I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Nowadays, the judgment of a matter on the Internet is black and white, and they do not agree with each other. They all try to criticize the other party under the banner of justice.

2024/07/0301:27:33 emotion 1193

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Nowadays, the judgment of a matter on the Internet is black and white, and they do not agree with each other. They all try to criticize the other party under the banner of justice.

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Nowadays, the judgment of a matter on the Internet is black and white, and they do not agree with each other. They all try to criticize the other party under the banner of justice. - DayDayNews

In a hot incident, Shinzo Abe was killed. One group of people clapped their hands and applauded, while the other group held the completely opposite attitude. They refused to give in to each other, with one side using the banner of "China and Japan's national hatred" and the other side using the banner of "protecting the elderly." After Zeng Ying was criticized, a group of people emerged under the banner of "I'm just a person who doesn't understand." People who write "Ordinary Women in Politics" to gain popularity. Obviously, once this group of people is criticized, the target of the attack will definitely be on this group of "women who don't understand politics." Why do they have to say they are women? Are there no men who don’t understand politics? It's nothing more than being able to fight back as a woman after being criticized, and then there will be quarrels between men and women...

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Nowadays, the judgment of a matter on the Internet is black and white, and they do not agree with each other. They all try to criticize the other party under the banner of justice. - DayDayNews

Let's take a look at the most common marriage and love problems. Women always criticize men in the name of "he doesn't love me", while men fight back in the name of "she only wants money", which then triggers the "debate over whether the bride price should be given" and "the right to crown the surname"...

In fact, this kind of thing should be the lover's own business. There are scumbag men and scumbag women. They don't consider their own problems when they meet unkind people, but they take the matter to a gender level, beat everyone to death with a stick, and stand on the Internet. Criticizing others for what you think is a just stance...

Of course there will be no results, but it is very likely to cause serious gender antagonism!

This kind of situation also occurred in the Tangshan incident, which is a hot topic in China. This is actually a definite fact, but there are still people who want to create hot spots and create antagonism by saying that men are drunk and women should not go out in the middle of the night!

also uses the moral pretext of condemning men to create antagonism on the grounds that they are watching men indifferently!

There is also a female friend who was hit with a beer bottle but was not held accountable, creating an antagonism of inequality between men and women!

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Nowadays, the judgment of a matter on the Internet is black and white, and they do not agree with each other. They all try to criticize the other party under the banner of justice. - DayDayNews

On the Internet, we have seen too much tit-for-tat, but very little tolerance for seeking common ground while reserving differences.

In fact, except for those who deliberately create and incite confrontational sentiments with ulterior motives, others often have the same purpose, but their expression may be inappropriate and their view of the problem is relatively one-sided!

Shinzo Abe was killed. We are happy because the problems left over by history have made our patriotism surge. To cherish the elderly is to call on the elderly and the elderly to treat them kindly, nothing more! There is no contradiction between these two points!

The issue of marriage and love, the wedding gifts and surnames we debate, are originally the situations encountered by the lovers themselves. Behind our communication, both men and women, are to find a better partner, rather than defining everyone as "scumbag men and scumbag women" "!

Tangshan incident, we all argued about how to prevent similar things from happening, and we all hated such things!

As for those with ulterior motives, they are just clowns trying to gain popularity. As long as we can see through their tricks, they can only leave quietly.

With the developed Internet, what we need is more civilized and harmonious exchanges. It is normal to have different opinions, but we should seek common ground while reserving differences, rather than tit for tat!

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