can they leave it all to the older brother? In the future, if the two of them don't struggle on their own and work hard on their own, and rely entirely on their brother, how will they live this life?

#生活的stage# A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After several years of hard work after getting married, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, h - DayDayNews

But my husband still does this. Their life is also very tense. Sometimes when buying meat, two people have to discuss it. In daily life, they were careful about their expenses. Later, they saved the money to buy clothes and meat in their daily life. The wife thought that if they save some money, their children will go to school in the future. If a family member gets sick, they will It is more convenient to go to the doctor. In the end, they discussed how each of them would save some money after their monthly salary, and let their wives take care of it, and store it in one bank. They had been saving for more than three years, and it was estimated that there were nearly 200,000 yuan in this bank. !

Later, the husband fell ill in the hospital and needed to be hospitalized, so the wife took this card to the hospital to pay. As a result, the other party said that the balance in the card was insufficient, so she went to the ATM to check. There is only 59 yuan left.

The wife suddenly knew that she kept the card directly, but her husband knew where to put it. But now she knew that her husband had secretly taken away the card and all the money and gave it to her parents. I have a younger brother and a sister, and out of the 200,000 yuan in my card, I actually have 59 yuan left.

#生活的stage# A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After several years of hard work after getting married, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, h - DayDayNews

So when the wife thought about these things, she felt very sad. She felt that she had worked hard for the family. She rarely even bought cosmetics and clothes, so she could save some money. As a result, my husband has been giving it to his younger siblings. If this continues, how will we live this life? If I have children in the future, how will I go to school?

So after she returned home, she took her bag and returned to her parents' home. At this time, the husband became ill and had no one to take care of him, so he called his mother. The mother said that she was not in good health, so he called his sister. The sister said that he was busy with studies and had no time to take care of him. He called his brother, and the brother said that he was busy with work. Now he regrets it.

I want to say that you and your wife are married and living in the city is very difficult. As parents, you should be considerate of your son's hardships and not blindly ask for things from your son. As younger brothers and sisters, you still need to understand that you have to rely on your own efforts in life. If you always rely on others and blindly ask for things from others, you will not have the ability to survive in this society in the future.

#生活的stage# A couple got married. Their parents did not buy a house for them when they got married. They rented a house themselves first. After several years of hard work after getting married, they bought a house with a mortgage. Because the husband’s family is in a rural area, h - DayDayNews

You must know that a happy life is the result of hard work. Mountains will fall, and water will flow. Only by sweating your own sweat and eating your own food, maybe you will have more room for development in this society in the future!

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