We celebrated my granddaughter's birthday last night with my in-laws and two families in a hotel. One of my uncle's children happened to be back from out of town. He was about to arrive in Tangshan and wanted to stay overnight in the city first, so he sent him the hotel's locatio

2024/06/3011:04:32 emotion 1063

We celebrated my granddaughter's birthday last night with my in-laws and two families in a hotel. One of my uncle's children happened to be back from out of town. He was about to arrive in Tangshan and wanted to stay overnight in the city first, so he sent him the hotel's locatio - DayDayNews

Last night we celebrated my granddaughter’s birthday with my in-laws and two family members in a hotel. One of my uncle’s friends happened to be coming back from other places. He was about to arrive at Tangshan . He had to stay overnight in the city first, so he sent the location of the hotel. I gave it to him and asked him to go directly to the hotel after getting off the train. After a while, he arrived with a backpack on his back after a long journey. The uncle was naturally happy to meet his old friend. He was also a child and his grandmother had watched him grow up. Everyone was watching him. The atmosphere was very harmonious while chatting while eating. After drinking three rounds of wine and five dishes, he looked at his mobile phone and said that he was going out to pick up a courier. In a moment, he came in with a big rag doll. It turned out that he knew that the child had a birthday and did not know it. When I used my mobile phone to order this doll online, the child was very happy to see it. He couldn't put it down while holding the doll, and even stopped eating. I sat aside and secretly praised him. I felt that this young man was very sensible and had high emotional intelligence. . I am reminded of a discussion topic I saw online recently: Should I bring gifts when I go to a friend’s house for a dinner?

My opinion is: when you go to someone else’s house to eat, you should not go empty-handed because it is a kind of etiquette.

In real life, friends and relatives often invite us to dinner. If we go empty-handed without bringing anything, it is not only a formal etiquette. Somewhat lacking. It also lowered my emotional intelligence. Therefore, when going to eat at someone else's house, it is best to bring something to eat or use. In this way, we will have "peace of mind" when we eat and avoid making people laugh. These are some tips for people to interact with each other, as well as the worldly wisdom. It is also a basic principle of life, and it also shows that we do not lack etiquette. This will also be very comfortable for friends. If we are rude, we cannot stand. If we have this kind of etiquette and etiquette, we can continue to maintain good relationships with our friends.

Bringing some gifts will make you look particularly sensible, and your friends will secretly praise you. These are all things we need to do. When they invite guests to dinner, of course they hope that we will readily agree. But behind the treat is the hard work they put in preparing the meal. We bring gifts to show respect for other people's work. It doesn't matter whether the gift is valuable or not. The key is to make people feel comfortable.

In fact Not only friends, even when we go to our own parents' house, we should bring something with us. This is filial piety. From the parents' point of view, they won't say anything if you go empty-handed, but if you bring some gifts to your parents , they will be happy. And so do we. At least there is light on the face, we should all have this kind of emotional intelligence .

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