1. Treat mother-in-law as an enemy. Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in this new family. Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the "Queen" and their own mother-in-law. At this time, for the husband, his wife's behav

2024/07/0115:46:32 emotion 1381

1. Treating mother-in-law as an enemy

Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in their new home.

Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the "Queen" and their own mother-in-law.

1. Treat mother-in-law as an enemy. Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in this new family. Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the

At this time, for the husband, his wife’s behavior makes him both headache and heartache.

After all, maternal love is also a man's need. Although it is not expressed, the "mother" in his heart is still very heavy.

If a woman doesn't respect her husband's parents at all, then the man will feel that he is married to a fake wife.

Because a man's thoughts are very important to his parents.

1. Treat mother-in-law as an enemy. Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in this new family. Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the

When his relatives are despised by his wife, his heart is naturally not a taste.

2, extramarital affairs

The most intolerable thing for all men is probably the cuckolding behavior of their own women.

Love is selfish and principled, especially when men are so chauvinistic, no one is willing to share their women with others.

1. Treat mother-in-law as an enemy. Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in this new family. Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the

Moreover, when a woman has an extramarital affair, others will think that her husband is incompetent, and many people will laugh at the man. This is also a very hurtful thing for self-esteem!

Most of the consequences of a woman's infidelity cannot escape the outcome of divorce. Your husband works hard outside and gives you money to spend. What is the result?

1. Treat mother-in-law as an enemy. Many married women always feel that they must be supreme in this new family. Not only do they have to take care of their husbands, they also have to defeat the

3. Don’t give men face when they are outside.

Everyone needs face, especially men. They often work hard outside, and sometimes they only care about face, so they often regard face as very important.

There is a saying that goes well, "People need face, and trees need bark." Especially outside, women must give men enough face.

When two people are together, the man is often the face of the woman. If the man has face, the woman will also have face.

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