Text/Muyang Picture/Source Network I am very happy that you can read my article. Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner to read the emotional story together. Introduction: A 54-year-old woman said: “I never thought that I would remarry to a man who looked at me all the t

2024/06/3006:19:32 emotion 1082


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A 54-year-old woman said: "I never thought that I would remarry to a man who looked at me all the time. Because there was a condition for my remarriage, many men avoided me after hearing this. I even thought there was something wrong with me, but the man I found agreed to my request immediately. This is the true love in my later life. "What kind of thing is it? Let’s listen to Ms. Xu’s story together.

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Narrator: Ms. Xu is 54 years old

I am 54 years old this year. When I was young, I worked as a warehouse manager in a company. It was an ordinary job and I didn’t make much money. My family conditions are also average, but I think life is simple and happy. Well, you don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself, just make enough money to spend. I met my husband at work. He is the leader of the marketing department. I didn’t expect that I would marry him in the end.

After we got married, our relationship was still very good. We went to work normally to make money. Later, we gave birth to a son, who was also very promising. His academic performance was always very good. Later, he scored about 610 points in the college entrance examination and passed the exam. It was the university of my dreams, and I found a good job after university, and met my true love. My son and daughter-in-law got married and had children. I am quite happy thinking about this.

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But my husband is no longer lucky. He left because of illness 5 years ago. So these years since my son got married and started a family, I have been living alone. It was really difficult during that time. Just imagine yourself It was quite scary to be in an empty room. Fortunately, my daughter-in-law gave birth to a grandson for me and asked me to go over and help take care of the child, so I agreed.

I like children very much. Not only can I see my grandchildren all day long, but I can also live with my sons. I don’t have to live alone anymore. I am still very happy when I think about it. Later, my son was not very good because of the company’s performance. I was given half a month's leave. It happened that my daughter-in-law was a little tired from taking care of the children and wanted to go out with her son to have dinner and watch a movie alone. She asked me to take care of the children at home. It's okay for me to take care of the children by myself, so just let me take care of the children. They went out.

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But what could have been imagined is that they drove out and never came back. They encountered a car accident on the way back and drove into the river. The river was very fast and deep, and the rescue was not timely. My son and daughter-in-law I just left like that. When I knew the news, I felt like my heart was about to explode. I still didn’t believe what was happening in front of me was true, but then I came to my senses and realized that it was really hard for me.

I have a 3-year-old grandson to raise by myself. My financial situation is average. What should I do in the future? Later I also figured out that I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed to find a man to partner with me. Life, without a man to help me, it would be impossible for me to raise my children. Later, I started going on blind dates. Although I am over 50 years old, I look young, and many men pursue me and want to be with me. Together, but I also have requirements when looking for a wife. There is only one requirement. As long as I agree, I will marry him.

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But when these men heard my request, they all stayed away and didn't care about me at all. In their eyes, they just liked me as a person and didn't want to bear the pressure of my life with me. When I gave up looking for a wife, a man appeared and agreed to my request. My request was to raise my grandson with me.

This man is 60 years old this year. He was in business when he was young. His wife also died early due to illness. He only has one daughter, and now they are married and have a family.He also lives alone, but judging from the decoration of his home, he is a man with a good family. As expected, he has a lot of money, but he can still agree to my request. When I asked him why, he Said, I like children, I feel sorry for you, and I also think you are a very responsible woman, and I feel relieved to live with you.

Since we got together, I have taken care of his daily life. I think this is what I should do. I am also very grateful that he can take us in. He is really good to my grandson, treating him like Like my own grandson, I always buy a lot of toys. Whenever I see these scenes, I feel like crying. I have suffered a lifetime, but finally found a reliable man. This journey has been really hard. .

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Today’s topic:

In my opinion, such a man who can accept a single woman with children is really reliable and worthy of being entrusted to him for a lifetime. No matter what age group the relationship is, as long as they like and understand each other. , then even if both parties have some small requests, they will not feel it is an obstacle. On the contrary, the relationship will get better and better. I wish them happiness until they grow old.

Do you think Ms. Xu will be happy after marrying this man? If it were you, would you accept Ms. Xu with her grandson? Everyone is welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area below.

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