The worst result is just complicity. So he became more and more silent, and his colleagues advised him: "Lao Guan, please be patient. In fact, it would be nice to live abroad. There is no struggle, the subsidies are high, and there is no need to look at people's faces."

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The worst result is just complicity. So he became more and more silent, and his colleagues advised him:

It is not easy to be original, so please avoid copying.

If I find out, I will be in a bad mood one day - I will investigate!


Guan Jingheng bowed and watched the teacher leave with the greatest respect!

After paying the bill, he returned to the hotel. Tomorrow he will fly back to a foreign country to wait for his fate to be pronounced.

Whether he succeeds or fails, he has tried his best in the test of fate. The worst result is just complicity.

Instructor will not die with him, she is such an excellent and strong person. The pride deep in her bones would not let Mengmeng go even to the moment of her death.

has carefully planned it for many years, and she is certainly not willing to let it be ruined.

The days of waiting are also difficult for a strong person like Guan Jingheng.

As a result, he became more and more silent. His colleagues advised him: "Lao Guan, please be patient. In fact, it would be nice to live abroad. There is no struggle, the subsidies are high, and people's faces are not judged."

Guan Jingheng remained silent.

There are a thousand kinds of waiting in the world,

The best kind is called "the future can be expected!"

Guan Jingheng remembered his mentor's instructions before leaving: "Jing Heng, give me some time."

Compared to the suffering of darkness after compromise , the waiting filled with dawn is undoubtedly wonderful.

Instructor needs time to plan, which he can relate to after having been in the officialdom for more than ten years. Whether it's a dream or an up and down activity.

Ellie pouted in front of the computer and heard Guan Jingheng say: "The project may have to be extended..."

Although Ellie was feeling bitter, she still managed to cheer up and said: "It's okay. I'll buy a plane ticket at the worst." Look at you."

Ellie shouted deliberately: "Lao Guan, have you listened to my advice recently and put on sunscreen? Look at you, you are so tanned. If you continue like this, I will hardly recognize you."

Guan Jingheng touched his face, and the words "Lao Guan" made his heart twitch.

He said hurriedly: "I have used up the sunscreen you brought last time."

"Then you won't buy it?"

"I will go tomorrow."

"By the way, buy some more delicious things."

Ellie could only express her concern in this way.


Ellie was filled with dark clouds because of Guan Jingheng’s late return.

Lisa's mood was not much better, but she was no different from usual. After all, for her who takes care of both career and family, love can only be regarded as a small episode in her life.

Charlie has been promoted to a higher rank and will be transferred back to the headquarters.

is for three years.

Charlie hugged Lisa last night and said, "Can you allow me to be selfish for once?"

Lisa shook her head and said, "No."

"Just this time?"


Charlie pressed his mind and thought He wanted to say, "Lisa, let's get married and live abroad together. I promise to be good to you and the children, and let's have another child."

But Charlie knew that Lisa's career was at home.

Her roots, relatives, and friends are all in China.

is as proud as Lisa and will never accept the kind of life where she needs to rely on others after going abroad.

Seeing that Charlie was sad, Lisa also said lonely: "Actually, I also want to be selfish."

Charlie also said: "No."

Lisa smiled: "I know."

Lisa wanted to say: "You give up. If you get promoted, stay in the country and develop."

Charlie couldn't, it wasn't that he was unwilling to give up his promotion.

Instead, he didn't dare.

No path in life is easy. If you can't bear the hardship of being separated in two places, you will naturally suffer from depression and frustration in the end, as well as the strange eyes of the world.

If Charlie chooses to stop moving forward, how will he be able to match the excellent Lisa after a few years. How could he protect her from wind and rain so that she could safely enter into marriage and have children of her own?

The essence of marriage is the consumption of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

When two people in love are arguing about money, it really doesn’t look good. One day, someone better appeared around Lisa. What can he do to maintain their love.

Charlie is a seasoned veteran, so he naturally sees the nature of women more clearly than the average person.

The highest state of love: "Don't wrong yourself, and don't consume others!"


The man and woman who rarely indulged themselves drank all night long.

Lisa woke up in bed the next morning, snuggled against Charlie's bare chest and said, "When we meet again in the future, you are not married and I am not married. Let's walk the rest of the way like this, okay?"

Charlie stroked Lisa's head and said, "Okay."

After Lisa finished speaking, she put on her clothes and got out of bed.

She arranged her appearance as quickly as possible, went downstairs and drove back to her home. The children, under the care of their nanny, were having breakfast.

The nanny aunt said with distress that Lisa had not returned home all night: "Are you working overtime again?"

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes before sending the children to school."

When Lisa finished washing and went out, the nanny aunt He handed her a thermos cup and told her: "It contains American ginseng water. Remember to drink it while it's hot."

"Thank you."

Lisa's thank you came from the sincerity, and the nanny's thoughtfulness also came from the sincerity. But no one mentioned that Lisa gave her a salary increase last month.

Lisa, who is too calm, has long given up on talking about love.

In this world, love and profit are a natural pair.

Even Lisa's ex-husband finally understood this truth, and his family is now very harmonious. The price is that he must work day and night to support Xiaoya and the child in her belly.

Xiaoya was pregnant with a boy, and Lisa's mother-in-law was very happy.

After learning that she was pregnant with a boy, Xiaoya's temper increased day by day. She called her natal mother on the grounds of feeling unwell.

This small town woman who has never seen the world in her life does not understand what face is. She also tolerated Lisa's mother-in-law because she learned from Xiaoya that the final economic power of the family was still in the hands of the old woman who looked delicate and elegant.


But this does not prevent Xiaoya's mother from enjoying life.

She can eat as much as two people by herself. She often eats Granny Lisa's supplements without saying hello, and will also secretly go to her closet to get some clothes or things.

was discovered, or Lisa's mother-in-law got mad.

She would smile brightly and say: "Mom, I was wrong. But I have never seen such a good thing in my life, and you can't blame me."

Lisa's mother-in-law would complain to her son, and Xiaoya would support her. I quarreled with my mother-in-law when I was pregnant. In the end, the only person who could not bear to be disturbed was Lisa's husband.

As time goes by, men are the first to be unable to bear it.

Lisa's mother-in-law followed closely behind, and she couldn't stand it either.

She can't lock the refrigerator and wardrobe at home.

Valuable items can be stored in a safe, but how many things can be put in a safe?

No, she just bought a box of high-quality fish maw the day before yesterday to give away. When she went to visit a friend today, she looked around and couldn't find it.

She rushed out of the storage room immediately and angrily went to Xiaoya's mother to argue: "Did you take something from me again?"

"My mother-in-law, what are you talking about."

"A white gift box." "

" Oh, that's right, I got it. Yesterday, my relatives from my hometown came to see me, and you just happened to go for a beauty treatment. Why do you have such good skin when everyone is a woman? "Take me to do it with you?" "

" Don't change the subject. I'm asking you why you took my things. "

" It's not like there are relatives coming to see Xiaoya. I can't let them go away empty-handed.So I just picked something up. Is that thing expensive? "

Xiaoya's mother looked horrified, but in fact she sent the box of fish maw to the second-hand gift recycling shop on the street.

Lisa's ex-mother-in-law yelled: "Of course it is expensive. "

"Don't be angry, then I'll ask Xiaoya to compensate you? "

" Forget it, don't take my stuff next time. "

Lisa's ex-mother-in-law certainly understood and asked Xiaoya to pay for herself.

In the end, it was her son's money that was spent.


As the saying goes: "It is difficult to guard against house thieves if you guard against them day and night!" "

Lisa's mother-in-law heard her son tactfully bring up the idea of ​​moving out and living alone after giving birth to the child.

She was so annoyed that she didn't object for the first time.

It would be good to think of sending the god of plague away.

Lisa's ex-husband wanted to ask her mother for an apartment. Although Lisa's ex-mother-in-law was reluctant, she had no choice but to let her son and grandson live on the street.

The old woman could only rent out the apartment with three bedrooms and two living rooms. She took it back and reluctantly gave it to her son.

Lisa did not expect that the thing she had worked hard for so long would be succeeded by Xiaoya and her daughter.

Things in the world were indeed true. One thing brings another down.

Even Qiansha's ex-husband was feeling overwhelmed, and things had turned around like this.

Should he be happy or sad that night when he was hiding on the balcony? He was a smoker and stared at the stars for a long time. But no matter whether he smoked all night or drank a whole bottle of wine, Lisa was the man he couldn't go back to. He could only accept his fate. Walking on a new life path. Of course, he would not let anyone know.

He shed tears of regret that night...

The worst result is just complicity. So he became more and more silent, and his colleagues advised him:

Xiaoya woke up in the middle of the night and saw her drunken husband sitting on the sofa in the living room. , she chose to turn a blind eye.

She is not as strong and capable as Lisa, so she has to learn to hold back.

Only in this way can life be easier.

After living well, she will forgive a lot.

Although the hurt will still be there. Yes, but you have gone a long way.


More than a month later, Guan Jingheng, who had settled in another city, received the transfer order without warning.

But unfortunately, he was not reinstated but was demoted. level, was assigned to a certain cultural industry Qingshui Yamen as a responsible person.

Mr. Guan didn't care at all. Instead, he had the urge to resurrect his life. It's over the top.

But for him who has seen through the glitz, plainness is the most precious thing.

A banquet with delicacies is not as good as a family banquet with simple meals.

The intoxicating liquor late at night is not as good as the fragrant porridge in the morning.

That honest colleague became the saddest person in the world.

He dragged Guan Jingheng to drink one cup after another late at night.

Mr. Guan knew what he was thinking, but he was helpless.

He could only say in a positive tone before his colleagues were completely anesthetized by alcohol: "Brother, I'm sorry, I also narrowly escaped death. I really can't help you!"

Hurting words will have to be said sooner or later.

Guan Jingheng must be willing to be this bad guy.

The slurred man said back and forth: "I know, I know."

But the last one was this man who was 1.8 meters tall.

squatted on the ground and cried like a child.

We are separated from each other. I don’t know when the two of them met?

Guan Jingheng couldn't bear it. He comforted him and said: "If your wife and daughter in China need anything, you can tell me when the time comes. I will do my best to do whatever I can. Whether it is money or other aspects."

This is Guan Jingheng’s final bottom line and his greatest kindness.


The day Guan Jingheng returned to China was the day Charlie left.

Different plots played out at the same airport.

Although the time is different, the male and female protagonists are also different.

But today is a milestone day for Yuxi Public Relations. It turned out that two bosses chose not to be in the office on the same day.

The unprecedented relaxation made every employee of Yuxi Public Relations feel a little overwhelmed. Someone discussed: "Are there any big customers coming today?"

"I don't know? What kind of customer can actually invite our two giant Buddhas to greet him?"

Everyone was talking about it, and Jack knocked coldly. holding the keyboard. In fact, he was chatting with his girlfriend: "The bosses are not here, I will get off work early in the afternoon. Let's go to sing karaoke?"

In the morning, Ellie ran to the airport happily. She ran into the airport at a sprint speed of 100 meters regardless of Guan Jingheng's arms. Mr. Guan, who had lost a lot of weight, took a small step back due to the impact.

Ellie frowned and complained: "You must have not eaten well, look how thin you have become?"

Mr. Guan said flatteringly: "I will make up for it right away, and I guarantee that I will gain ten pounds a month."

Ai Li took a step away from Mr. Guan, and Guan Jingheng didn't know why.

Ellie said deliberately: "I don't want to gain ten pounds. I want to stay away from you this month."

Guan Jingheng smiled and said nonchalantly: "That's okay, I'm going to take some time off anyway. Just take this opportunity, Studying delicious food at home. "

" Let me tell you, my biggest interest is watching food programs. Now I have a lot of experience in cooking. "

" I have all the materials. Try out all the recipes stored in the computer one by one."

After hearing this, Ellie came over very spinelessly: "What are you going to cook?"

"Didn't you say you should stay away from me? "

" I'm kidding. "


On that day, Ellie blatantly moved into Guan Jingheng's house.

Ellie's father was still a little jealous, but he was severely punished by his wife. Ellie's mother said angrily: "You have spent your life in vain, and you don't even know how old Ellie and Jing Heng are. If you don't hurry up, when will you be able to have a grandson?"

"Wife, didn't you say Aren't you in a hurry? "

" That's what I told Jing Heng. Women should give birth as early as possible. Forget it, you don't understand even if I tell you. "Old man, Jing Heng will come over for dinner tomorrow. Let's go back to our hometown for a while. "

" Why? "

"There are so many reasons. If you can't bear to go back, I will go back alone. "Of course I will go with you." Is it right to create opportunities for them? "

" asked knowingly "

" when Ellie was still taking a shower.

Suddenly heard the doorbell ringing outside the door, but she didn't pay attention.

When she ran out fragrantly wrapped in a bath towel, she found herself submerged in a sea of ​​flowers. The male protagonist changed into a suit, knelt down on one knee and read out his marriage vows.

Ellie yelled, and Mr. Guan, who was speaking with emotion, was startled. He asked weakly: "What's wrong with you?"

Ellie put on an angry expression and said: "What's wrong with me? It's such a romantic and memorable moment. I'm actually wrapped in a bath towel, is that ridiculous?" "

"You look good in a bath towel."

"You look good in a bath towel..."

The guy who sent the flowers got it wrong.

Years later, Ellie often thinks about this incident.

all looked at Guan Jingheng with extremely resentful eyes, but Mr. Guan looked calm. Because for him, after calculating the dates many times, he found that his baby girl should have been conceived on that day.

The worst result is just complicity. So he became more and more silent, and his colleagues advised him:


Unlike Ellie's cheerfulness, Lisa sent Charlie away calmly.She would not tell anyone that she hid in the airport bathroom that day and cried until her eyes were red.

Charlie was not much better, he got on the plane.

He looked at the white clouds passing by the window and kept thinking about bits and pieces of the past. He kept comforting himself: "Today's farewell is to get along better in the future."

Lisa came out of the bathroom after applying makeup and discovered the "face" created by May. Its fashion posters have occupied the most conspicuous advertising space in the airport corridor in advance.

Lisa walked in front of the posters one after another, and every step she took was a result of her efforts.

No woman will be loved by time for no reason. The success of

May is also the success of Yuxi Public Relations.

The success of Yuxi's public relations has made Lisa and Ellie a legend in the industry.

What the world doesn’t know is that Lisa and Ellie’s cleverness, ability to talk things out, and their ability to talk are just on a technical level. The level of Tao is character, morality, and conduct. Comparing one's heart to one's heart is the most valuable quality.

All skills are inferior to Ise.

The world will only say that these sisters are very lucky.

Lisa's ex-husband saw the interview video, and the host asked Lisa; "What do you think is the secret to Yuxi's success in public relations?"

Lisa smiled and said, "Treat people with sincerity!"

The man recalled the past, and he had indeed encountered He found a woman who treated him sincerely. Unfortunately, he accidentally returned her to the crowd.


On the wedding day of Guan Jingheng and Ellie, the beautiful daughter was held by her mother and swayed to become a flower girl . Although she took only a few steps, she fell.

Who is to blame? It’s not her mother.

I must wear a gorgeous princess dress for her.

When Ellie saw her cute goddaughter fall to the ground and exclaimed, all the guests also held their breath, preparing to welcome the child's wails.

I saw my beautiful daughter, with the help of her mother, she stood up like a normal person and continued walking forward.

Ellie stared at the meat dumpling in disbelief. She and Mr. Guan beside her exchanged appreciative glances. This child was definitely not of the same breed as her whimpering mother.

Ellie's belly bulged slightly under her wedding dress. Mr. Guan looked at the unborn little being with loving eyes and said, "Baby, you have to be as strong as your god sister."

Ellie suddenly felt her stomach move. After a moment, she said to Mr. Guan in surprise: "The baby seemed to have kicked me."

Mr. Guan said in surprise: "Didn't the doctor say that the earliest fetal movement will be four months later?"

"Who knew? Yeah, maybe she was too excited. "

In fact, neither Guan Jingheng nor Ai Li knew that the baby in her belly was protesting against her father-to-be's behavior.

Ellie, who was pregnant and gave birth to her daughter in October, gained a lot of weight. She couldn't help being so pampered by everyone, and was fed by Guan Jingheng and her own mother in turns during her pregnancy, and she did not accept any objection.

Ellie, who went to the gym to exercise after work that day, unexpectedly saw Linda on the TV in front of the treadmill. Although she only had half of her face, Ellie recognized the small white building and the stunning Linda at a glance.

The news said: "A certain high-ranking official's wife is involved in abuse of power for personal gain, corruption and bribery. There are many people involved in this case, including political and business circles..."

Ellie checked and found that the trigger for Linda's access to the Internet this time was the report of a new energy project. Expose the behind-the-scenes manipulation of stock prices and illegal financing.

Ellie wiped the sweat from her face and sighed.

At this time, Guan Jingheng came over to pick her up for dinner in casual clothes. Ellie asked: "You are a daughter, why didn't you come with me?"

Guan Jingheng shook his head and said helplessly: "Her grandmother hugged her and told her stories, and ignored me. . "

In the end, the couple could only hold hands and leave. After exercising, Ellie had a great appetite.She tugged on Mr. Guan's sleeve and said, "How about we go to the market to buy a fish, and you go home and cook pickled fish ."

"Didn't you say you want to lose weight?"

"Humph, you won't gain weight by eating fish." ”

“Then you’ve agreed, don’t blame me if you accidentally eat too much.”

“When did I become like this?”

Guan Jingheng didn’t say anything out of survival instinct, he said in his heart: “You. Like this every day! "

(The song ends, we will meet again someday if we are destined!)

The worst result is just complicity. So he became more and more silent, and his colleagues advised him:

Hello friends, I am a middle-aged mother born in the 1970s living in Shanghai. Thank you for coming to see my nagging. The pictures come from the Internet and any infringement will be deleted. If you like it, please post it in today’s headlines @伊然心画在魔都

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