Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they

2024/07/0103:32:33 emotion 1940

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting.

Most men will have this obsession: no matter what age group they like younger girls , but obsession is obsession, and you have to pay attention to your own conditions when looking for a partner. For people with high personal charm, if the conditions are good, their dreams may become reality. If the conditions are not good, they can only think about it.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

This 65-year-old uncle, a retired division-level cadre, pointedly pointed out that his conditions are quite good.

Uncle Xu is now 65 years old and has been retired for many years. Now his only daughter has grown up and has a household. After retirement, he was lonely and could not sleep at night, so he came up with the idea. I want to spend my old age with my wife and children.

Uncle Xu then got in touch with the matchmaker, hoping to get some leads. What is the matchmaker doing? Isn’t that what you are doing?

After a while, when the two sides saw each other, they saw a narrow and dark corridor. Uncle Xu quickly explained that my home is only less than 40 square meters. Although my home is not large, the conditions in all aspects are pretty good.

Uncle Xu sold his big house on the pretext of buying a house for his grandson, and then changed his house. However, the decoration of my house was particularly bright, and although it was smaller, it still cost 275,000 yuan.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

Immediately, Uncle Xu started the mode of self-promotion. He said that he belonged to the working class in the local area and the conditions were quite good. He retired from the Real Estate Administration Bureau and was only at the division level, not at a very high level.

has a pension of more than 7,000 yuan, a difference of 8,000 yuan. He also owns a nearly 80-square-meter retail house with a rent of more than 70,000 yuan a year. In addition to his own house, he also bought a house in Wanda for his grandson. I am not exaggerating, I am in relatively good condition.

I have to say that the conditions are really very good. For this reason, the young matchmaker was speechless and could only watch Uncle Xu singing in a high-profile voice.

Later, Uncle Xu said that he wanted to enjoy life after retirement. He was very happy to travel and had been to foreign countries, Myanmar , Vietnam , Southeast Asia, Yunnan, Hainan, Guilin, etc. in China, basically Run all over.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

Now I think back on the struggle in the first half of my life. If it weren’t for the sacrifices I made at that time, I would have been able to live a happy life today. When I was young, I went to the countryside for four years. When I returned, I went to work as a laborer in a construction company. I relied on working hard. , then the real estate office recruited troops and went to the local real estate office by myself. After

, I went to the bureau and accidentally thought I was the security director. I have been divorced for 29 years and I don’t care about my personal affairs at work.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

My wife was recommended by a colleague. We are more than 50 days apart in age. We have quarrels every day. It is all caused by trivial family matters. For example, when the children get up late, she will quarrel with me, and I will come home late. It will make trouble, and it will keep making trouble anyway.

When we were young, we were also domineering. I couldn't help her, and when the fight was at its worst, I almost got physical. Then we agreed to divorce and give all the money to my ex-wife. We have been divorced for more than 90 years and now for more than 20 years.

Over the years, I have done very well as both a father and a mother. My daughter has grown up and has a family with children of her own. After retiring in these years, I am no longer afraid of rumors, so I dare to take care of my old age.

Uncle Xu also told the matchmaker the criteria for choosing a spouse: whiter skin, rounder face, fatter body, younger age, better appearance. If he really finds the wife he has long loved, Uncle Xu also made a promise: life He will bear all the expenses, and give the woman a little extra pocket money, one thousand yuan a month.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

Auntie saw your appearance, you look like a sissy

After the matchmaker heard Uncle Xu’s request for a spouse, she matched with Auntie Sang, who is in her 60s and lives in Jilin City. Auntie Sang has a pension of 2,200 yuan and a living area of ​​40,000 yuan. Square, and Uncle Xu have one thing in common, that is, they are willing to travel, while Mrs. Sang's wife has been away for more than 20 years.

People around her think Aunt Sang is more powerful, and she is often given nicknames. It's called Little Chili, which means whatever you say must be heard.

Aunt Sang's strong points are her cheerful personality, helpfulness and hospitality. In addition, Aunt Sang loves life and understands life very much, so she travels every year.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

When my wife left, I kept crying during those days. Then my mother told me that it would be unlucky to keep crying. From then on, I didn’t shed tears anymore, and I would never shed tears no matter what happened, so I She became this careless, laughing and playful woman.

My wife is a very powerful person. After being married for so many years, I have never done any laundry or cooking. I rely on him to do all the work. I don’t need to knock out the melon seeds. I rely on him to knock them out for me to eat. Everyone is always joking. How can this be done, not in front of my wife?

Now it has been more than 20 years since my wife left us. In the past few years, I always feel that my wife’s shadow will still appear in my life. How many people still miss him. I want to find a wife again. My wife who understands me and loves me is entrusted to me for the rest of my life.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

My standards for finding a wife are not very high. I just need him to understand life. But I am a very romantic person and can’t stand dull people. My life is boring and I won’t go there. Looking for.

I have never thought about changing someone, let alone letting someone change myself. Both of us are easy-going and we just need to know that we appreciate each other.

Uncle Xu forced the matchmaker to go to Aunt Sang's house. Aunt Sang immediately took out the shoe covers and gave them to Uncle Xu. Uncle Xu was a little embarrassed and said he didn't have slippers?

Aunt Sang explained that she was sorry, why not put on shoe covers. The matchmaker also hurriedly lightened the atmosphere. Aunt Sang liked it to be clean. The matchmaker had not forgotten Uncle Xu, so she turned around and told Aunt Sang that Uncle Xu also liked it to be clean.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

But no one could have imagined that Uncle Xu was wearing a shoe cover, and the other one asked Aunt Sang for help, saying that bending down would not work.

Aunt Sang was stunned for a moment, but she still helped Uncle Xu put on shoe covers and said, "How could this happen? You are rich?" Uncle Xu said without hesitation: No, it's not that I can't bear to bend down, my joints are a bit stiff.

Aunt Sang was very upset about this. She discussed it with the matchmaker in private. Why didn't I express my first impression? It was disrespectful to ask me to bend down and put on shoe covers for him when we first met.

The matchmaker explained a little embarrassedly that Uncle Xu just fell down in the community. At this time, Aunt Sang let it go and took out a towel to help Uncle Xu solve the stains on his body again.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

Just like that, the first impression Aunt Sang left on Uncle Xu could not change. After the two parties sat down, Aunt Sang still did not speak. Uncle Xu brought up the topic he was most concerned about straight to the point.

Aunt Sang said that I was born in the year of Ox, in 1961, in my sixties. After getting the answer he wanted, Uncle Xu went to the matchmaker in private to express her dissatisfaction. She said that Aunt Sang was a little older, and the partners I used to date were people who were about seven, eight, or ten years younger than me. The younger the better, the better, forty or fifty years old is fine.

For Aunt Sang, who is currently on a blind date, apart from her age, there are many things that do not meet her requirements for choosing a mate. Anyway, she is just average. Her skin is not white but a bit dark, her body is not fat and her face is not round.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

The matchmaker said: Sister Sang is not fat? I think she is quite fat. Is her face not round enough?

Uncle Xu said, yes, I don’t have eyesight, and I still look dark, almost the same skin color as me. I still adhere to my own standards for choosing a mate. As soon as the words came out, Uncle Xu added, I know No one is perfect, why don’t we talk again.

So Uncle Xu sat down again and told Aunt Sang that he would come to Kunming to open a dumpling restaurant next year if the epidemic is not over. A friend in Kunming is running a dumpling restaurant and hires up to six people to make dumplings, earning 2,500-3,000 yuan a day.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

At this time, Aunt Sang shook her head and said not very cheerfully, "What are you doing?" I'm going to open a dumpling restaurant, and it's the same thing. But I'm not bragging about your image. I'm going out for a walk or an outing. Can you keep up with me?

Now Aunt Sang is still talking about her opinion. I can't stand you looking like this. Seeing you look like this, you look like a sissy. In short, I can't stand it. I like Northeastern men like this. Let's talk and laugh. He even scolded them a few times, but after a while they reconciled as before.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

So the blind date failed for both parties. Uncle Xu finally expressed his opinion. He told Aunt Sang that among the 100 good men here, I am one of them. Yes, then we can just be ordinary friends. Aunt Sang laughed and stopped talking. Uncle Xu's shamelessness is really awesome.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

External things are very important, but inner things are more important.

For Uncle Xu, the criteria for choosing a mate are always based on appearance. He should be young and good-looking, but he never considers his personal heart from beginning to end. Despite the conditions It's not bad, but at this age, I'm also pursuing being young and good-looking. It's really hard to be happy in my later years.

After all, I have reached this age and can no longer bear emotional harm. The appearance of a person is very important, but the heart is even more important. Marriage should be about being of the same family and having the same three views. It is easy to understand that men want women to be beautiful and women want men to be capable. But the premise is Still, character comes first.

Marriage should not only pursue appearance and age, but should pay more attention to personal conduct and moral character. Only with good conduct and moral character can a marriage be happy and lasting. Most men have this obsession: they like younger girls no matter what age they - DayDayNews

Uncle Xu is also a little overconfident. Showing yourself is a good thing, but being overconfident is not a good thing. You should be a little more low-key as a person, do some serious things, and live a decent life, so that you can truly not worry about your children in your later years.

From Aunt Sang's point of view, she is very open-minded and doesn't want to change others or let others change her. When she finds someone who appreciates each other, she gets together, and when she finds someone, she doesn't force herself. This mentality is how you should treat marriage.

Regarding this, what do you think of Uncle Xu’s requirements for choosing a mate? Welcome to leave a message to discuss and give you different opinions. Thank you.

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