The relationship between adult men and women has never been a happy one. Indeed, those love words and ambiguity will give you a very sweet feeling, but if there are only these things, it is impossible for love to develop and sublimate. Even if you go around without even touching

2024/07/0207:11:32 emotion 1763

The relationship between adult men and women has never been able to remain pure and pure.

Indeed, those love words and ambiguity will give you a very sweet feeling, but if there are only these things, it is impossible for love to develop and sublimate. Even if you go around without even touching it, you will slowly wear away the love in your heart, and you will subconsciously feel that maybe it is just for fun.

Of course, feelings are not so casual. It really just takes a look, a smile at each other, and then you can go home with each other. Instead, as the relationship progresses, you slowly give and receive, and slowly recognize the other person. Of course, not everyone who appears around you will definitely show you true love.

Generally speaking, before "kissing", women have these three requirements, mostly just for "fun".

The relationship between adult men and women has never been a happy one. Indeed, those love words and ambiguity will give you a very sweet feeling, but if there are only these things, it is impossible for love to develop and sublimate. Even if you go around without even touching  - DayDayNews

asks to remain friends

Love is love, friendship is friendship, friends and lovers are two completely different concepts.

Any idea that you want to be included in it is actually impossible. This also means that as long as there is no love in your hearts, you will naturally be friends, but once your hearts are moved, it can no longer be just friends. Even if you get too close, there will always be problems.

Therefore, if a woman asks to remain friends before kissing, then most of her kindness to you is just for fun.

Otherwise, if we are already so close, how could we still be friends? It's like she has already slept with you, but she says she is just a friend with you. How is this possible?

The relationship between adult men and women has never been a happy one. Indeed, those love words and ambiguity will give you a very sweet feeling, but if there are only these things, it is impossible for love to develop and sublimate. Even if you go around without even touching  - DayDayNews

asks you to give her all your savings

A woman chooses to stay with you and asks you to spend some money for her. That is normal.

However, the depth of feelings often determines the amount of money. If she doesn't even let you hold her hand, but asks you to hand over your monthly salary to her to manage, how can she possibly love you deeply? On the contrary, it is more likely to have an ulterior purpose.

Therefore, if a woman asks you to give her all your savings before kissing, it is probably just for fun. In fact, once she gets all your money, she will spend it without mercy and will not feel sorry for your efforts at all.

On the contrary, when your money cannot meet her requirements, she will not sympathize with your hard work, but will despise you for being useless and not even having that little money.

The relationship between adult men and women has never been a happy one. Indeed, those love words and ambiguity will give you a very sweet feeling, but if there are only these things, it is impossible for love to develop and sublimate. Even if you go around without even touching  - DayDayNews

requires you to meet her material needs

Love is not poverty alleviation. Especially for women, it is natural to choose to be with a certain man for the sake of a better tomorrow.

Many times, it’s not that a woman is too snobbish or too materialistic, but that she knows that she will have a hard life after being with you, and that there are better choices around her. The key is that she has not fallen in love with you at all, even if you No matter how nice you are to her, she has no obligation to choose you.

So, before kissing, if a woman asks you to meet certain material needs of hers, especially those that you cannot possibly meet, then she is probably just playing for fun. Maybe, in your opinion, this may be her testing you, but in fact, she is trying to force you to leave.

You must know that if you really fall in love with you, then it is enough that you can satisfy her a little bit, and there is no need to be so forced.

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