Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is "a rare thing" to remain committed to a man's heart. Everyone in the world expects wholehearted love and longs to see one person for eternity and never be separated again. But i

2024/07/0314:51:33 emotion 1253

text/Time is up

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

Women should understand that it is common for men to change their hearts, but it is "a rare thing" to remain committed to it.

Everyone in the world expects wholehearted love, and longs to see one person for ten thousand years and never be separated again.

But in fact, in this huge world, it is normal to love without being able to ask for it.

Therefore, you really don’t have to feel sad because of a man’s change of heart. You must know that in the eyes of some men, women are clothes that can be replaced at will, and disposable rags that can be thrown away when they are dirty.

In this case, women should live a more free and easy life, treat falling in love with a man as a game, and enjoying the process is the right answer.

You can't control when a man loves you and when he doesn't, but you can control your heart and not give him the chance to hurt you.

When you love, love well, and if you don’t love, pull her down. Don’t be a “dodder flower” who relies on men to survive and is addicted to love and cannot get out of love.

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

Of course, it is indeed a bit difficult for women to see away themselves, so we need to learn from it. The wise man’s attitude towards life.

Writer Wang Xiaobo once said this: What is extraordinary about Zhang Ailing's novels is that she has a profound understanding of women's lives.

Zhang Ailing lives a lonely life, but her world is very broad. She understands women and how women should live.

In Zhang Ailing's view, it is really meaningless if a woman only lives her life as a appendage of a man.

When a man changes his mind, you only need to remember these three sentences of Zhang Ailing, and you will soon be relieved and become the final winner.

The first sentence is: Not loving is a lifetime regret, and loving is a lifetime of suffering.

Everyone hopes that their love can have a happy ending, just like when you were 17 years old, you kissed his face and hoped to be with him forever.

But in fact, life can never be what you want. When you enter the society from the ivory tower, the cold and cruel reality will make you feel unable to deal with it.

You don’t understand. In the past, you could easily spend hundreds of yuan on a meal, but now you have to rack your brains to get the full discount when ordering takeout.

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

Money is something that can be spent on other people’s pockets as much as you want. Once you need to budget carefully for firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea, you can only break one dollar into eight pieces and spend it.

In this extremely difficult situation, your love has become shaky. To put it bluntly, it is not time that will drag down love, but poverty that will make love irrecoverable.

Instead of holding each other down, it is better to let go and give each other freedom. You have your distance to reach, and he has his poems to pursue. After all, you can only walk a part of the way together, but not to the end.

If you are unwilling to do so and insist on tying yourselves to the other person's life for the rest of your life, you will suffer a lifetime of hardships because your life will be full of quarrels and resentment, and you will not be able to truly forgive the other person.

Therefore, not being together will bring you regret at most, but regret is actually a very beautiful existence, at least it can make you laugh from the bottom of your heart when you recall it later.

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

The second sentence: There is no emotion in this world that is not riddled with holes.

As the saying goes: When you hear about love, you will be sad nine times out of ten. There are so many fairy tales about princes and princesses finally living happily together. In reality, you and I are just prisoners of love at best.

You think about it, many times the reason why you choose to fall in love with someone, or choose to marry someone, is just because it is suitable. There is no such thing as love at first sight, nor any passionate passion.

So in this sense, it is normal for one of you to cheat on you, or change your heart, because you have been living like boiled water for too long, and you also hope to make some waves, unless you are stubborn. , and adhere to the so-called responsibility.

Yes, in this world, almost most people’s love is flawed, so a man who changes his heart is just one of the more obvious flaws. Don’t take it too seriously. You have to know that if you want to have perfect merits, , you have to go through countless setbacks.

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

The third sentence: I want you to know that there is always someone waiting for you in this world. No matter when or where you are, you know that there is always such a person.

Women should always remember not to regard men as the only focus of your life. There are many people in this world who love you without asking for anything in return.

For example, your parents have worked hard for you for half your life. No matter whether you succeed or not, and whether you make them happy or not, they will still care about you as always.

Although you may think that they are too nagging and want to take care of you in everything, and even criticize you when they see you eating spicy strips or drinking milk tea, but so what? Those who are not cared about are the poor ones. If you still have people who care about you, then it is not so miserable.

Another example is that as long as you need them to appear and accompany you, they will definitely go to your appointment without hesitation. They comfort you and enlighten you when you are frustrated, and urge you not to be too complacent when you are successful. and pride.

To be honest, aren't your parents who care about you and your friends who are loyal to you more important than a man who betrays you and abandons you?

In other words, when a woman breaks free from the cage surrounding men, you will gain true freedom and independence. Cherishing the people around you means that you should cherish those family members and friends who are truly good to you. Rather than a heartbroken person who has hurt you.

Love makes life better, but the definition of love is very broad. Don’t indulge in the love between men and women. You will find that the world is so big and there are many people who love you. With them, your life will be wonderful.

Text/When time passes, women must understand that it is common for a man to change his mind, but it is

Time and Emotion Classroom:

It’s not scary for a man to change his heart. What’s scary is for a woman to push herself. It’s clear that the other person’s various behaviors indicate that he has betrayed his feelings, but the woman is still making excuses for him and reasons for herself not to leave.

Now is a new era. You don’t have to be a widow for any man, or put all the fault on yourself. When you can’t think clearly, just read the above three sentences said by Zhang Ailing, maybe next second You will have a clear understanding and no longer suffer from the pain of love.

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