"In the past, when I saw anyone playing mahjong, I thought he was a beast. Now, if I see someone not playing mahjong, I feel that he is really a beast." - Mayu's famous sayings about love, passing quietly in the sound of mahjong. The picture comes from the Internet man. After wor

2024/07/0223:19:32 emotion 1517

"In the past, when I saw anyone playing mahjong, I thought he was a beast. Now when I see someone not playing mahjong, I feel that he is really a beast."

- Mayu's golden words

Love passes quietly in the sound of mahjong

Pictures from Network

The man got off the night shift, dragged his tired body, and walked back home with his mind full of starry thoughts.

As usual, there are no lights in the room and it is deserted; as usual, the man's heart is empty; as usual, the woman is invited to play mahjong.

Because the family is too leisurely, women who are playful by nature regard this as a way to pass the time. As long as they sit at the mahjong table, the woman's beautiful face will bloom with joy.

Pictures from the Internet

No matter whether it is a cadre or a farmer; whether it is old or young; whether it is a man or a woman; whether it is windy or raining; whether it is day or night; whether it is month by month or year by year, enjoy it!

At this moment, the so-called love between husband and wife, love between children, is just something that occasionally flashes in my mind, or is mentioned in passing.

Twenty or four cents, one and a half yuan, practice your skills; one, two one (yuan), three, four, six and eight (yuan), upgrade step by step; dare to run, and dare to fight no matter how big it is.

has spent more than dozens of years developing the demeanor of a general and the temperament of a hero. Become the pillar of the mahjong parlor and the God of Wealth.

The love between husband and wife, which was originally close to each other, has gradually become indifferent, and the family is surrounded by crises.

Pictures come from the Internet

There is no peaceful day and no warmth at night.

Either they ignore each other, like passers-by; or they argue endlessly, hurting each other.

Parents are disappointed, children are upset, and neighbors are laughing at them.

Good words and advice are hard to hear, and disputes are stopped by force. Zhengzhengran has the momentum of "The head can be cut off, the marriage can be divorced, and the mahjong cannot be quit".

As a result, family wars have changed from close combat to protracted wars. 147 ignored each other, 369 made a big fuss in the "Heavenly Palace".

The best years of my life for decades have been wasted like smoke and smoke, like a dream.

The most beautiful relationship between a couple in the world passes quietly amidst the endless sound of mahjong.

pictures from the Internet

Playing mahjong has become a national entertainment project, and it is also a rigid long-term consumption project that requires a lot of investment of energy, time and funds. The phenomenon described in this article is widespread and would be different if it were a male participant. Netizens are welcome to express their thoughts and comments on how to educate families to deal with the issue of mahjong entertainment consumption and family relationships.

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