Whether in rural areas, in work units, or in urban communities, there are several categories of men who live a miserable life. There are several reasons. First: Men who were carefree when they were young, in rural areas, are men who are fooling around. They either cheat on women

2024/07/0116:30:32 emotion 1950

Whether in rural areas, in work units, or in urban communities, there are several categories of men who live a miserable life.

has several reasons.

Whether in rural areas, in work units, or in urban communities, there are several categories of men who live a miserable life. There are several reasons. First: Men who were carefree when they were young, in rural areas, are men who are fooling around. They either cheat on women  - DayDayNews

No. 1: Men who were carefree when they were young,

In rural areas, they are men who are fooling around. They either cheat on women outside of marriage and have affairs with women outside of marriage. They don’t care about their wives at home and don’t care about their children’s education. In this case, it will cause several problems. It is difficult to educate children successfully. Generally speaking, it is difficult to get into college. When the wife was young, she had to endure hardships and compromise for the sake of the children. But once the children grow up, the wife will either follow her son or daughter to take care of her grandchildren and nephews, but she no longer has the same feelings for this man as she did when she was young. That kind of infatuation will not be taken care of properly. Even if a man returns to his family at this time, he will rarely be welcomed by his children.

I have a relative who is a doctor and owns a very large private pharmacy. He is very rich. His first wife has four children, who are very good. His wife looks after these four children. To be honest, his four children Under the education of his wife, both children have been admitted to good universities and have started a family. And he found a mistress who gave him a son and a daughter. Now that the daughter born to the third son is getting married, his son needs money for his marriage and his drug store has collapsed again.

Whether in rural areas, in work units, or in urban communities, there are several categories of men who live a miserable life. There are several reasons. First: Men who were carefree when they were young, in rural areas, are men who are fooling around. They either cheat on women  - DayDayNews

He also had a mistress. When he saw that he wouldn't pay, he turned around and found another man.

As for his wife, she followed his son abroad in a fit of anger and has not been back for several years.

He is now over sixty years old, and he is still working hard to earn money for the child born to his mistress and to buy a house.

Second: An unrealistic man cannot live a down-to-earth life.

This type of men are not pragmatic. They think about making a fortune all day long. They are too ambitious and have high ambitions but low ambitions. If you see others making money, you will do whatever you want. Once you see others making another kind of money, you will start to change careers again, going around in circles. I haven't seen how much money he makes.

There is also buying lottery tickets all day long, thinking about making a fortune, and buying stocks. There is a person in our community who buys stocks. His family was a demolished household. He had two sons who were originally divided into three apartments. It happened that one son had an apartment and the old couple had an apartment. What a great thing. They earned some money and spent it. However, his family kept the inside of the house I bought all my savings in stocks and lost them all in 2018. My wife cried and fussed with him, but there was nothing we could do.

Whether in rural areas, in work units, or in urban communities, there are several categories of men who live a miserable life. There are several reasons. First: Men who were carefree when they were young, in rural areas, are men who are fooling around. They either cheat on women  - DayDayNews

Third: A man with immature emotions and personality.

Is irritable and has no independent opinions. He is a mama's boy. He will believe whatever he says.

He is emotionally unstable, irritable and goes to extremes. Such a person is terrible. He has a flawed character. Once you annoy him, he will become a loser. Your life is in danger. Once you encounter such a person, hide as far away as you can. Don't have the heart of a holy mother.

There is a man in our village. His wife's arm was broken by him, and his son was deafened by a slap in the ear. Don't you think it's scary?

It's okay for such a person to meet a wife who is strong-willed and strong-willed. But if he meets a wife who can't control him, the life of a family is simply a mess.

The most irritating thing is this kind of mama's boy. It's like you have raised an ineffective son. I have endless worries all day long.

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