During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report.

2024/07/0219:55:33 emotion 1752

During a casual chat, we talked about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report.

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

Being able to wait until the college entrance examination before getting divorced is generally not considered irresponsible.

After the college entrance examination, my parents told me that we would have a family meeting.

Looking at their nervous expressions, I said calmly: "Are you getting divorced?"

They seemed to have been stung by something, so they talked to me in a serious and somewhat guilty manner. .

The general idea is that our divorce had a great impact on you when you were young. At that time, you needed the warmth and care of your parents and family. But now that you are an adult, you have to leave your original family to go to college. In the future, you will go out to have a career, and you will no longer be like when you were a child. Then parents are needed. Of course, we are your biological parents no matter what, we still love you, and we are still your family.

"I have no objection."

My parents looked at me in surprise.

"You will say next that you have endured for me for almost twenty years, so you are not irresponsible parents. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and there is no need to torture each other. No need to say anymore, I understand, you Get a divorce!" I said calmly

Looking at the worried expressions of my parents, I breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"You should have divorced a long time ago. In my memory since I was a child, you have always been arguing and arguing. I went to the court several times to get divorced, and I cried loudly every time, so I came back, but then there were more quarrels and divorces, and the cycle started over and over again. I know you didn't get married for the past year because of my college entrance examination. If we quarrel again, I guess you have agreed to get divorced after I finish the college entrance examination, so I won’t expose you in the future. Now that the college entrance examination is over, you can do whatever you want! I went with you. When I was a child, I didn’t ask for my children’s opinion. I said I wanted both. You didn’t get divorced several times and went home with me crying. After all, I was still a few months away from turning 18, so it would be easier to go together. No more trouble."

These two looked at me for a long time like I was a monster. They finally understood that I was not angry and said quickly, "No, no, no, we are going to send you to college together. We are telling you now, This is to prepare you mentally. When you grow up and understand your parents, we are all grateful to you."

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

The child happily took the admission notice to his parents, but the parents took out two divorce papers.

Next, as planned, our family happily went to the key university where I was admitted. My parents visited the city where my university is located and its surroundings before the start of school. This is the first time our family has traveled abroad, but it may also be the last time.

Before leaving, they were indeed reluctant to leave me, but my yearning for a new life has diluted the sadness of parting. But I still asked with concern, "Have you found your next home yet?"

They looked at each other suspiciously, once again confirming whether they had given birth to a freak.

I don't bother to care about them. Anyway, if I hadn't studied well, they would have long thought that I belong to the category with poor IQ. From childhood to adulthood, I asked them questions that they couldn't answer.

Then the new semester started, and I was very busy with military training classes. Before the winter vacation, I learned from relatives that they had divorced. Although I felt calm at that time, I still took the English class and did not go back. Later, because of the epidemic and preparation for the postgraduate entrance examination, I never went back.

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

Unexpectedly, after their junior year, these two enemies who had been quarreling for half their lives came to my school during the summer and said that they had remarried and were going on honeymoon. During the surprised chat, I realized that their remarriage was actually very important. related to the epidemic.

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

Since ancient times, mothers-in-law have been forced to eat hard.

Because of the epidemic, my father no longer has to receive relatives from his hometown, and my illiterate grandmother cannot come to the city to pay her mother-in-law's money. She teaches her mother not to be filial to the elderly, and only gives 5,000 yuan a month. pension; regardless of her brothers, she lives a good life but instigates her father to ignore the lives of other brothers. She is really a bad woman who is struck by lightning.

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

The strong mother-in-law reprimanded the son-in-law

And the grandma will not come to the house again to accuse the father of making little money back then and having too many things to do in his hometown. He is a proper Phoenix man. It’s not that my grandpa couldn’t bear to see his daughter suffering and paved the way for him to start a business. Now he is a pauper. Now he just wants to show off to his wife by making a little money. What the hell?

Dad didn’t have to go to the business to socialize and find connections to fight for business. One day he came home drunk in the middle of the night, and his mother suspected that there was a mistress outside.

A mother will not feel unbalanced and worry about taking advantage of poor relatives and mistresses, spending money everywhere to buy luxury goods, or playing mahjong to relieve her mood and being away from home all day long, and being scolded by her father for being a prodigal.

Because of the epidemic, my grandmother and her family heard that her father had lost a lot of money in business, and they were afraid of involving other children and grandchildren, so they almost stopped interacting with her. She also expected her other children and grandchildren to provide for them in old age, and she could not let her father implicate them.

Due to the epidemic, it is difficult for several uncles to do business. Grandma knows the truth and knows that her father has left some wealth for herself, and she does not say that her father is useless.

My father knew that business was not easy to do, so he simply stopped going to the wine shop and practiced calligraphy and boxing at home. The mother was also unable to play cards due to the epidemic, so she no longer wanted to spend money on luxury goods to show off. The relationship between the two slowly began to improve.

Especially during the lockdown due to the epidemic, the real estate had not been completely divided at that time, and the two of them were still living together. When they were bored, they talked about the past. Only then did my mother realize that although my grandfather helped in my father’s business, his uncles looked down on him. He has many connections that he has accumulated little by little. He used to spend money to treat people to dinner but still not get the order.

And my father also just found out that his mother had given birth to a girl because of his wife, so he felt that he could control his mother. During the confinement period, his father was busy with business in other places, which made his mother very angry and made her suffer from confinement syndrome.

During a casual chat, I was talking about whether divorce would be a high-risk period after the college entrance examination and the epidemic. One of my friends’ story made me very emotional. The following is this friend’s self-report. - DayDayNews

As the two of them chatted, they actually felt like they were in love, so they got remarried. Although I earn less money than before, I don't have to drink, play cards, buy luxury goods and take care of my relatives back home, so I actually earn less than in previous years. They planned to buy a house near my workplace when I started working, completely away from the environment of my hometown.

"You won't quarrel or get divorced again, will you?" Looking at the two people who are over a hundred years old together, but have never been reliable, I can't help but feel puzzled despite being happy.

They quickly told me to shut up, saying that due to limited conditions, they had no money to go on a honeymoon after getting married, so now that the epidemic has improved, they will take me on a trip with them when I am on vacation to make up for the honeymoon regrets.

Looking at the sweet looks on their faces, I was thinking about whether to make a light bulb?

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