If there were no choices in life, everything would be in order, and the goals would be clear, there would be no problems or worries in life.

2024/07/0214:07:32 emotion 1108

If there were no choices in life, everything would be in order, and the goals would be clear, there would be no problems or worries in life.

If there were no choices in life, everything would be in order, and the goals would be clear, there would be no problems or worries in life. - DayDayNews

Let us temporarily put aside irresistible choices, such as birth, fate, relatives, etc. In fact, there are many choices to choose from, such as making friends, choosing a career, choosing a lover, etc., they are all choices we can make. There is a saying that says, "Maybe We cannot determine the length of life, but we can broaden the width of destiny." Similarly, we may not be able to determine the height of life, but we can determine our dedication.

Among the options, there are high-end choices and low-end choices. High-end choices are obtained by ability, such as loving someone, buying a house and car you like, and traveling to places you want to visit. These are very costly and can only be achieved after a lot of effort. The low-end is a no-cost option that does not require a lot of effort and does not bring much value to people. For example, what to eat for breakfast today, where to go, etc. are all common choices that everyone has the ability to make.

If there were no choices in life, everything would be in order, and the goals would be clear, there would be no problems or worries in life. - DayDayNews

We long to have a lot, but we are often unable to do anything about it. Because we pay too much, we will be discouraged and dare not take the potential risks brought by our choices. We take every step and seem to be living the most practical life, but in fact we miss countless opportunities for change.

In the end, we can only make countless low-end choices and live a boring life repeatedly. Sometimes we will complain about the unfair fate, but in the end we can only accept our fate.

There are many choices in life, but not everything can be chosen. Everyone can only choose what is within their ability. If you want to have more choices, you can only make more efforts.

If there were no choices in life, everything would be in order, and the goals would be clear, there would be no problems or worries in life. - DayDayNews

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