"Don't bully your friend's wife." It's not just friends, this principle also applies to brothers. A brother's wife is his relative. If he maintains an unclear relationship with her, it is not only immoral and contrary to human ethics, but can also easily lead to disastrous conseq

2024/07/0211:17:33 emotion 1590

"Don't bully your friend's wife." It's not just friends, this principle also applies to brothers. A brother's wife is his relative. If he maintains an unclear relationship with her, it is not only immoral and contrary to human ethics, but can also easily lead to disastrous consequences.

In 2018, a tragedy occurred in Liaoning, where brothers were fighting for their wife. A man suspected that his wife was unfaithful and installed a camera in the bedroom. The identity of his lover made him collapse. What brought this couple to the point of falling apart? What painful lessons does this case teach people?

An ordinary family in Liaoning has a pair of twin brothers - Guo Laozi and Guo Laoer. The two look very similar, so when they were growing up, people around them often made mistakes. But there is a special girl among them - Wen Hui. Ever since she met Guo brothers , she can easily tell who is who between two people based on their personality and habits. For example, Guo Lao Er is a calm and down-to-earth boy, while Guo Lao Er is funny and humorous.

It is precisely because of Wen Hui's special identification ability that the twins were surprised and fell in love with her. Because for them, the only people who can tell them apart are their very close parents. Now that Wen Hui can do this, they undoubtedly have full trust in this girl.

Wen Hui prefers Boss Guo who knows how to take care of others, so on her eighteenth birthday, when she received a necklace from Boss Guo, she became his girlfriend. After learning about this, Guo Laoer did not express his feelings, but quietly withdrew from the fight with his brother.

After the three of them went to college, Wen Hui and Guo Boss got married. The marriage between the two cannot be said to be a happy one, because Mr. Guo was assigned to an engineering company after graduation. He studied civil engineering in college, so the nature of his work required him to travel frequently. The couple spent less time together and more separation, and gradually their affection faded.

Wenhui often complained to Boss Guo, but only received hasty perfunctory responses from him, and became increasingly dissatisfied with him. Boss Guo didn't have any good solutions. He couldn't change jobs for his wife, so he asked his younger brother who was close to home to help Wenhui often. Originally, Boss Guo was just kind-hearted, but he didn't expect that his actions would lead to the breakdown of the family.

In fact, when Wen Hui was 18 years old, she chose Guo Lao Er. Although Guo Lao Er kept a distance from Wen Hui on the surface, he still had that friendship hidden in his heart. Now Wenhui has married her eldest brother and became his sister-in-law. Logically speaking, he should avoid suspicion, but his eldest brother's commission made him have some thoughts that he shouldn't have.

After that, Guo Laoer often visited Wenhui at home, not only helping her solve the difficulties in life, but also staying with her when she was lonely. Wen Hui may also have noticed that Guo Laoer was too close to her, so she deliberately reduced the chances of meeting him, and even used Guo Laoer to beat him, hoping that he would take the initiative to avoid suspicion.

Guo Laoer is a good person, how could he not understand that Wen Hui is rejecting him. He suddenly felt unwilling to do so. After all, Wen Hui was very close to him now. Therefore, a very terrible thought came into his mind, and he wanted to take Wenhui as his own. During the Mid-Autumn Festival of a certain year, Guo Laoer was on a business trip and could not accompany Wenhui even during the festival. Guo Laoer came to visit with gift boxes, meals and drinks.

Wen Hui really didn't want to refuse. After all, it was a holiday, so the two had dinner together in the evening and drank a lot of wine. When Wen Hui was drunk, Guo Laoer suddenly sat next to her, leaned over and kissed her. Wen Hui seemed to have an illusion that her husband was back, but deep down she knew that this was an illusion given to her by Guo Laoer.

Wen Hui finally silently accepted this illusion, and the two crossed the threshold. In fact, Guo Laoer fully understood that Wenhui only regarded him as a substitute, but he was still greedy for the momentary passion and was unwilling to break the secret relationship between the two. However, in an accident, Wen Hui learned something very important, which completely changed the future of the three of them.

Originally Wenhui had no special feelings for Guo Laoer, but one time after the two met with Duke Zhou at home, Wenhui was sorting out the bookcase and suddenly found the 18-year-old necklace, and she suddenly felt guilty towards her husband. She said decisively to Guo Laoer, who was still thinking about it: "Don't come here again, otherwise I will fly away with your brother and never come back!"

Guo Laoer didn't understand why Wenhui suddenly turned against him, until When he saw the necklace in Wen Hui's hand, he smiled bitterly and said, "You know, I gave this necklace to you!" It turned out that this was originally a secret between the Guo brothers. When Wen Hui celebrated her birthday that year, Guo Lao Er didn't understand romance and didn't know what birthday gift to give her. Guo Lao Er always knew that Wen Hui liked the fake diamond necklace in the stationery store, so he saved two months of living expenses and bought it for her. .

However, based on her admiration for Boss Guo, Wen Hui naturally thought that this was a gift from Boss Guo. This misunderstanding also ended her fate with Boss Guo. Now that Wen Hui learned the truth, she felt regretful and felt that she owed Guo Laoer too much, so the idea of ​​​​severing the relationship disappeared instantly.

After that, the relationship between Wen Hui and Guo Laoer quickly heated up, and they even got along like a normal couple. Because Guo Laoer and his elder brother looked so similar, the neighbors didn't notice it and mistakenly thought that it was Guo Laoer who frequently came in and out of Wenhui's house. It wasn't until the real Mr. Guo rushed home after nearly a year of traveling around, he was stopped by his neighbors as he rushed home.

The neighbor was a little strange and asked him: "Why are you carrying your suitcase? Didn't you just go home from the supermarket with your wife?" Boss Guo was completely confused by the question, but his intuition told him that something big seemed to have happened at home. So he hurried back home and found Wen Hui busy in the kitchen, and Guo Laoer, naked, was lying on the bed in the bedroom. Although their brothers did sleep in different beds when they were young, this scene still set off alarm bells in Guo's heart.

Although Wenhui and Guo Laoer pretended to be fine in front of Boss Guo, Boss Guo decided to find out what his younger brother was doing at home. He bought an monitor from the Internet and quietly placed it in his room before going on a business trip. On the night he left, when he turned on his cell phone and saw the scandalous things Wen Hui and his brother did on the surveillance camera, he was so angry that his nose was not a nose and his eyes were not eyes.

Boss Guo returned home in the car that night and punched his younger brother on the ground who had not yet left. Guo Laoer seemed to know that he was sorry for his brother, so he did not fight. Wen Hui quickly dialed 120 after trying to dissuade her without success. Afterwards, after diagnosis by medical staff, Guo Laoer was judged to have minor injuries.

While Guo Laoer entered the hospital for treatment, Guo Laoer was detained by the police for intentional injury and was immediately prosecuted. " Criminal Law " Article 234 [Crime of Intentional Injury] Anyone who intentionally injures another person's body shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years , criminal detention or surveillance. Obviously, Boss Guo’s behavior has been suspected of intentional injury and has reached the scope of criminal liability (causing minor injuries). However, at the same time, Guo Laoer had made serious mistakes beforehand, and he had forgiven Guo Laoer afterwards, so in the end Guo Laoer was sentenced to three years in prison with four years of probation. This means that Boss Guo does not have to serve time in prison, but he has a four-year probation period. While this case of

is depressing, it also serves as a warning that relationships that “continue to be cut and sorted out” can easily lead to disputes and even criminal offenses. Only by keeping oneself clean and abiding by the morals of human society can one try to avoid disasters and maintain harmony in family and social relationships.

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