In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But

2024/07/0314:53:32 emotion 1331

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who stay together for life. However, In today's real life, too many couples often start to quarrel because of many conflicts, which affects their relationship and even leads to divorce.

There are often various reasons why a marriage will continue to decline and eventually fail. However, everyone faces different situations. Some people have different living habits. Friction makes two people more and more unbearable. Some people have incompatible personalities and cannot understand and tolerate each other in the face of various things in life. The attitude of not giving in to each other will also make two people choose to give up on marriage...

But when we look back at those failed marriages, it is not difficult to find that the problem among most divorced couples is not just a lack of deep affection, but a lack of tolerance. Lack of understanding and a lack of sincerity will make life more and more difficult and make relationships more and more difficult to recover.

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

36-year-old Ms. Tian

Ms. Tian and her husband Mr. Zhao have been married for ten years now. Their children are now in school, and their lives are supposed to be quite stable and happy. After all, ten years of getting along has allowed the two to understand each other. With companionship and emotional foundation, there may be a lack of freshness after a long marriage, but after all, they are still together after ten years, which is naturally worth cherishing.

Speaking of the feelings between husband and wife, Ms. Tian also complained about her marriage:

"These days, it becomes more and more like one person, and it's always like this."

In fact, over the years, Ms. Tian and Mr. Zhao's marriage The situation is the same as that of most ordinary families. There will be quarrels and conflicts, but the two of them have never completely affected their marriage, and they have never thought about divorce. After all, after so many years, the two have Personally, I am a relatively traditional person, so I continue to live my life.

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

What really caused the relationship between the two people to break up was an incident last year.

Last year, Ms. Tian was hit by a car on her way to work. Ms. Tian suffered a broken leg and a slight concussion. She stayed in the hospital for more than half a year. In the end, the court ordered the other party to compensate Ms. Tian 300,000 yuan. , until now, Ms. Tian still has trouble walking. During the period of hospitalization, Mr. Zhao also shouldered the heavy responsibility of the family. In addition to taking care of the children, he also went to the hospital to take care of Ms. Tian every day. He was almost fully recovered and discharged from the hospital, which made life a little easier.

thought that things would go back to normal in the following days, and that the compensation would be received smoothly, which would alleviate the pressure on the family. However, after Ms. Tian received the compensation, she said she was going back to her parents' home, and Mr. Zhao went back with her. After returning home, Ms. Tian secretly left the compensation of 300,000 yuan to her parents, leaving only 50,000 yuan for herself. In fact, Ms. Tian had prepared all this a long time ago, and she had thought about this at the time. She didn't need the money, and her health was almost better now, so naturally she didn't need to keep such a large amount of money in hand. She also thought about keeping it for herself, but she still gave 250,000 to her parents. I only kept a part of it.

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

Mr. Zhao did not know about it at first. It was not until he asked Ms. Tian about the 300,000 yuan in compensation that Ms. Tian told the truth, saying that she had given it all to her parents. On the one hand, her parents kept it, and on the other hand, she It was to allow his parents to have more money and to use it for their retirement. This decision made Mr. Zhao feel very uncomfortable. He asked Ms. Tian why she did this, but Ms. Tian replied calmly:

"What are you anxious about? This money The money was compensated to me. This is my money. I can leave as much as I want for my parents. Besides, won’t our family’s life be affected? Besides, I still have 50,000 yuan left. If you need anything, just ask my parents for it when the time comes."

Although there was no way to refute Ms. Tian's words, Mr. Zhao always felt that something was wrong. He said:

"We are a family. You have been hospitalized for such a long time. I am taking care of you and paying for the expenses at home." I, to put it bluntly, the family's living costs have always been ours. Now that the compensation is paid, shouldn't it be our family's money? How can you give it directly to your parents? "

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

But Ms. Tian did not think so, but said:

"Most of the hospitalization expenses were borne by the other party, and we only borne part of it. Even though the expenses during this period were more, it still These are all the savings we made before, and the expenses are not much. When I asked you before, you said that you didn't spend much. We are still living the same life now, and we are not short of money. "

Mr. Zhao was anxious:

"This is not how the account is calculated. We are a family. If something happens to you, no matter how much the cost is, it will be borne by our family. Even if there is compensation now, it will be our family. Yes, you can't just give it to your parents directly, we are a family. "

Mr. Zhao emphasized over and over again that the two are a family, hoping to persuade Ms. Tian to change her mind. However, Ms. Tian remained unmoved and still felt that her decision was correct. This made the two people quarrel more and more fiercely. Unable to figure out what was right or wrong, Mr. Zhao found his parents' house in desperation and told his father-in-law and mother-in-law:

"Mom and Dad, I'm not asking you for money. I think what she did was too inappropriate. When she was hospitalized I take care of her and the children every day. Now that the compensation has come down, she doesn’t think about me, at least she thinks about our children. The children will have a lot of expenses in the future, so we have to leave some money for the children.

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

After Mr. Zhao finished speaking, the mother-in-law said:

"Xiao Zhao, don't worry, we, the old couple, can't spend much money at such an old age. This money will still be saved in the end for you. If you want to If you have no money, just tell us directly and we will not deny it to you. "

There seems to be no room for negotiation at this point. Ms. Tian also said very seriously:

"Whether you leave more than 200,000 to my parents for safekeeping or let them take care of themselves in old age, it has nothing to do with you, even if There are things at home that require spending money, and I won't ignore it. Why do you care so much about where the money is? We are not short of money now. When we are short of money, we will have a lot of expenses in the future. I won't be able to recover now. , have you started working to make money? If I really have no money in the future, I will just ask my parents for it. "

Mr. Zhao was also helpless. In Mr. Zhao's eyes, he always believed that the money should be the joint property of the couple, but he could not find a reasonable reason to defend it. He just said:

"Then I'm sorry. I have worked hard to take care of you for more than half a year and worried about you for so long. Now you have recovered, but if you relapse in the future, who am I?

Ms. Tian became angry when she heard this:

"What do you mean, if there is no compensation, you won't take care of me?" If I don’t get this money back, will you ignore me in the future? If you really take care of me and stay with me because of this money, then get a divorce and go to the court to decide what amount you should award!

Mr. Zhao was also angry and shouted angrily:

"I want to sue you. We are husband and wife. Why should we both bear the responsibility if something goes wrong? Now that the compensation is yours alone, I want to sue you." you! "

left after saying that. As a result, the marriage between the two people broke down sharply. To this day, they are still in a cold war and refuse to compromise with each other. Mr. Zhao's family members also advised him to calm down. If the marriage really reaches the stage of prosecution, then There is really no room for recovery.

Mr. Zhao always believed that the money belonged to the couple, not Ms. Tian, ​​but Ms. Tian felt that the money belonged to her and Mr. Zhao should not interfere. No one could convince him. No one can help, and no one is willing to compromise, so this marriage relationship continues to be deadlocked.

In the past, many people would regard the marriage relationship as the closest relationship in this life besides family ties. The people between husband and wife are also the most worthy of relying on and trusting. They are a family and people who will stay together for life. But - DayDayNews

is written at the end:

In fact, to a certain extent, the compensation received by Ms. Tian should belong to her personal property and cannot be counted as the joint property of the husband and wife.

It’s just out of emotional considerations and marriage considerations in real life, plus Mr. Zhao’s company, care and dedication in this process, so we naturally think that the money should be spent by the couple together. However, all of this must be agreed by Ms. Tian. If the husband and wife are together, if the relationship is deep enough, then these material interests will also become considerations for the two people, but if the relationship is not In fact, there is a breakdown in the relationship between husband and wife. In fact, Ms. Tian is unwilling to assign Mr. Zhao and cannot argue with it.

What is often tested more at this time is whether a marriage is strong and whether the couple can be together. What do you think?

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