Regarding marrying a daughter or a wife, it can be said to be a major event in life. Only when you are well-matched can you live a happy life. In real life, there are certain things to pay attention to when marrying a daughter or a wife. For example, there is a folk saying, "Marr

2024/06/3014:13:32 emotion 1211

Regarding marrying a daughter or a wife, it can be said to be a major event in life. Only when you are well-matched can you live a happy life. In real life, there are certain things to pay attention to when marrying a daughter or a wife. For example, there is a folk saying, "Marry a daughter with your head up, marry a wife with your head down." This is what people have concluded through life experience.

This proverb not only applies to the past, but also has certain reference significance from the perspective of today's society. So what does "Marry a daughter with your head up, marry a wife with your head down" exactly mean? Why should you raise your head when marrying a daughter? Why should you bow your head when marrying a wife? In this article, the author will talk about these things in detail, and everyone will have the answer after reading it.

Regarding marrying a daughter or a wife, it can be said to be a major event in life. Only when you are well-matched can you live a happy life. In real life, there are certain things to pay attention to when marrying a daughter or a wife. For example, there is a folk saying,

Let’s first talk about “marrying a daughter with your head raised”

Literally speaking, you should hold your head raised when marrying a daughter, but what does it mean specifically? From 2 aspects.

First, when a girl is looking for a husband, she should look for someone whose family conditions are better than her own. Especially from the perspective of parents, everyone wants their daughter to marry into a family with good conditions. They all say, "If you raise a poor child, a rich one will." "Adopted daughter", your daughter has been rich since she was a child, and after getting married, she cannot suffer when she goes to the groom's house.

If she marries into a poor family and her daughter’s life is not as good as before she was married, then what’s the point of marrying? Therefore, "raising one's head" here means marrying into a family with better conditions than one's own.

Secondly, when a daughter gets married, parents should raise their heads and not let the groom’s family look down on her. The purpose is also very simple. Let the groom’s family see the attitude of the bride’s family. It does not mean that they will ignore it after marriage. The man's family will also go out to show off if they are angry.

Of course, this does not mean arrogance, but it means that the daughter must be respected after she gets married. If the daughter is humbled when she gets married, it will make people feel that she is condescending. Therefore, "looking up" here means an attitude.

Regarding marrying a daughter or a wife, it can be said to be a major event in life. Only when you are well-matched can you live a happy life. In real life, there are certain things to pay attention to when marrying a daughter or a wife. For example, there is a folk saying,

Let’s talk about “bowing down to marry a wife”

To explain it literally, a man should lower his head when marrying a wife. What does it mean specifically? Also from two aspects.

First, "lowering one's head" does not mean bowing one's head to marry a wife, but it means that when looking for a wife, try to find a wife whose family conditions are slightly worse than your own, and do not look for a family with better conditions than your own. As for the reason, find a wife whose conditions are better than your own. A good family may not be able to hold its head high, giving people the feeling of being high-spirited. Moreover, you have to be careful in everything you do, fearing that if you do something wrong, you will make the woman’s family unhappy.

To give a practical example, a friend of the author is from a rural area, and his parents are also very ordinary farmers. After being introduced by someone, he married a daughter-in-law from the county town. Before getting married, he was a very sunny person. After getting married, he became confident. No more. We were eating out, and my wife called me and she had to go home immediately.

For my mother-in-law's birthday, she saved money on food and drinks and spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a necklace for her. But for my mother, I was reluctant to spend 200 yuan on clothes because I was worried that my mother-in-law would be unhappy. Everyone said, what’s the point of living like this?

So when we say, "bow down to marry a wife," the "low down" here means finding someone with slightly worse conditions than your own, and your life will be better.

Regarding marrying a daughter or a wife, it can be said to be a major event in life. Only when you are well-matched can you live a happy life. In real life, there are certain things to pay attention to when marrying a daughter or a wife. For example, there is a folk saying,

Secondly, when a man marries a daughter-in-law, whether he or his parents meet the woman's parents, he should bow his head slightly to show humility and give the woman's family the greatest respect. They have worked hard to take care of their daughter and then marry her. In addition, it is not easy to find a wife. Therefore, to let the girl's parents see sincerity, "bowing your head" does not mean showing weakness, but an expression of kindness.

After seeing this, I believe everyone has a certain understanding of "marry a daughter with your head up, marry a wife with your head down." If you think about it carefully, the same is true for marrying a wife and a daughter nowadays. The right person can only be found if you meet him/her. If you meet the right person, get married as soon as possible. What do you think about "looking up" and "bowing down" in

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