Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde

2024/07/0314:52:33 emotion 1292

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Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

What is a smart person?

In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately.

In society, smart people not only refer to high IQ, but also super high emotional intelligence, the ability to understand things that others cannot understand, the ability to do things that others cannot do well, and the ability to do things without harming others. Next, do it for your own greater good.

observed that those "old wolves" who are well versed in social rules seem to always be able to establish good relationships with others and maximize their interests in everything.

Society is complex and complex, and people's hearts are complex and ever-changing. Experienced people can navigate it with ease, but what they face is even more complex and difficult to deal with.

To become this kind of "experienced person", firstly, it requires time accumulation, and secondly, it requires a certain level of emotional intelligence.

Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

For newcomers who have just entered the society, when facing complex social situations, they should remember the principle of "not seeking no success but seeking no fault".

It doesn’t matter if you can’t read what others say or understand other people’s actions. When you first enter society, the important thing is not to be reckless or self-defeating.

Don’t do what you shouldn’t do, don’t say what you shouldn’t say, this is the wisest wisdom in life.

There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself. After all, everyone has their own ideas and pursuits, which need to be expressed and the opinions of others to prove the meaning of their existence.

But speaking and doing things also depend on the occasion. In many cases, the more you speak, the better. Often, those who know how to be silent and keep their mouths shut at certain moments become the final winners.

Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

Everyone wants to be praised by leaders and superiors. Everyone has a certain desire for performance, especially for new jobs. They always want to be recognized by others as soon as possible, but they forget the accumulation of time and step-by-step progress.

It is not difficult to be a so-called "smart person". First, control your mouth, read more and listen more, that is, keep your mouth shut.

Don’t complain when you are in trouble.

There are always so many "sudden surprises" in life, but there are often more bad things than good.

In terms of ability alone, most troubles can be solved by ourselves, but if they come too suddenly, they will inevitably affect our own emotions.

For example, no one wants to take over a new job when they are about to get off work;

For example, no one wants to suddenly incur an unplanned expense.

People are neither saints nor machines. They all have emotions and desires. When faced with unexpected troubles, everyone will have their own emotions at the first time. This is inevitable and there is no need to suppress it. What we have to do is not to show it. , because negative emotions never bring benefits.

You can't just complain and get rid of things. You still have to face what you should face.

The "sudden" attribute is like this. You can have emotions but you have to face them. Smart people know how to suppress their inner emotions. No matter how unhappy they are, they don't complain. Even if they want to put forward opinions, they don't complain. , suppressing the complaints in your heart can save you a lot of trouble.

Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

Don’t retaliate when you meet a villain

Lao Tzu put forward the principle of “one yin and one yang”. From this aspect, if there are good people, there will be bad people. If there are righteous people, there will naturally be villains.

No one wants to meet a villain, but we can’t read minds, and villains are good at pretending. If there are really profit-seeking and ungrateful people hiding around us, we will inevitably suffer losses. It is certain that we will gain wisdom from every experience, and the key is It lies in how to deal with "suffering".

It doesn't make much sense to go tit-for-tat with the villain. On the contrary, it adds a lot of troubles, and in the end it is you who suffers.

Many people want to fight with the villain to the end, and are trapped in the intrigues between you and me. When facing the villain, we need to be flexible. If it does not violate the principles, instead of arguing with them, it is better not to pay them back. mouth.

This does not mean that we should forget about it. There is a saying that "if you want to let it perish, you must let it perish." Since you are a villain, everyone will have opinions on it, so you don't need to spend your energy on it.

When facing villains, quarreling with them is the most direct, but also the most ineffective. When facing unreasonable people, just talking is useless. Hold back first and kill with the last blow, which is also efficient and effective. Covert processing.

Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

Don't tell anyone when you are private

As the old saying goes: Diseases enter through the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth.

For those who can’t speak, others may just think that you don’t understand the rules when you first enter society, but once you say something that shouldn’t be said, the consequences will be disastrous.

Some "big-mouthed" people will speak out about some personal matters of colleagues and leaders without restraint, especially the privacy that others don't want to publicize. Whoever speaks out will offend others.

There is a saying that says, think twice before you speak. Of course, you should also "think twice before you speak" before speaking. Whether certain things can be said or not should be said.

You must remember that in dealing with people, you should follow the principle of not seeking no results but seeking no mistakes. The more you know, the more "dangerous" you are. No one will like those who can't control their mouths.

Everyone has curiosity and a desire to share. When they encounter interesting things, they want to tell others. This is just like curiosity. If you don't explore it, you won't give up. This means that if you don't tell it, you will get stuck in your heart.

Therefore, people sometimes have to "pretend to be stupid". Speaking out only satisfies themselves, but the consequences can be infinite. These principles sound simple, but in fact, you have to wait until you really encounter "disaster" Only when it comes out of your mouth will you understand.

Text/Time has passed. What is a smart person? In school classrooms, smart people are those who score high in exams and solve problems quickly and accurately. In society, a smart person not only refers to a high IQ, but also a super high emotional intelligence, the ability to unde - DayDayNews

Time and Emotion Class:

Language is the most straightforward and simplest way of communication, but the overly straightforward way of speaking is not right.

is well versed in the ways of the world. The first thing is to know what to say and what not to say, as well as what to do and what not to do. If you say the right thing and do the right thing, everything will go smoothly.

Life is like a spiritual practice. People always think about how difficult it is to make money. Society and people’s hearts are complex, which is always tiring to deal with. It doesn’t feel like having to smile when you face people you don’t like. But then I think about it. When I think about it, all these hardships are for myself and my family, so what's the shame?

From now on, learn to be a smart person, master the "shut up" rule of life, don't say what you shouldn't say, don't do what you shouldn't do, and create a better future for yourself and your family. conditions of.

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