Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably "Concubine Rong" in "Kangxi Dynasty". She has lived with her boyfriend Chen Jialin for 27 years and has a very good relationship. When the two first started falling in love. Chen Jialin

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Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably


Editor丨Yu Aunt

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Li Jianqun is a famous actor.

's most well-known character is probably " Concubine Rong" in "Kangxi Dynasty".

She has lived with her boyfriend Chen Jialin for 27 years, and they have a very good relationship.

When the two first started falling in love. Chen Jialin said to her: "I am a DINK . I plan not to get married or have children for the rest of my life. Can you accept it?"

Li Jianqun said categorically: "Yes."

But no one expected that in 2020, Li Jianqun would be arrested. He was diagnosed with an incurable disease.

passed away after a nine-year battle with the disease.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Before his death, Li Jianqun deeply regretted his thoughts when he was young. The last words left by

made people cry, and also warned others that they must take responsibility for their own lives.


In 1957, Li Jianqun was born in Wuhan, Hubei.

Her parents are both educated youth and intellectuals, so their educational philosophy is relatively open.

As an only daughter, Li Jianqun is the apple of her parents' eye.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

And her parents respect her opinions very much and will let her make her own decisions as long as it is related to her.

It is precisely because of his parents’ education method that he developed Li Jianqun’s independent character.

Although he is favored by his parents, there is no trace of arrogance in Li Jianqun.

On the contrary, she inherited her parents' habit of loving reading, and her academic performance has been very good since she was a child. When

was in elementary school, her parents planned to send her to dance lessons in order to cultivate her temperament.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

But I can’t decide whether to let my daughter learn classical dance or ballet .

So they took their daughter to experience all the dance types and then let her choose.

Among the dazzling many dance categories, Li Jianqun likes ballet the most.

Her parents respected her idea and sent her to learn ballet.

Li Jianqun is very serious about everything he does. He either doesn’t do it or does it to the best of his ability.

treats ballet the same way.

Among all the friends, she is also the one who dances best according to the teacher.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Li Jianqun, who is good at studying, dancing and has a unique temperament, soon became "someone else's child".

When parents in the neighborhood teach their children a lesson, they always say, "Look at Li Jianqun, why don't you learn from him?"

Only Li Jianqun himself knows how much he has paid for each achievement.

With his excellent dancing skills, Li Jianqun was admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Troupe when he was 13 years old.

became the youngest actor in the musical troupe.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

However, despite her young age, her skills are very solid.

soon became famous in the theater and became a well-known minor celebrity.

The big brothers and sisters in the theater also like this little sister who is very capable and very polite.

At that time, Li Jianqun’s only dream was to be able to dance on the stage forever.

However, teenage Li Jianqun felt the blow of fate for the first time.

Li Jianqun accidentally strained a muscle because he worked too hard during stage practice.

I thought it would be good to rest for a few days. After all, it is rare to practice dancing without getting injured.

But after she stayed at home for a few days, she found that her legs were getting more and more painful.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

had no choice but to take her to the hospital for examination.

After the examination, the doctor told her: "You will never be able to dance again."

These words were like a bolt from the blue, catching Li Jianqun off guard.

She couldn't dance and had to leave the song and dance theater.

The parents felt heartbroken when they looked at their daughter who was looking sad all day because she could not go on stage.

Discuss with her that since she can no longer dance, how about learning art.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Li Jianqun thought about it, art does not require legs, and it is very quiet.

Don’t worry about injuring yourself by using too much force.

therefore agreed.

Facts have proved that a top student is a top student and can achieve results no matter what he does.

Li Jianqun, who switched to art, soon showed his talent for painting and made rapid progress. During the college entrance examination, he was successfully admitted to the Department of Stage Design of Shanghai Theater Academy.

studied under the famous painter Mr. Chen Yifei .

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Chen Yifei admired this talented female student very much and created three oil paintings based on her.

With his own efforts and the guidance of his teacher, Li Jianqun's painting skills improved by leaps and bounds, and he soon formed his own unique style.

After graduating from the theater, in order to develop his tough character, Li Jianqun responded to the call and joined the army.

became a soldier in the Lanzhou Military Region Art Troupe. Later, because of his outstanding performance, he was transferred to the Lanzhou Military Region Repertory Troupe, where he specialized in stage design for the plays to be performed.

This also laid the foundation for her later designing costumes for TV series.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

During his years as a soldier, Li Jianqun also collaborated with painter Li Tank on the art works "Fertile Soil" and "Treasure", which were selected into the Gansu Hall of the Great Hall.

In 1983, Li Jianqun also won the "National Youth Outstanding Oil Painting Creation Award", which can be said to have a bright future.

In the eyes of others, as long as Li Jianqun continues on the path of art, he will definitely become a painter like his teacher Chen Yifei.

But Li Jianqun didn't think so. After making major achievements in art creation, she crossed over to become a writer.

published two books, "Uncle Bunce" and "Peggy's Destiny" in his spare time.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

has received good response.

Friends around me exclaimed: Li Jianqun, what else can you not do?

She went to film a TV series again.

In 1986, Li Jianqun was spotted by the director and played the role of Wu Fenfen in the TV series "Beware, Young Friends". The role of

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

opened Li Jianqun's popularity. After

, she played the role of "Adala Mao" in the costume drama "King Gesar".

It was precisely because of her costume appearance in this drama that she was selected by the crew of " Tangminghuang" to play the role of "Wu Huifei".

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Not only that, Li Jianqun also used his professional talents to serve as the costume designer of the crew.

In order to restore the true appearance of history to the greatest extent, Li Jianqun read a large amount of historical materials and also drew inspiration from Tang Dynasty pictures of ladies.

It is precisely because of Li Jianqun's seriousness that the costumes in this TV series can withstand the test of time.

Li Jianqun also won the Feitian Award for Fashion Design in . After

, Li Jianqun was spotted by the crew of "Concubine Yang", who also invited her to play "Concubine Wu Hui" and serve as the costume designer of the crew.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

But when it comes to Li Jianqun's most well-known role, it is Concubine Rong in "Kangxi Dynasty".

Concubine Rong was not only the most favored concubine in the early stage, but also the "soul mate" of Kangxi . She was the only one who understood the emperor's heart best.

is so sweet in the front, but so cruel in the back when it falls out of favor and is punished.

Li Jianqun performed the character's emotional changes very well.

Therefore, after Concubine Rong passed away, many viewers could not come out and accused the emperor of being ruthless.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Moreover, the significance of "Kangxi Dynasty" to Li Jianqun is not only to bring her career to the peak, but also to bring her love affair with director Chen Jialin to the surface.


Before meeting Chen Jialin, Li Jianqun had a short marriage.

That was when Li Jianqun was famous as a painter. She was attracted by a young man who was also a painter.

The two met each other very late, and their daily routine was to discuss art and painting.

Both of them felt that the other person understood them best, and it didn't take long for them to get married.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

However, after the flash marriage, it was discovered that the two were not suitable at all.

The two began to quarrel and have cold wars constantly, and the marriage existed in name only.

And at that time, Li Jianqun was busy filming all day long, and the conflicts between the two were piling up, but they had no time to resolve them.

can only end in divorce.

After the divorce, Li Jianqun spent all his energy on filming and had no time to consider personal feelings.

And because the failure of her first marriage was a huge blow to her, Li Jianqun once felt that she would never fall in love again in her life.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

until Chen Jialin appeared.

Chen Jialin is 15 years older than Li Jianqun. Before the two met, Chen Jialin was already a famous director.

The two met while filming "Tang Minghuang".

Li Jianqun's acting skills and talent in costume design deeply influenced Chen Jialin. After

, the two cooperated many times and achieved a win-win situation.

Slowly, both of them discovered that they had thoughts about each other that went beyond friendship.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Chen Jialin is a typical workaholic. Others who devote themselves to their work never get married in middle age.

And Li Jianqun also became disbelieving in love due to the failure of his previous marriage.

But these two people actually had a wonderful chemical reaction.

After Chen Jialin and Li Jianqun got together, he told her: "I am a DINK. I don't plan to get married in my life and I don't want children. Can you accept it?"

Li Jianqun still focused on career at the time, plus love. , of course it’s whatever the boyfriend says.

So she said firmly: "I can accept it."

After that, the two started living together for 27 years.

Without the constraints of marriage and the ties of children, the two of them are like a couple of gods.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

After being together, the two collaborated on works such as " Out of the Blue Water River ", " A Century of Changes in the Sea ", and " Jiangshan Romance ".

Their relationship has also become a legend in the entertainment industry.

However, no one expected that the accident would happen so quickly.


When Li Jianqun first got together with Chen Jialin, her family advised her: "People always have to get married and have children. While you are still young, do the big things in life first."

But Li Jianqun couldn't listen and felt that marriage would constrain her. Own.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

And if two people truly love each other, it doesn't matter whether they have a marriage certificate or not.

Seeing that Li Jianqun was determined not to get married or have children, her family had no choice but to let her go.

When she got a little older, her friends all got married and had children.

Sometimes, when Li Jianqun looks at her friend's children, she can't help but burst out with motherly love. She always says to the child, "It would be great if you were my child."

Every time like this, her friends will stand up and persuade her to get married. A child of one's own.

But Li Jianqun shook her head every time. She didn't want to force her boyfriend.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

After a few years, the parents' health became worse and worse, and they began to worry about their daughter's future.

Because my parents are older, they can better understand how troublesome it is to have difficulty moving when you get older.

So they tried to persuade their daughter: "If you really don't want to get married, then forget it, but you still have to have children, otherwise no one will care about you when you get old."

But Li Jianqun just couldn't listen, and he was right Her parents said that if that time came, she and her boyfriend would be able to take care of each other.

’s parents saw that their persuasion was ineffective, so they had no choice but to give up.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

In 2011, Li Jianqun suddenly felt unwell while he was filming.

At first she didn't pay much attention, thinking that she was too tired and would be fine after taking a rest.

But after her boyfriend Chen Jialin learned about this situation, he tried his best to persuade her to go to the hospital.

Li Jianqun agreed.

After the examination, the doctor said she suffered from multiple tumors.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

But the doctor also said that this disease can be completely solved by current medical methods.

Li Jianqun followed the doctor's advice and had the tumor removed.

recovered pretty well later.

Li Jianqun and her boyfriend were very happy. They felt that they had escaped from hell this time.

As the saying goes, if you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later.

They all felt that what would greet them would be a happy life.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Li Jianqun missed a lot of work because of his illness. He wanted to rush back to his previous work.

But her boyfriend Chen Jialin is worried about her health and does not recommend her to go out to work. He hopes that she can take good care of herself at home.

Li Jianqun was very moved when he saw the man he loved so much thinking about himself, so he agreed.

Since then, Li Jianqun has withdrawn from the entertainment industry and has not filmed any more works.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Li Jianqun, who had just retired, still longed for a better life for the two of them.

Every day, she makes tea at home and waits for her boyfriend to come home from work.

However, such a beautiful life only lasted a few years and ended.

In 2019, Li Jianqun felt unwell again.

In view of his previous experience of illness, Li Jianqun did not dare to delay and quickly went to the hospital for examination.

But this time she was not as lucky as last time. The test results of

showed that the old disease had relapsed and it had reached an advanced stage.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Chen Jialin, who was filming in other places, heard about it and rushed back to accompany his girlfriend immediately.

But he only stayed for two days before returning to the set.

After all, filming is not just a matter of the director, but the whole team behind it.

Moreover, the parents are too old to take care of their sick daughter.

So, most of the time, Li Jianqun could only stay alone in the hospital.

The treatment process was long and painful, and she didn't even have anyone to talk to. Although

's boyfriend Chen Jialin goes to accompany her whenever he has time, he cannot leave the crew behind after all.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Late one night, Li Jianqun suddenly woke up from the hospital bed and wanted to drink water.

But there was no one around, and she didn't have the strength to get out of bed to pour water.

At this time, she remembered her parents and friends' advice to have a child when she was young, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

She regretted that when she was young, she valued love so much that she never had children.

During her hospitalization, she often thought that if she had a child, she wouldn't be so miserable when she was sick.

However, regret is regret. In that case, whether it was physical reasons or practical conditions, it was impossible for her to realize her dream.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

In 2020, after a year of treatment, the disease still spread.

Li Jianqun ultimately failed to defeat the disease and unfortunately passed away.

Before her death, she said to the people around her: "I regret it so much. I should have gotten married earlier and had children when I was young."

However, there was no way to realize this dream.

After Li Jianqun passed away, her boyfriend Chen Jialin heard about her last words and regretted not giving her a status and having children with her when he was young.

Wen丨Ning Yi Editor丨Yu Aunt Li Jianqun is a famous actor. The most well-known role is probably

Life is too long. People's mood and decisions may change with age and living environment, but no matter what, don't make a decision that you regret.

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