These two emotionally charged people were a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman s

2024/06/3006:08:32 emotion 1879

These two emotionally charged people are a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman soon regretted it.

Because the woman was not doing well, she wanted to come back and remarry her ex-husband. The ex-husband directly stated that he would never remarry. He would rather die alone than live with his ex-wife.

These two emotionally charged people were a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman s - DayDayNews

The man’s name is Chen Xun’an. He and his ex-wife Li Xiuyun have two children, and they also had a relatively happy time.

Li Xiuyun's reason for remarrying was that she wanted to come back to take care of her two children, but Chen Xun'an felt that this was the excuse given by his ex-wife. She was willing to come back now because she was not having a good life outside.

Chen Xun'an revealed that before Li Xiuyun's divorce, she always gambled, was away from home all day, and often came back at three or four in the middle of the night, and often hooked up with other men.

He also tried to retain Li Xiuyun, hoping that she would change her mind and live a good life with him, but Li Xiuyun didn't care about his feelings at all and insisted on leaving.

In addition to betraying his marriage and family, what Chen Xunan cannot accept the most is that Li Xiuyun has a tendency to domestic violence .

Li Xiuyun had a very bad temper. She always beat and scolded him before, and sometimes even stabbed him directly with scissors. If he didn't resist, he might have died long ago.

Chen Xun'an was able to tolerate Li Xiuyun in the beginning mainly because he didn't want his two children to have no mother. He never expected that he had tolerated it to this point, but Li Xiuyun still refused to be satisfied and insisted on divorcing him.

These two emotionally charged people were a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman s - DayDayNews

Chen Xunan reluctantly agreed, and he suffered for a long time. But Chen Xun'an soon discovered that his life did not seem to be greatly affected.

To be more precise, without Li Xiuyun's messing around, Chen Xun'an's life was much happier.

He can take care of his two children by himself, sleep when he is sleepy, cook when he is hungry, and go find friends when he is bored, living a very relaxed life. If Li Xiuyun comes back, it will definitely destroy his happy life, which he is not willing to accept at all.

In Chen Xun'an's view, living with Li Xiuyun only brought pain and anger, which was far less comfortable than living alone, so he refused to agree to remarry.

Li Xiuyun did not have a good temper. She forcefully demanded from Chen Xun'an that she built the house at home and she had the right to come back and live there.

Chen Xun'an directly retorted that the property division had already been completed when they divorced. Now the house belongs to him and his children, and Li Xiuyun does not have any share.

Li Xiuyun has betrayed this family long ago. The children have been completely disappointed in her. There is no reason for her to come back. Chen Xun'an's attitude was very firm. No matter how much Li Xiuyun made trouble, he did not want to agree to remarry.

These two emotionally charged people were a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman s - DayDayNews

Seeing that Li Xiuyun was too tough, she started to be soft. She knelt at the door of her home and begged Chen Xun'an, saying that she already knew she was wrong. If Chen Xun'an was willing to remarry, she would be willing to make changes without any complaints.

Chen Xun'an felt that what Li Xiuyun was doing now was just a disguise. Once he took her home, she would definitely become her original self again.

He no longer wants to have anything to do with Li Xiuyun. Just avoid her and go somewhere else. Li Xiuyun waited until midnight, but Chen Xun'an still refused to show up.

These two emotionally charged people were a divorced couple. They have been married for 20 years. The woman had an affair, abandoned the family, and separated from the man. At that time, the two said they had no contact with each other for the rest of their lives, but the woman s - DayDayNews

In the end, Li Xiuyun left in despair. She didn't know where to go, and there was only endless regret in her heart. If she had not filed for divorce, she would not be homeless now.

Some people said that she brought it upon herself, while others said that she already knew she was wrong and that Chen Xun'an should give her another chance. What do you think about Li Xiuyun? Please leave a message to express your opinion.

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