Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t

2024/06/2910:21:32 emotion 1297


In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children and going to nursing homes is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can truly They care about themselves, so many old people choose to live for themselves.

But sometimes saving money for your own retirement is not the right choice. Why do you say this? A 79-year-old man realized after he was paralyzed: "Saving money for my own retirement is the stupidest decision I have ever made in my life."

Let's take a look at his story.

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews

79-year-old Uncle Zhang

I am 79 years old, my last name is Zhang, and now I have been paralyzed. After being paralyzed, no one took care of me, and no one cared about me. Although I have a pension of 6,000 yuan every month, I also have three children, but my life is still not easy because my children are unwilling to support me in my old age. The reason why they are unwilling to provide for me in old age is very simple. When they needed my help before, I did not help. Instead, I only wanted to save money to provide for myself. Because I was too cruel to harm them, they had no money to invest and no money. After getting married, I had no choice but to borrow in the end, so they hated me very much. Now that I am paralyzed, they are not willing to take care of me, and even said that they will no longer recognize me as my father.

has fallen to this point, and I also regret it, because I didn’t expect that I, who was saving money for my own retirement during the epidemic, would end up like this. If I hadn’t been so heartless, maybe I would be very happy now, but in I could only lie in bed and couldn't move every day. Although I also had a nanny to take care of me, this nanny was very unqualified because the salary I gave her was low, so she didn't take care of me at all, and I had a very hard time every day.

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews

In fact, I used to have the idea of ​​​​raising children for old age, but later after my children left the society, a friend of mine told me not to take care of the children after they left the society, and do not help them anymore. When you should be cruel, be cruel. Only in this way can we have a good old age. There are still people who cannot rely on anyone in their old age. Only relying on oneself is true.

So my friend told me to live more for myself, so that life will be meaningful.

After hearing what my friend said, I thought it made sense, and then I began to choose to save money for my own retirement. Later, when my children got married, they came back and asked me to give them money. At that time, I was unwilling because I was afraid of my children. I'm used to eating old people, so in order to prevent them from becoming the old people, I decisively rejected them.

As a result, because I didn’t give them money to get married, the marriage of my two sons didn’t happen. Because the son didn’t have money to give him a gift or a wedding, his future daughter-in-law just ran away.

My daughter also severed ties with me because I didn’t give her a dowry, because my daughter felt that I was not a qualified father. Other fathers loved their daughters very much, but his father was unwilling to give anything. I am not willing to give a dowry even when I get married, so my daughter is very disappointed in me.

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews

A few years later, my two sons came to me and asked me to invest money. They said that they already had a way to make money, but they needed to invest 500,000, so they asked me to give each of them 250,000.

I decisively refused after hearing this. I felt that they were cheating on their old age by doing this, so I was unwilling to help. After refusing again, my son gave up completely, and later had no choice but to borrow money to invest. After

invested, they also succeeded. Since then, their life has been getting better and better, and they also have money to marry a wife. However, they have never come back since they became rich, and they did not greet me at that time.

At that time, my wife also asked, had he gone too far? As a result, my children were unwilling to come back, so I responded directly to my wife: "If you don't come back, I won't come back. Anyway, I don't rely on them. I have plenty of money now. I can hire a nanny when I get old. As for whether they will take care of me in my old age, I don't care. I won't be surprised if they come back.”

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews

At that time, I felt that I was special, very confident, and that I could live a happy life in my later years. However, I didn’t expect that my wife passed away. After my wife passed away, I became a lonely old man, and my savings were reduced. Most of the time, because before my wife passed away, I spent a lot of money to treat his illness, but I couldn't bring him back from death. So I not only wasted money, but also lost my wife. Because of this, I miss him every day. It's very sad. Then slowly, I started to have some minor problems with my body. I spent a lot of money to cure my disease, but the disease kept coming back. Even if I was cured, after a while The old disease would relapse in the future, so I spent a lot of money on myself in those years, and gradually my savings were gone. Although I still had a pension, if I got seriously ill in the future, I would definitely have no money for treatment.

So at that time, I started to panic, and I also knew that saving money for retirement was not reliable. I wanted to apologize to my children and move to their home for retirement, but as they were unwilling to accept it, they were unwilling to forgive me for being selfish. Old man.

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews

After they refused to provide for me, I had no choice but to provide for myself. But the days that followed made me very miserable because I had no money and had to take medicine every day, so my retirement time was not enough. Use.

What saddens me most is that I became paralyzed later. I was very painful after being paralyzed because no one cared about me and no one paid attention to me. The old man in the bed next to me was accompanied by his wife and children every day. I was alone. At that time, in order to prevent myself from being so lonely, I spent 2,000 yuan to hire a nanny. But because the money was too little, the nanny was careless and abused me every day.

said. To be honest, I really regret it. I didn’t expect that after I became paralyzed, I realized that saving money for my own retirement was the worst decision. If I had realized this was a mistake earlier, I would never be so selfish. But now I can’t say anything It's too late, nothing can go back, so I regret it very much. I also hope that all old people will not be so selfish, let alone think that their children are unreliable. If they have such thoughts, they will definitely be as miserable as me in their later years.

Introduction In fact, saving money for retirement is something that many elderly people like to do, because many elderly people know that relying on their children or going to a nursing home is no longer reliable, so they can only rely on themselves. In this world, only you can t - DayDayNews


This is the consequence of saving money for your own retirement, so sometimes the elderly really can’t listen to others, and don’t think it’s unreliable to rely on their children. Sometimes children can be reliable, although most of them are unreliable. But it also depends on the character of the children. If you have to kill a whole bunch of people with one stick, you will really regret it.

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