On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears.

2024/07/0114:14:33 emotion 1053

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends.

At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

The younger son holds a toy in his hand and misses his deceased sister’s kindness to him.

"Pianran, are you happy in heaven?"

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

My parents caressed Ma Pianran's life photos, and while looking sad, they cursed angrily:

"Zhang Yonglei, you are a guy who doesn't deserve to die."

However, no matter how angry Ma Haibo was, he could not hide his inner longing.

He really wanted his daughter to call him daddy again.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

html Zhang Yonglei proposed marrying the Ma family 8 years ago, and Ma Haibo's parents also agreed that he and his daughter Ma Pianran would marry.

never expected that Zhang Yonglei would become the murderer of his daughter a year later, turning from "relative" to "enemy".

This life-threatening relationship has attracted widespread attention from the outside world, and many people feel sorry for the girl.

Ma Pianran's death also made Ma Haibo and his wife sleepless.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Even two years later, Zhang Yonglei was sentenced to death by the court, and Ma Pianran's parents also regretted their behavior.

If they could, they would rather their daughter be resurrected and never meet Zhang Yonglei in their lifetime.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Before Ma Pianran succeeded in her career, before she got married and had children, she left her family and friends forever!

And Zhang Yonglei, the man who kept saying that he would take care of Ma Pianran for the rest of his life, personally sent Ma Pianran to hell.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

I wonder if he would have any regrets when he recalled the sweetness in prison?

01. Beautiful memories of puppy love

In 1989, Ma Pianran was born in a petty bourgeoisie family in Henan.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are often busy with work.

When she was a child, Ma Pianran rarely reunited with her parents in her memory.

Every time I go home, either my father or my mother is not at home.

Both of them used their busy work as an excuse to let Ma Pianran study at home alone.

It wasn't until she was in elementary school and a younger brother was added to the family that she felt that the family was more lively.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Ma Pianran, who is smart and studious, has never fallen out of the top three in school and is a top student in the eyes of her classmates.

"Brother, please slow down and stop stumbling."

After his younger brother grew up, the first thing Ma Pianran did when he came home every day was not homework. Instead,

took his younger brother and ran around the house playing hide and seek.

The relationship between the two siblings has always been very good.

Ma Pianran lives in a loving family, but Zhang Yonglei, who will have the deepest friendship with her in the future, was lonely in his childhood.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Zhang Yonglei’s parents divorced when he was in elementary school. For several years between

, he grew up in a single-parent family.

It wasn't until his mother found a new father that he began to feel the taste of father's love.

The new father is very kind to him and often takes him to buy toys and eat at roadside stalls.

But the neighbors still talked a lot of gossip, which filled Zhang Yonglei's heart with a sense of inferiority.

In Ma Pianran’s memory, Zhang Yonglei was a very reserved big boy.

He keeps himself clean, his academic performance is also very good, and he writes a love letter very sincerely.

The moment she opened Zhang Yonglei's love letter, Ma Pianran felt her heart pounding.

Does that tall and big boy like me too?

It seems that this is what happiness feels like.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Ma Pianran receives more than a dozen love letters every day, and she throws the other love letters into the trash can.

Only Zhang Yonglei’s book is among her books and she reads it every day.

One day, Ma Pianran and Zhang Yonglei met in the library, and they talked about their views on love in the name of studying.

This conversation brought the two of them together.

Ma Pianran warmed Zhang Yonglei's high school years, but it was in their senior year of high school that the two truly became boyfriend and girlfriend.

They agreed with each other that when they graduate from college, they will pool money together to buy a house, get married and have children.

At that time, Ma Pianran never imagined that one day she would go to Beijing.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

And Zhang Yonglei never thought that the girl he loved so much would die at his hands.

02. The "Hidden Danger" of Deep Affection

Ma Pianran's family conditions are good, but Zhang Yonglei was worried that her parents would not agree to their marriage.

Therefore, after the college entrance examination, Zhang Yonglei visited Ma Pianran's parents' home.

When his father saw Zhang Yonglei's sincere appearance, he did not stop the two from falling in love.

He also praised Zhang Yonglei as a very down-to-earth boy and it was a blessing for his daughter to find him.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Puppy love can be recognized by their parents, which makes them very happy.

"Let's go cycling"?

“Where do you want to ride”?

"Is the park nice? I remember there is a big lake over there."

walked out of Ma's house, and the two of them held hands and smiled at each other.

Zhang Yonglei rented a bicycle on the street and rode the horse through the street with the breeze blowing on his face.

The two of them stayed together for the whole day, talking about their dreams for the future.

Before parting, Ma Pianran received a gentle kiss on her forehead.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

In 2008, Ma Pianran was admitted to the best normal college in Shangqiu to study broadcasting with her impressive results.

Zhang Yonglei failed the college entrance examination and could only attend classes at an ordinary university in another city.

From then on, the two changed from classmates to "old classmates" hundreds of miles apart.

"Yonglei, you have to have a good class there."

"Okay, I will come and see you."

Ma Pianran went to the Normal College happily, but Zhang Yonglei went to the new school with regrets.

He really wanted to be in the same school as Ma Pianran, but unfortunately his strength did not allow it.

Ma Pianran's grades have always been very good. Although Zhang Yonglei is also a top student, he is far behind Ma Pianran.

Fortunately, after going to the new school, I can talk to the girl I love every day.

Ma Pianran will tell Zhang Yonglei every bit of life.

Zhang Yonglei listened with great interest every time and felt that our hearts were getting closer.

Four years of college passed by in a hurry, and Zhang Yonglei went to the Normal College to see Ma Pianran more than once.

Even though Ma Pianran had many suitors, she rejected them all.

Everyone knows that the only thing she likes is the big boy with a reserved personality.

After graduation, Ma Pianran took the initiative to propose marriage.

At that time, Zhang Yonglei had just found a job in a public institution and had not yet saved any money.

Zhang Yonglei told Ma Pianran that he could get engaged first and then prepare for the marriage.

Wait until after the Chinese New Year to hold the wedding, that way it will be less hasty.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Both parents thought this was good, but they didn't expect that on the eve of buying a wedding house, Ma Pianran would receive an admission letter from Guangxi Art College .

She has the opportunity to continue studying and become a master's student. After

learned the news, Ma Pianran immediately told Zhang Yonglei.

"Pianran, if you want to study, go ahead"!

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Zhang Yonglei's heart was bleeding as he sent his beloved girl away again.

03. Zhang Yonglei's desire for control made Ma Pianran breathless.

In 2013, Ma Pianran entered CCTV and became the host of "The Final Word".

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

When she told her parents the news, they praised her repeatedly for being promising.

When Zhang Yonglei heard the news, he had a big fight with her for the first time.

Zhang Yonglei felt that Ma Pianran had been mired in fame and fortune and had forgotten her original promise.

Ma Pianran believes that working at CCTV and getting married are two different things and cannot be confused.

But when Zhang Yonglei bought roses and knelt down to propose, Ma Pianran still hesitated.

She just accepted the rose with joy, but did not mention when she would receive the certificate and hold the wedding.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

In school, Ma Pianran was praised by Zhu Jun and was also an outstanding student that the teacher valued most.

Outside school, Ma Pianran has joined CCTV and has become a rising star in the station.

While working in Beijing, Ma Pianran felt the charm of a big city.

She even thought about persuading her boyfriend to leave Henan and come to Beijing to develop.

But before she told the other party her thoughts, she faced an emotional crisis.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

At the end of 2013, Ma Pianran did not return to her hometown because she was busy with work.

After work, Ma Pianran and her colleagues simply spent the New Year and took a few photos as a souvenir.

When she posted the photo in her circle of friends, she was questioned by her boyfriend.

Zhang Yonglei asked Ma Pianran if he has a new love?

Ma Pianran felt that her boyfriend was confused and explained that although someone on the stage confessed to her, she had never accepted it.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

After hearing this explanation, it changed the taste of her boyfriend.

My girlfriend is so excellent, and there are so many good men pursuing her, Why should she only love herself?

The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. Zhang Yonglei couldn't help but ask for leave to see his girlfriend.

When Ma Pianran returned home in the middle of the night, Zhang Yonglei, who had been waiting for a long time in the stairwell, suddenly appeared.

He hugged Ma Pianran vigorously and said softly: "Don't leave me."

Ma Pianran felt mixed emotions and nodded leaning on her boyfriend's shoulder.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

The days when the two lived together were not harmonious.

Zhang Yonglei read the content on her mobile phone more than once, and even went to the station to find out which boy she was close to.

Ma Pianran was a little angry and quarreled with Zhang Yonglei many times.

In the end, she compromised and took the initiative to show Zhang Yonglei her mobile phone. After the incident involving

, the relationship between the two could never return to its former self.

Zhang Yonglei showed a domineering desire for control.

He asked Ma Pianran to call him every day, take pictures at work and send them to him after get off work.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

After the Spring Festival in 2014, Ma Pianran returned to her hometown and had dinner with Zhang Yonglei and her parents.

This time, Zhang Yonglei proposed marriage as usual, but was still rejected.

"Don't you want to marry me?"

"I think we need to think about this relationship calmly."

Although Ma Pianran did not say breakup directly, Zhang Yonglei heard this.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Later, when his classmate asked if the two were married, he directly called Ma Pianran his wife forever. If

cannot succeed, then we will die together.

During this year, both Ma Pianran and Zhang Yonglei suffered.

Ma Pianran wants to have a career and doesn’t want to get married so early.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

But Zhang Yonglei was worried that Ma Pianran would abandon him for the sake of his career.

04. After being abandoned one after another, Zhang Yonglei committed suicide

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2015, Zhang Yonglei proposed again, hoping to hold a wedding after the year.

But Ma Pianran said that when she becomes a regular employee at CCTV, the two will get a marriage certificate.

The decadent Zhang Yonglei returned home, and everything in the room changed.

It turns out that after my mother divorced her stepfather, she found a new man.

The new father doesn’t like Zhang Yonglei and hopes he will move out.

The Chinese New Year was just a few days away, and Zhang Yonglei was ruthlessly kicked out of the house by his mother.

He once begged his mother not to drive him out.

The mother said coldly: "You have grown up, you can no longer cling to your mother like this."

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

On February 16, 2015, Zhang Yonglei took the initiative to find Ma Pianran.

Zhang Yonglei asked Ma Pianran seriously that he was going to buy a house and hoped that the hostess would be her. Would she be willing?

Ma Pianran did not agree this time, but said goodbye.

Zhang Yonglei was abandoned by his two favorite women during this Spring Festival.

His mother despised him as a burden, and even his girlfriend of eight years despised him.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

At that moment, Zhang Yonglei felt as if he had fallen into an abyss.

"Are we really going to break up?"


can't make it, we will die together.

Zhang Yonglei had lost his mind. He hugged Ma Pianran, took out a knife and stabbed her mercilessly.

Ma Pianran was hugged tightly, as if Zhang Yonglei wanted to embrace her into his bones.

But the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He stabbed her 7 times before looking at his girlfriend's body falling down.

"It's better to die, it's better to die."

The moment Ma Haibo entered the house, what he saw made him panic.

He shouted desperately: "Call 120, call 120 quickly."

shouted while giving her daughter CPR.

Zhang Yonglei did not fight. He looked lonely and smiled evilly:

"It's all over, it's all over."

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

Even though Ma Haibo was a doctor, he could not save his daughter's life.

On the way to 120, my daughter had lost her vital signs.

"My dear daughter, would you please open your eyes and see your father?"

Ma Haibo was covered in blood and fell crying in front of the hospital ward.

When her mother found out, she fainted on the spot.

Unfortunately, no matter how much the family called, the miracle did not happen.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

When Zhang Yonglei was arrested, he was very arrogant and did not run away or leave.

He seems to be bent on death.

years later, Zhang Yonglei left with a wry smile, wondering if he regretted his original move.

Ma Haibo wanted to keep his daughter in ice forever, but his mother couldn't bear it and hoped that her daughter would be buried in peace.

Finally, 28 months later, Ma Haibo agreed to bury his daughter.

On the day of the burial, my parents and younger brother cried bitterly and did not want to believe that this was true.

How they hope that time can be turned back to prevent the two from meeting and falling in love prematurely.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

On the days when Ma Pianran passed away, Ma Haibo did not go to work, and he had been living in a daze.

Every year, other homes are brightly lit and happy.

The Ma family is completely white.

White chrysanthemums were placed in front of Ma Pianran's room. The white lights speak of desolation.

In the blink of an eye, 7 years have passed, and the Ma family has not changed.

Every Chinese New Year is the time when Ma Haibo and his wife are most sad.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews


Ma Pianran's younger brother once persuaded the two old people to find another place to live, so as not to get emotional.

Ma Haibo only said one sentence: "What if your sister can't find her home when we leave?"

For neighbors, the death of a person is very unlucky.

But for Ma Haibo and his wife, the deceased person was the daughter they missed the most and wanted to see the most.

On February 16, 2022, every household was enjoying themselves and having dinner with relatives and friends. At the home of Ma Haibo and his wife, the couple held a black and white photo of a girl and burst into tears. - DayDayNews

On February 16, 2022, after Ma Haibo and his wife cleaned the room where their daughter was alive, the family came to Ma Pianran’s tombstone.

"Sister, I miss you so much"

"Daughter, are you doing well over there?"

A family of three, all with tears streaming down their faces, expressed their longing for each other.


This article was originally created by fancymusicc. Welcome to pay attention. Please do not reproduce it in any form without authorization!

Author: tt

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