Something has happened recently. Although it has happened, life is still the same as before, as usual. But psychologically, there are some changes gradually from when it first happened, and I feel that people should not be too harsh on themselves. It was easy to be anxious before

2024/07/0207:00:32 emotion 1689

Something has happened recently. Although it has happened, life is still the same as before, living as usual.

But psychologically, there are some changes gradually from when it first happened, and I feel that people should not be too harsh on themselves. Before

, I was very prone to anxiety, and there were few ways to relieve anxiety. The reason was that I was too retrospective and perfect.

Because I don’t want to be a coward or be weak. I can't accept cowardice and weakness. So I keep trying to be strong! Keep hiding your sadness!

Something has happened recently. Although it has happened, life is still the same as before, as usual. But psychologically, there are some changes gradually from when it first happened, and I feel that people should not be too harsh on themselves. It was easy to be anxious before - DayDayNews

I believe that many people are like this; whenever a problem arises, "Multiple options" will appear in their mind, and they will even come up with multiple solutions before the problem comes. I am still worried about "How to solve it" if all methods fail! In fact, it’s really tiring to think about it!

The reason for everything is that although there is beauty in this world, it is not very friendly either.

Faced with these, the first instinctive reaction is that we must show it to the world. Always give yourself a feeling of "sad for the misfortune and angry for the indisputable"! At this time, I was extremely tired! The reason is; too idealistic! What to do with

? Always give yourself a spiritual outlet! I heard: If you feel anxious, read " Su Dongpo ". For example; Ding Feng Bo "Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest"

Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly. Bamboo sticks and mango shoes are easier than horses, who is afraid? A coop of mist and rain will last a lifetime.

The steep spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it is slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly. Looking back at the desolate place where I came from, there was neither wind, rain nor sunshine.

Something has happened recently. Although it has happened, life is still the same as before, as usual. But psychologically, there are some changes gradually from when it first happened, and I feel that people should not be too harsh on themselves. It was easy to be anxious before - DayDayNews

The first part of the poem goes like this: "A bamboo stick can beat a horse easily with mango shoes, who is afraid? You can live your whole life in the misty rain." Walking in the wind and rain with bamboo sticks and mango shoes was originally a very difficult life, but Su Shi walked gracefully and leisurely. And for this kind of life, he further inspired himself!

"You can live your whole life under the mist and rain". "A coir raincoat is in the mist and rain", the entire coir raincoat is in the mist and rain, and his whole body is exposed to the wind and rain. This "a rainstorm" is like the ups and downs of life, the ups and downs of dissatisfaction.

And "let my life", no matter how hard it is, I will always be calm, calm and optimistic. This sentence is actually a true portrayal of Su Shi's life.

Later paragraph: "The steep spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it is slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly." Such an interesting and philosophical picture. There is a sharp spring breeze here, and I feel the slightest chill. There is a slanting light from the top of the mountain over there, and I feel a little warm. This not only describes the scene, but also expresses the philosophy of life.

"Looking back to the desolate place, when I return, there is no wind, rain or sunshine." After returning home, look back at the windy and rainy places to see where it is still raining and where it is still sunny. The so-called wind, rain and sunshine are just illusions in people's minds.

After reading "Ding Feng Bo", there has indeed been a big change. It is enlightening, enlightening, and purifying the mind.

learn from "Su Dongpo", experience happiness when happiness comes, and try to deal with sadness when sadness comes. Stop living life and let life live us!

Something has happened recently. Although it has happened, life is still the same as before, as usual. But psychologically, there are some changes gradually from when it first happened, and I feel that people should not be too harsh on themselves. It was easy to be anxious before - DayDayNews

Give yourself a little more patience and experience the various flavors in the journey of life. Accept everything calmly and accept the tears when you are weak.

Every stage of life has its own revelations. It is not about knowing the ultimate answer in advance, but giving yourself enough patience, because there is no way to skip a level in life.

Stop struggling with things that you can't do anything about. We are just human beings, and it is useless to worry about many things. When you can do it, try your best; when you can't do it, do your best.


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