Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together.

2024/06/3014:16:32 emotion 1958

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be together. - DayDayNews

Someone blacklisted me this morning. I liked him very much before and have been trying to be with him. Although a few decent men liked me, I never wavered. I have always been firm about relationships because I don’t want to waste time on them. Once I am sure that I like someone, I will go all the way to the dark side. But I am also selfish. When I cannot get back what I have given, I will not continue to give. If I compromise too much, my ingrained ladylike temper will take over. Regardless of whether I love you or not, I will not continue to be patient, I will let myself go tit-for-tat.

Because I know that love is one thing, and whether we are together is another. In this life, you may not be happy only if you are with the person you love. This kind of thinking is silly - loving someone sometimes makes it more painful to be with them.

There is no shortage of high-quality men around me.

I have been talking to these days. The United Nations is stationed in Vienna I am chatting with an old foreign affairs friend, let’s call him Vienna in this article

We had known each other before in New York, when Abbas and I had not yet had a fake marriage. He thought Abbas liked me because I was beautiful and sexy, and there were many American men who liked me. As I write this, I would like to mention that there are very few Chinese men around me who like me and dare to chase me. Maybe it’s because I am rather proud and strong. I see that the man's usual expression is a cold sideways glance, followed by a cold snort. Sometimes I really feel that I should let someone see how I get along with other Chinese men. He might know how gentle and kind I was to him.

Let’s get back to the subject. Vienna didn’t dare to pursue me. Not long after, I was transferred to the United Nations. Office in Vienna

I got back in touch with him this time because my brother at the United Nations mentioned me when he was chatting with him. He was shocked to find out that Abbas and I were in a fake marriage, so he was ecstatic and added my FB

. At first, his and I had completely different ideas. I regard him as an old friend, but he likes me and wants to chase me. This may be the difference between caring and not caring - someone never takes the initiative to contact me, and replies to my messages with great care. But Vienna is different. He replies to my messages very quickly and often, and often takes the initiative to find me.

But I don’t care about this because he is a married person and I am a non-marriage person. If he treats me well, I will accompany him for this period of time regardless of status, and I will try my best to go as long and as far as possible. It's not good for me, it's just a brief fling, the flights between China and the United States are normal, I will choose whoever I have to choose.

I am actually a person who attaches great importance to emotions and cares about fairness. My principle of doing things is that if you are good to me, I will be better to you. If you treat me badly, why should I treat you well? If I continue to be nice to you, am I not sorry for the people who can't help being nice to me? !

I am also rejecting Vienna this afternoon. Those who understand English can read the chat history. Because his appearance really doesn't fit my taste. But his emotional intelligence is very high, he is a diplomat after all. Chatting and getting along with him feels like a breath of fresh air

In fact, I prefer to get along with ambassadors or people from the United Nations, not because I think they have noble status, but because they have received professional psychological training. He is a gentleman and has a good temper. He seldom quarrels with others and does not easily make others angry. His speech and behavior are decent and warm. He is like a little sun, attracting everyone to get close to him. He is full of positive energy.

After I returned to China, I was surrounded by people. People are ordinary people, including someone. They have no professional training, so I find it irritating and even a bit weird to deal with them.

This is why I desperately want to go back to New York.

Once, because of love, I seriously thought about someone's character flaws. I have said that I am a person who has walked a dark road. Even though I have been hit and hurt by someone with so many low emotional intelligence, I have never thought about giving up

. I even think optimistically that I have been trained and that I can be with different people. Be friendly. Therefore, I can tolerate him or bring him into my circle if I have the opportunity, let him communicate with the ambassadors and become friends, and subtly change him.I believe that with his intelligence, he can absorb the nutrients from the ambassadors by spending more time with them and find his own shortcomings.

In life, we need to constantly improve and perfect ourselves, face our own shortcomings and shortcomings, and learn more. Only by learning can a better person grow and make himself better

However, I don’t have much fate with this person, and I don’t know how he would feel if he knew that his blocking this time caused me to choose again.

In a relationship, if a person is worthy of me sticking to him, I will always stick to him. If it’s not worth it, someone else will stick to

html. In the afternoon, because I was too lazy to chat with Vienna, I asked him to add my son on WeChat, and he happily agreed. I thought it was perfunctory, but when I passed by my son's room, I found that he had been video chatting with my son. He tried his best to correct my son's spoken language, and the two of them laughed happily while watching the video...

Since my ex-husband remarried and had two more children, my son has been depressed. Today I found that he was very happy, as if he had found the missing father's love

In the evening, my son happily told me that his uncle in Vienna invited him to go there during the summer vacation, and asked him to tell him after applying for a visa that he would buy him a round-trip air ticket...

In fact, the main reason why I have never accepted Hunter is that he does not accept my son

Hunter is very young and a pampered rich second generation. Regarding the issue of treating my son, the hope he gave was that he would give my son money to buy a house or a car in any city in China, but he could not go to New York and affect my life and his life

As for me, I don’t want to get pregnant and have children again. He also felt that the problem could be solved with money. Because surrogacy is legal in the United States, his arrangement is to find a surrogate

Look! This is the benefit of being rich

But Hunter forgot that I am a mother first, and a woman second. Although I am selfish, I am also willing to sacrifice everything for my son

So when I felt that Vienna liked my son, I was a little touched. But what made me ready to make up my mind to accept him was what my brother from the United Nations told me just now - because of Vienna, his son joined the United Nations.

My brother told me meaningfully, "If he can let his son enter the United Nations, he can let you My son will also go in."

Although my son is only in high school, it does not affect my ability to prepare for a rainy day for him.

Recalling what someone said to me in the morning, he said that I might think money and power are more important, that it is more important to lead a high-class life, and that big shots are more important. The three more important ones

he thinks I value, but in fact he is wrong. I like power and money but don't really need it. If I thought these things were important, why did I choose him without any doubt before, and even bought a house for no reason, hoping to settle in this ungrateful city for him. I can definitely choose ambassador

and then someone said - everyone is a tool to me. Use it when you need it, throw it away when you don't.

doesn’t know where he came from with such a weird opinion. Am I going to burn bridges like this? ! Doing such immoral things, should I mess with

? But one thing he said is right - I have my own purpose when approaching a person in the first place. When the value of something I value is less than love, I will choose love without hesitation. But when its value is higher than love, I will sacrifice love

Just like this, if Vienna treats my son like Hunter, or he has no ability, no background, no connections, and cannot give my son the benefits he wants, or Someone is nice to me. I thought I would reject him like I rejected everyone else.

But there are no assumptions in life. He can give me what I want, so I am also willing to give him what he wants.

When two people are together, what maintains a relationship is never love, but necessity! Everyone has his or her own plans, and only if each can get what he needs can he live forever

In the real world, the elders of the moon all work part-time as the God of Wealth.Rich people can eventually get married

On November 25th, Vienna will represent his country and the United Nations in Thailand to participate in the World Shooting Championship ! Look, I said there is no shortage of excellent men around me - even if it is a relationship with purpose and transaction, you cannot deny his excellence

So I say my luck has always been good! Wherever I need to make friends with powerful people, they all come to me

. I am going to take my son to Thailand to cheer for Vienna. By the way, I invited my uncle from Beijing Film Academy and my best friend from Beijing. They were very happy and planned to go together. Excellent people can only create more value when they are with equally excellent people. Holding together for warmth

As time passes, maybe I will miss that moment of innocence and kindness shown for someone for love. Or maybe I will never think of touching it again, because the relationship with someone is a pain and embarrassment that I don’t want to experience again in this life.

Finally, I suddenly remembered something

—I once liked a piece of clothing very much, Chanel It’s a runway model that I saved up for a long time to buy. Maybe you will think that I will cherish and like the clothes I bought for so much money. I did cherish it for a while, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt it wasn't worth it. I felt like I was crazy and stupid to spend so much money on a piece of clothing. Finally, after a button fell off the dress, I put it away. Many times, spending too much energy and time pursuing some people or things will make you feel stupid again and again in the future.

If there is an afterlife, I only wish to never meet

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