In the hit movie "Happiness to Wanjia", He Xingfu was humiliated on the first day he got married and moved to Wanjia Village. His sister was humiliated for causing trouble in the wedding room and a bench was thrown on Wanjia, the son of the secretary. Therefore, he and Wanjia wer

2024/06/2912:27:32 emotion 1007

In the popular [ Happiness to Wanjia ], on the first day when He Xingfu got married and moved to Wanjia Village, his sister was humiliated for causing trouble in the marriage room, and a bench was thrown on Wanjia, the son of the secretary. Therefore, there was a conflict with the secretary and his family of Wanjiacun.

Later, when the village invested in building a factory, Xingfu and Wang Qing repeatedly argued with the secretary's family over compensation for land expropriation. Later, things got worse and worse. No matter what others tried to persuade Xingfu, she would just admit it. The word "reason" means she has to fight for everything. Do you think she lives a happy life?

In the hit movie

What is happiness? What does happiness look like? In the book "The Underlying Logic of Happiness", Liu Xiaobo looks for the logical relationship between them and happiness from six aspects: morality, rights, , and outlook on life, and reveals the truth about happiness for us.

1. Will people be happy if they lose their moral values?

What is morality? Hume said in "A Study of Moral Principles": There is no objective standard for whether something is moral. It only reflects an emotional preference of human beings, and morality is just a choice.

In the hit movie

In this TV series, Wan Chuanjia, the son of the secretary, drank too much at the wedding, touched his happy sister Lucky, and even tore Lucky's clothes. This matter was morally wrong for the Wan family. When Xingfu came to ask for an explanation, the Wan family actually said that it was the Wang family who invited him to have a wedding and refused to apologize.

The audience in the audience was itching to see this, but in rural areas, human feelings are higher than morality, so Wang Qinglai and his family were trying to persuade Happiness not to pursue the matter, and just be patient and let it go.

In the hit movie

But I couldn't bear the happiness, so I had to ask for an explanation, which was why the whole village got rid of the bad habit of making marriages. Happiness adheres to the correct moral values.

2. Can having rights make people happy?

Rights are the ability to control others and the outcome of something. It is invisible and intangible, but it attracts people. But does having rights make people happy?

In the hit movie

In the play, Secretary Wan Shantang can be said to have great power in Wanjia Village. Although he holds great power, he also bears the expectations of the whole village and the responsibility of revitalizing Wanjia Village. He faces major and minor issues in the village. , exhausted every day.

However, Wan Shantang's son Wan Chuanjia is an absolute supporter of rights. He relies on the power in his hands to dominate and move towards the other end of the "rights paradox".

3. What kind of outlook on life can we establish to be happy?

The author Liu Xiaobo wrote this sentence in the book: Sustained happiness comes from the consistency of inner concepts, value structures and external behaviors.

deeply agree!

In the hit movie

He Xingfu in the drama cares about everyone. What she thinks is right, no matter how big an official Wan Shan Tang is, or how deep the relationship between her parents-in-law and the secretary is, when it comes to fighting for her own interests, she should fight to the end. We must fight for it, there has never been any ambiguity.

may appear to outsiders as being inflexible and inhumane, but she lives a very transparent and internally consistent life.


In fact, "happiness" is a very subjective feeling. There is no standard, and no one can explain it clearly. Everything comes from yourself.

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