Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa

2024/06/2904:53:32 emotion 1139


pictures/from the Internet

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

Netizens confided (authorized):

My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 kilograms. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So when I saw him He fell deeply into it after the first meeting, and no matter how hard his parents tried to dissuade him, it was of no avail.

I was very happy on my wedding day. Three months later, I became pregnant with my daughter. A year later, I began to suffer the pain of life.

has to admit that he is really useless except for his appearance.

He never does housework, he can't even wash the dishes, he has no skills, and he can't even support himself with the money he makes.

Since I got married, I have played the role of superwoman in the family, taking care of the children and working to earn money to support the family.

Two years before getting married, the thought of his good looks would bring some comfort, but a few years later, all I saw from him was boredom and helplessness.

At that time, I understood the painstaking efforts of my parents, but it was too late.

After the age of 30, his appearance began to age, and his figure also gained weight. After the age of 35, his hair became thinner and thinner. Now in his 40s, he has become an extremely greasy middle-aged man.

Time has taken away his only advantage and officially declared my failure to me.

Only now do I understand how wise my sister’s choice was. My brother-in-law is only 1.6 meters tall and looks average, but he makes money and takes care of his family. My sister has been living a very happy life these years.

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

Maybe it’s because of the different marriage experiences. My sister is obviously only two years younger than me, but the two of us stand together as if we are a generation apart.

Others praise my sister for having a good life and say that I have a bad life, but I don’t think so, because our fates all come from our own choices. It’s not that I have a bad life, I just don’t know how to choose a husband.

Ying'er said:

Appearance Association, when looking at a man, first look at his height and appearance. If his appearance is not good, just reject him directly. If he looks good, he will be happy even if other conditions are not good. This is a characteristic shared by many women, and it is also a shortcoming.

When I was young, I thought that a man's height and appearance were very important. After experiencing the hardships of life, I realized that the most important thing for a man is his height and appearance.

But after understanding this truth, many people have reached middle age. They cannot rewrite their own lives, they can only pass on their experiences to the next generation.

In marriage and love, the male advantages that women value most

In marriage and love, what women value most when choosing a husband are the following points.

height and appearance.

A person's appearance is his appearance. Being tall and handsome will give people a pleasing feeling, and women will feel very good when they take him out.

Therefore, women usually care about this when choosing their partner.

family background.

Marriage is never a matter between two people, but a matter between two families. A man's family background will directly affect the quality of life after marriage.

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

has a good family background, and with the help of his parents, his life will go smoothly in the future.

But if the family background is too poor and the parents are not only unable to help, but will also become a burden to their children, then life will be particularly difficult in the future.

own strength.

A man's strength can be divided into two points. The first point is academic qualifications, and the second point is the ability to make money.

Women have a natural admiration for men with high education. After all, this is the national standard for selecting talents. High education has certain advantages. Under normal circumstances, men with higher education have a brighter future.

After getting married, you have to live, and you have to solve problems such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and these are all inseparable from money, so a man's ability to make money will directly affect the family's living standard.

If you marry a strong man, a woman will not have to live so hard; if you marry a weak man, a woman will spend the rest of her life struggling.

These are all naked cases in real life.

Character and character.

Two people get along not for a few years, but for decades, so character and character are the most critical parts.

Only those with suitable personalities can live together harmoniously, and those with different personalities will make the chickens and dogs restless.

Each of us has a different personality and a significant other that suits us. Only by finding a suitable significant other can we have a harmonious life.

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

A man's character will directly determine his behavior and attitude towards his family.

A man with good character is responsible, takes the initiative to take on family responsibilities, and strives to make his wife and children live a better life.

Men with bad character have no sense of responsibility. Not only do they not think about their wives and children, they sometimes do things that hurt them.

In life, appearance is not that important.

Before getting married, girls will pay special attention to the appearance of men. But after a few years, everyone will understand that appearance is not that important when two people live together.

On the one hand, aesthetics will be tired.

The so-called good-looking appearance is actually just a temporary novelty.

At first, you were ecstatic, as if you could get spiritual food from that face and height, but as time goes by, you will gradually become numb, and the previous sense of joy is gone.

As long as the appearance is not particularly ugly, two people will gradually ignore each other's appearance and height after being together for a long time.

There is no difference whether it is a good-looking appearance or an ordinary appearance, because you have formed a habit.

On the other hand, appearance cannot be eaten.

Life is not about acting in an idol drama, nor is it about looking at a face and not having to eat.

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

People have to live in this world, and living involves all aspects, but these aspects have no direct relationship with appearance.

When a woman is looking for a man, she should look for someone who can make her life better, not a good-looking person.

If not, you will regret it.

Only by being pragmatic can you find your lover

If a woman wants to find her husband, she must use a pragmatic attitude to choose her partner.

Based on this, everyone must understand the following principles.

First, no one is perfect

Many women want to find a man who is good-looking, tall, has good family conditions, is well-educated, and has strong earning power.

But how can such a perfect person exist in this world? Even if there is, why would he fall in love with you?

Most people living in this world are ordinary people. The so-called ordinary people refer to people who are imperfect and have shortcomings in some aspects.

Therefore, don't care about one of the other party's shortcomings, but consider him from a comprehensive perspective.

Text/Shadow Pictures/Comments from Internet netizens (authorized): My husband was very handsome when he was young. He was 1.78 meters tall, with a standard weight of 135 pounds. His facial features were delicate and strong, and his temperament was charming. So the first time I sa - DayDayNews

Secondly, in a family, a man’s height and appearance are the least important.

From the perspective of marriage and love, the most important characteristics of a man are his height and appearance.

If you have to give up a few things among height, appearance, family background, education, earning ability, character, and personality, then height and length will be the first thing to be discarded.

In a family, the most useless thing is height and appearance, and the following points will directly affect the family's living standard.

Third, character and ability are essential conditions when choosing a husband.

Women should not be obsessed with skin when looking for a husband, but should focus on character and earning ability.

Only a man with character and responsibility can shoulder the responsibility of a family.

Life is real. You cannot get rid of daily necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation, so a man's ability to make money is very important.

Only with a pragmatic attitude can you find a pragmatic husband, and then live a more pragmatic life, instead of being flashy and regretting it in the end.

I am Yinger, an original author focusing on the emotional field.

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