Time flies so fast, and before I know it, I have reached middle age, but in my heart I still feel as if time is still in the past, because I will never forget the roads I have walked, the people I have seen, and the things I have seen. Some people may ask, why don't you and Xiaow

2024/06/2912:32:32 emotion 1663

Time flies so fast, and before I know it, I have reached middle age, but in my heart I still feel that time is still in the past, because I will never forget the roads I have walked, the people I have seen, and the things I have seen. Some people may ask, why don't you and Xiaowei get together? Why did they not become husband and wife? This is a puzzle for many people.

If it was really such a perfect ending, maybe I wouldn’t write such an article today, nor would I write my story. Everyone has their own Xiaowei in their hearts, and everyone has their own stories in their hearts. This is what we think in our hearts. Those bits and pieces of the past, the past, may also evoke a trace of your memories. There may be a bit of nostalgia in it for my childhood in 708090.

Time flies so fast, and before I know it, I have reached middle age, but in my heart I still feel as if time is still in the past, because I will never forget the roads I have walked, the people I have seen, and the things I have seen. Some people may ask, why don't you and Xiaow - DayDayNews

Xiaowei’s full name is Zhang Wei. We are from the same village. Let’s talk about our story from when I was 7 years old. It was just a few years after the land was divided into households. When I was a child, my father Tell me that life is better now, that I can eat rice, and that I am finally better. I was very young and didn’t know what kind of psychological state this kind of joy and joy was, but what I could really feel was that this kind of joy came from the yearning in my father’s heart, and from my father’s sense of accomplishment that I hadn’t had in a long time. . It wasn’t until many years later that I realized that it was not easy to have enough to eat in that era, and it was already a very luxurious life.

Time flies so fast, and before I know it, I have reached middle age, but in my heart I still feel as if time is still in the past, because I will never forget the roads I have walked, the people I have seen, and the things I have seen. Some people may ask, why don't you and Xiaow - DayDayNews

When I was a child, my family was very poor, really poor. I didn’t feel much about the thatched house at home. I knew that such houses sometimes leaked, and I could hear the noise of mice when I went to bed at night. But when I was a child, there was no such thing as a thatched house. Carefree, able to sleep, not thinking about many, many things. Because I can eat enough, I already feel that it is a very happy thing. Zhang Wei's home is very close to our home, not far away, less than a mile apart. We don't play together often, but we can see each other often when we are in school. When she was a child, she had a ponytail.

Time flies so fast, and before I know it, I have reached middle age, but in my heart I still feel as if time is still in the past, because I will never forget the roads I have walked, the people I have seen, and the things I have seen. Some people may ask, why don't you and Xiaow - DayDayNews

We didn’t go to kindergarten at that time. I went to first grade when I was 8 years old. When I was young, I was in poor health and often got sick. Sometimes I didn’t go to class. The teacher wouldn’t say anything. In my memory, the teacher was serious and responsible in class. The teacher said how good it is to study, but I don’t have so many concepts in my mind.

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