In all things, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, so that the cause and fate can be harmonious. As a person lives, he must learn to live with "forbearance", endure hardships, endure anger, and endure desires.

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In all things, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, so that the cause and fate can be harmonious. As a person lives, he must learn to live with

Everything is caused.

Everything in the world is due to the harmony of causes and conditions.

Dependent origin means troubles, gains and losses.

In the vast world, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, in order to be able to harmonize with each other.

01 Tolerance

Confucius said: "The foundation of a hundred actions is patience."

Life is full of hardships and changes. A little impatience will mess up a big plan, and blood will be seen on the blade.

As long as a person lives, he must learn to live with "forbearance", endure hardships, endure anger, and endure desires.

Han Xin endure the humiliation of the crotch, and in the future he will be respected by thousands of people; Gou Jian lies on the firewood and tastes courage, and three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.

Zeng Guofan, as a teacher, general and prime minister, a perfect person. Such achievements cannot be achieved without the word "endurance".

Tolerance, humiliation, resentment, suffering, trouble...

Zeng Guofan also used the word "forbearance" as a family motto, and sent a message to future generations:

"Peace can eliminate people's grievances, and patience can ward off disaster stars."

"The Analects of Confucius" There is a saying:

"Tolerance is a virtue, and observing the precepts and practicing asceticism is beyond the reach of others. A ninja has no resentment and will be respected by others."

A person who can endure must be able to withstand all kinds of blows. Everything that happens is tempered and makes you successful.

Understand this, and the harmony of causes and conditions will come naturally.

When you endure it for a certain period of time, God will naturally manifest everything you deserve.

After going through thousands of sails, you will understand that what you endure is not the thing itself, but the tempering of life and the carving of yourself.

As Nietzsche said: "A person who knows why he lives can endure any kind of life."

Forbearance is the most difficult practice in the world.

In all things, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, so that the cause and fate can be harmonious. As a person lives, he must learn to live with

02 Tolerance

An old saying goes:

"Mount Tai does not allow soil, so it can become big; rivers and seas do not allow small streams, so they can be deep."

All things have many forms, and they are great if they are tolerant.

A grain of sand got into the body of the little clam. It felt very uncomfortable and tried various methods to get rid of it, but all failed.

had no choice but to go to the old clam, but the old clam smiled and said: "My child, you have no choice, why not try to learn to be tolerant."

The little clam followed the words and opened his mind. Finally one day, the sand turned into a round pearl.

A gentleman tolerates what others cannot tolerate and tolerates what others cannot tolerate.

If a person can regard "tolerance" as the criterion for life, then his heart will definitely be clear and his life will be smoother.

Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu lived together. Qian Zhongshu either broke the lamp or knocked over the ink bottle. Yang Jiang had never complained about his clumsiness as a grown man. All she had was tolerance and protection of Mr. Qian's "insanity".

Yang Jiang's motto:

The true meaning of life lies in forgiveness and forgetting: forgive those who are worthy and forget those who are not worthy.

In this life, if I can tolerate words, people, and things, I won't have so many worries.

An ancient saying goes: "There must be tolerance, and virtue is great."

When you practice enough to tolerate all the unpleasantness of life and focus on your own responsibilities rather than interests, you will stand at the highest point of spirituality.

In all things, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, so that the cause and fate can be harmonious. As a person lives, he must learn to live with

03 Give up

In life, right and wrong, merit and demerit, are all between choices.

Don't give up, give up small and get small, give up big and get big.

Writer Wang Guozhen wrote:

"Life is like this. What you lose, life will use another way to compensate. When the sweet-scented osmanthus withers, the chrysanthemum will bloom again."

Jiang Xun has two seals, one of which is engraved with " "Reluctant" is engraved on the other side.

However, the word ‘reluctant’ has never been used once.

He said:

"There are too many reluctances in life: many people can't let go, many things can't be let go, many places can't let go, many times can't let go, and sometimes I hate myself for being so reluctant to let go.

After middle age, read the Buddhist scriptures and you will know Whatever is difficult to let go of, you still have to give it up in the end; no matter how reluctant you are, you still can’t keep it, but you must give it up. "

When you clench your fists and there is nothing in your hands, you can hold the whole world when you loosen your fingers.

All people with great wisdom dare to give up.

Even if there are many ways to give up in life, you have to "let go" in the end.

In all things, everything needs to be endured, tolerated, and given up, so that the cause and fate can be harmonious. As a person lives, he must learn to live with


Life is a practice.

All the way through wind and rain, all the way to practice.

Only by being able to endure, tolerate, and let go can you be at ease with everything in life.

The best attitude in life is to have mountains and valleys in your chest, mountains and rivers in your eyes, sit and watch the wind and clouds rise, and meditate on the vicissitudes of life.

Author: Ziqian Shangshang (zqss1117), focusing on the law of attraction, the column "Law of Attraction 21 Lessons on Good Luck in Life" is on sale for a limited time, so stay tuned.

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