They say love is meaningful when it goes both ways. Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone. Unless your family is really super rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, then you should break up when you run out of m

2024/07/0308:36:32 emotion 1889

It is said that love that goes both ways is meaningful.

Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone.

Unless your family is really rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, you should break up when you run out of money.

Some people don't understand this truth and think that the other person really likes them and is willing to give everything for her.

Recently, in Shiyan, Hubei Province, a man went to see an anchor. The two parties took out loans to travel, eat, drink and have fun.

The anchor just treated it as a transaction, but the man was too involved in the drama and thought it was love. After being abandoned without money, he couldn't think about it anymore.

They say love is meaningful when it goes both ways. Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone. Unless your family is really super rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, then you should break up when you run out of m - DayDayNews

The incident happened on the roof of a building in Shiyan, Hubei Province.

A man was sitting on the edge of the roof. He was so excited that he wanted to commit suicide. Fortunately, he was saved by a group of policemen.

mentioned that he couldn't think of the reason why he wanted to jump off the building. said it was also about love. He was heartbroken by a female anchor.

rewarded the female anchor in the live broadcast room at that time, and became the female anchor's top brother. Later, the two met offline.

was very sweet when we first met. The anchor was similar to the one on the Internet, and she was also very nice to him, so the two established a relationship.

In the next period of time, and traveled around and ate and drank. sometimes hosted her live broadcast and would also give her rewards to support her.

They say love is meaningful when it goes both ways. Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone. Unless your family is really super rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, then you should break up when you run out of m - DayDayNews

However, the money will always be spent one day. After spending all the money he has, the man will go online to borrow money for consumption.

After he couldn't borrow money online, he asked the anchor to help him get an online loan, and the two of them reached the end of their rope.

After the anchor ran out of money, he no longer wanted to play with him. He asked the man to write an IOU to admit that he had borrowed the money and pay back the online loan the anchor owed.

also admitted that he was just doing it for fun and already had a husband and children at home. After learning the news, the man could not accept it.

himself gave everything for her and owed a lot of debt, but the anchor said that he had a family and he stood on the rooftops when he couldn't think about it.

They say love is meaningful when it goes both ways. Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone. Unless your family is really super rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, then you should break up when you run out of m - DayDayNews

is a host just to make money. As long as fans are willing to spend money to reward her, everyone is a good brother to the host, and everyone can have a close relationship with the host. Private communication with fans is just to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

It’s just that some fans don’t quite understand that anchoring is a transaction or business, and fans think what they are experiencing is love.

will give everything for love, would rather eat instant noodles than reward the anchor, but often ends up losing both his life and money.

is just like the eldest brother in the article. He thought he had met true love and paid off the loan to take the anchor to eat, drink and have fun. He might not be so kind to his parents, but the anchor didn't take him seriously at all.

He is the big brother when he has money, and he is the toad when he has no money. After all the money is spent, he turns his back on everyone in a minute.

They say love is meaningful when it goes both ways. Love depends on both parties. One person cannot maintain a relationship, and money cannot keep someone. Unless your family is really super rich and can't spend it all in a lifetime, then you should break up when you run out of m - DayDayNews

You should be cautious when looking for a partner, and it also depends on your own financial ability. If your financial ability is not strong, and the other person is extravagant, basically this relationship will be fruitless, and it is better to stop the loss as soon as possible.

People who really want to make a living will definitely be reluctant to let you spend money randomly when they see that your financial ability is not strong.

Let alone asking you to give her a reward. Thinking about having a sum of money taken away by the platform for no reason makes you feel very distressed.

Only those who want to make money will ask for money through platform rewards, which can become a gift.

Therefore, when talking about relationships, you still have to look at your character. Men and women are the same. Frequently borrowing or asking for money is a liar.

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