Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T

2024/06/2912:16:32 emotion 1612

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, and the mood of the four seasons.

The girl is a host, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, , the two added each other on WeChat privately, and this was the beginning of their acquaintance.

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T - DayDayNews

The girl lives in Handan, Hebei, and the boy is from Linyi, Shandong and works in Jinan. He introduced that he graduated from Shandong University, , and worked as a project manager at the Shandong Branch of Wanda Group. When it came to salary income, he said that he had no basic salary, only an annual salary, and when the company was doing well, his annual salary could be as much as one million.

The girl’s mother and I have been friends for many years, but with our limited knowledge, we really can’t tell whether the boy is telling the truth?

In my limited knowledge, I know that Shandong University is an institution of higher learning. This boy is only 31 years old this year. With his education, qualifications, and work experience, can he achieve the position of project manager? And he said his annual salary was in the millions, which I couldn’t believe.

Maybe I am from a small place and have never seen the world, but there must be many outstanding people among you who can give us a well-founded analysis. . As the saying goes, "three stooges can only support one " "Zhuge Liang ", let alone analyze it together with everyone's wisdom?

Do you think the boy’s claim that his annual income is so high is true?

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T - DayDayNews

The girl met this boy at the beginning of last year and went to Shandong twice. The last time was just a few days ago. She stayed with the boy for nearly a month to get to know him better and see what he had done with him before. How much of what you say is true?

During the month or so that the girl lived with the boy, she did not find that the boy had too complicated interpersonal relationships, and his social circle was also limited. There were not many people to chat with on WeChat. In addition to playing games on his mobile phone, I checked Douyin and didn't find that he had an affair with other girls. Every day at work, after the morning meeting, I would go back to the apartment to stay with her, go shopping, or watch movies. Work was very relaxing.

I don’t know the job of a project manager. Is he really so leisurely and comfortable? Is what he said true?

The girl said to him, how can you make money if you don’t go to work every day? How will you support me in the future? He said, "I still make money even if I lie down at home. Have you ever seen those successful people making money? They are all idle and busy with money?"

The girl once looked at his mobile phone, (the boy The girl’s mobile phone has a password, also with the boy’s permission) The girl discovered that in the middle of every month, a person regularly sends money to the boy, sometimes 14,000, sometimes 16,000. When the girl asked this person why When giving the boy money, he said it was the dividends from the Internet cafe he and his friends invested together.

The girl didn't know whether the money was income from investing in the Internet cafe as he said, but it was true that someone regularly transferred the money to his card in the middle of every month.

The girl asked him,

"You are so powerful, why don't you even have a car?"

The boy said

"Three years ago, my driver's license was revoked due to a traffic accident. It will take three years before I can take the driver's license test again."

She also said that she wanted to buy a car worth more than 800,000 yuan as a means of transportation, but the girl said that since we met, it has been three Valentine's Days, but you have not even bought me a decent gift. This year's Chinese Valentine's Day At that time, you had to buy me a gold bracelet . Now the gold price here is 458 per gram, plus the labor cost of 20 yuan, it is about 478 per gram. Of course, different gold brands have different gold prices. Let’s calculate a little more, let’s say it’s 500 per gram. Buying an ancient gold bracelet of about 40 grams (the girl likes the ancient gold bracelet with aperture and has been coveting it for a long time) is probably more than 20,000.

The girl said

"If you combine three Valentine's Days into one Valentine's Day for me and spend 20,000 yuan to buy me a gold bracelet, it won't be a loss for you."

The boy said "Okay, I'll give it to you." "Buy it, but this gold bracelet counts among the three gold items for marriage. You can't ask for any more gold bracelets when you get married."

Girls used to ask boys to buy themselves a decent gift, but boys always look for different gifts. I refused because I had no money.

Once a girl told him that when she still had a shortfall of 4,000 yuan in repayment of her mortgage, the boy generously transferred 6,000 yuan to the girl, and spent the rest of his life sending flowers and small gifts to each other. These small sums did not count. Yes, girls don’t live without money, and they also buy things for boys.

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T - DayDayNews

The girl herself couldn't tell whether the boy really wanted to marry her or not. She wanted to see the boy's sincerity again!

Looking at the boy's various behaviors, he is indeed rushing to get married.

However, he did not take the girl to meet her parents. When the girl asked the boy when he would take her to meet her parents, the boy always found various reasons to shirk it, saying that the time was not yet ripe and he would take her naturally when the time came. Went to meet parents.

When the girl was in Shandong this time, the boy agreed to take the girl with him when his grandfather celebrated his birthday, but later he couldn't agree.

He explained this to the girl because his mother did not agree with the marriage. She felt that the girl was not a native of Shandong and wanted him to marry another girl. Moreover, her mother had been friends with that girl's mother for many years. .

When grandpa celebrated his birthday, her mother took the initiative and took the girl to grandpa's house. He said that he was afraid that the three of them would be embarrassed and have a dispute when they met. Besides, he didn't have any money now and couldn't buy a decent thing for grandpa. gift, the matter was settled, and in the end he did not take the girl to meet his family.

Speaking of gifts, he also said that the gifts here are quite heavy. When his aunt's son got married, he gave him a gift of 10,000 yuan. Even if his buddies usually get married, they would also give a gift of 1,000 yuan. Are the gifts in Linyi, Shandong Province so heavy? Some friends have a new child, and they usually pay 6,600 or 8,800. Is the amount of the gift given by

in Linyi, Shandong really as high as he said? Is it as much as a thousand?

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T - DayDayNews

He told the girl that his parents were in a rural area in Linyi, Shandong Province. Their family and even the whole village grew fruit trees, and their annual income was pretty good.

In the countryside of Linyi, Shandong, are there really villages where fruit trees are planted in large areas? Did the boy tell lies?

The girl said,

"I have known him for a year and a half, and it depends on whether he will come to this Chinese Valentine's Day, Handan , or whether he will buy me a gold bracelet. His actual actions must be used to verify his love for me." My sincerity, if he really buys it for me, at least there is still sincerity in it, and I will continue to get along with him. If he doesn’t buy it, he is lying to me, and he is ready to drift away and end this relationship."

Girl Repeatedly said in front of me, she thought the boy would buy it for her.

I see that the girl is also sincerely attracted to this boy. She is still working as an anchor. She said that if the boy really marries her, she will no longer be in this industry because the boy does not like her being an anchor. Fans who have added WeChat privately will send some ambiguous words such as "I like you, I miss you", and the boy will be jealous and angry, so the girl will say

"If we get married in the future, I will definitely not be able to Now that I’m in this industry, I don’t want to quarrel over trivial matters in my married life. It’s worth hurting the couple’s relationship.”

In fact, the girl has been an anchor for nearly five years and has always wanted to use the Internet as a platform. The matchmaker has found her significant other, but she doesn’t know if she can succeed this time. If she still fails this time, the girl will listen to her parents, get introduced by a matchmaker and go on a blind date, and return to her hometown in Wei County .

Hello everyone! I talk about life through words. I hold my pen in hand and share with you the trivial things in life, taste the ups and downs of life, Four Seasons Mood. The girl is the anchor, and the boy is giving her gifts in the live broadcast room. After more interactions, T - DayDayNews

The girl is 26 years old this year. Her mother said that this age is definitely considered old in rural areas. She is very anxious and only gives the girl the last six months. If the marriage fails this time, the girl must listen to her parents.

The girl mentioned to me many times that in the more than a month we were together with this boy, we got along very easily. She didn’t have to hide any of her shortcomings. It was like she had known him for many years and she could show off her feet in front of him as much as she wanted. You can sit up on the table, eat garlic without brushing your teeth, or even burp and fart casually, and be your truest self regardless of your image.

Actually, I feel that girls still like this boy very much.

Dear friends, do you think the two of them can hold hands and walk into the marriage hall together?

You are welcome to leave a comment!

The world is so big, thank you for meeting you, I hope you will be filled with fragrance along the way

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