Do you know what the purpose is for men to be cold and violent towards their wives? Usually, a man's cold violence is related to his own sex. He will slowly achieve his goal through cold violence in several stages. He will also use various methods to deal with his wife at differe

2024/07/0223:10:33 emotion 1953

Do you know what the purpose is for men to be cold and violent towards their wives?

Usually a man’s cold violence is related to his own sexual intercourse. He will slowly use cold violence in several stages to achieve his own goals. At different stages, he will also use various methods to deal with his wife. The following are all It is a common tactic used by men. You must repost it and read it several times to understand the true intention of men's cold violence.

Do you know what the purpose is for men to be cold and violent towards their wives? Usually, a man's cold violence is related to his own sex. He will slowly achieve his goal through cold violence in several stages. He will also use various methods to deal with his wife at differe - DayDayNews

First, early verbal punishment, cynicism

He will start to use words that hurt his wife's self-esteem, express his emotions with extreme language or behavior, actively cause conflicts, and then put the fault on his wife. For example, throwing things, rejecting or perfunctory married life, constantly doing things that the other half doesn't like, arousing the other half's dissatisfaction, this way he will have a reason to go out and contact some unscrupulous people.

Do you know what the purpose is for men to be cold and violent towards their wives? Usually, a man's cold violence is related to his own sex. He will slowly achieve his goal through cold violence in several stages. He will also use various methods to deal with his wife at differe - DayDayNews

In the second and middle stage, pretending to be deaf

At this time, he has been very passive in dealing with the communication between husband and wife, rarely responds to his wife, and is too lazy to talk to his wife. He began to disappear for no reason from time to time, making the other party unable to find him. At this point, the marriage has already experienced a major crisis, and the man has lost his will to solve the problem. The two of them stay under the same roof just to maintain the formality of the marriage. In a silent gesture, he stirs up your anger and makes you become the so-called shrew and resentful woman. At this time, he can "justifiably" cheat and betray outside.

The third and later stage

is like a wild ghost and won’t go home. At this stage, he would often say that he was either socializing or working overtime. He could find 10,000 reasons not to go home, and he would blatantly hang out like a wild ghost outside, enjoying himself. And you can only wait for him helplessly at home.

In the end, the wife who was forced to an emotional breakdown by the man had to endure the torture of cold violence and the hurt of her husband's betrayal. Therefore, the original partners must not wait until the point of no return before starting to fight back. Once signs appear in the early stages, they must start to deal with the problem decisively.

Do you know what the purpose is for men to be cold and violent towards their wives? Usually, a man's cold violence is related to his own sex. He will slowly achieve his goal through cold violence in several stages. He will also use various methods to deal with his wife at differe - DayDayNews

I am Zihao, an advocate of rational management of marriage. I have been engaged in emotional counseling for many years. I have seen a lot of misfortunes and still hope to help more people pursue happiness.

In fact, most emotional crises have the opportunity to be reconciled, but there are Many people find it difficult to handle crises correctly when they are panicked. They often adopt wrong methods such as stalking, constantly guaranteeing promises, cold war, flattery, asking friends to persuade, or even looking directly at fate, which makes the situation worse and worse. !

wants to confirm whether there is still a chance of getting back together. You can chat with me and help you conduct an emotional test. Using the right method is the key to emotional repair!

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