We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a

2024/06/3017:59:33 emotion 1921

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

We often say that gifts are less important than affection. As long as the feelings are there, then gift giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people.

However, there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used as annotation. Especially on some more important occasions, giving gifts itself represents an attitude, so it should not be taken lightly.

For couples, meeting their parents for the first time is a very grand event and deserves careful preparation. In this first meeting, there are many ways to do it. Among them, giving gifts can represent the importance of both parties, so you can't just take something and throw it away.

However, the rules of each family are different. Some parents may not like expensive gifts. In this case, the two people need to discuss it in advance. No matter what you give or how you give it, it must be based on the premise of winning the favor of the other person's parents. Otherwise, if you meet for the first time and leave a bad impression on the elders, then how can you get them to agree to your marriage and give them the gift? Where are the blessings?

Xiao Zhang and her boyfriend met each other's parents separately some time ago. They met on the premise of getting married, so this meeting was particularly grand.

My mother reminded Xiao Zhang many times before that as girls we cannot let them look down upon you, nor can we let them look down upon you before marriage, so we must prepare some gifts when we go to their house for the first time, which also shows our economic status.

Xiao Zhang did indeed do this, but what she didn't expect was that when her boyfriend came to meet her parents at home the next month, he only brought a bag of fruit, which contained a few apples and bananas.

Xiao Zhang asked him in disbelief, are you just bringing such a few things to meet my parents? Instead, her boyfriend said with a smile: "What do you know? This is called etiquette over affection. Our family doesn't want to engage in such nonsense. No matter what, I'll treat you well, and that's fine."

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

1. "See you After receiving my gift, my boyfriend's parents burst into laughter"

Before meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time, Xiao Zhang did enough homework and preparations. She was bound to leave a good impression on her elders and start this first battle.

Xiao Zhang learned that her boyfriend's father likes to drink, and her mother is a relatively fashionable and sophisticated aunt, so she probably had a plan in mind.

On the day they met, she carried a bottle of Maotai and a Gucci bag she asked a friend to buy abroad, intending to give them to her boyfriend's father and mother respectively.. She also showed these two things to her boyfriend and asked him proudly: "How is it, not bad? Do you think your parents will be satisfied?"

Her boyfriend is really a person with low emotional intelligence and does not understand Xiao Zhang's good intentions. Carefully, he said blankly: This wine looks good, how much does it cost? Why don't you give me this bag? My mother has several bags. Why do I need so many bags?

Xiao Zhang simply didn't bother to explain to him. When he arrived at his boyfriend's house, as soon as he took out these two gifts and gave them to his two elders, his parents' faces suddenly burst into smiles and they became more enthusiastic towards Xiao Zhang.

After the meal, her boyfriend's mother still held her hand and kept saying: "It's really costing you, my child. It's the first time you come to the house. You are a guest, and you still give us such good things. To be honest, it's my first time." As soon as I saw you, I thought you were a good girl. My son is stupid and stupid in doing things. Donā€™t dislike him.ā€

Before going out, her boyfriendā€™s mother specially gave Xiao Zhang a big red envelope. With a smile on his face, he said, "Remember to come to my house to play often next time. You are welcome at any time. Just treat this as your own home."

After leaving the house, Xiao Zhang said to her boyfriend Yang Yang holding the red envelope: "How's it going? The gift I gave you must have paid off. If I walked in empty-handed, your parents would definitely not be so enthusiastic about me."

Her boyfriend curled his lips. Said: "Is it so awesome? Why didn't I see it? I think my parents are not the kind of people who like to receive gifts. They are not so hypocritical. They like you because they really think you are good."

小Zhang shook his head and sighed and said, "Your mother said you were stupid. She was absolutely right. You don't understand anything about the world."

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

2. "When you met my parents, you only brought apples and bananas?"

In the second month, her boyfriend arranged a day off and followed Xiao Zhang to go home to meet her parents.

The two made an appointment to meet at a place. After gathering, they went to Xiao Zhang's home together. However, after the meeting, Xiao Zhang was dumbfounded when he saw what was in his hand.

One of the boyfriend's hands was empty, and the other hand only held the most ordinary plastic bag. Through the bag, you could see that there were a few apples and bananas in it, but nothing else.

Xiao Zhang asked in disbelief: "Are you going to give me this bag of fruit when you meet my parents? Is this what your parents mean?"

The boyfriend scratched his head and said inexplicably: "Yes, What's the matter? It's so practical to give fruits, and it can also supplement vitamins. My parents didn't let me give them, and they specially transferred 10,000 yuan to me to buy some good ones for your parents. They said they couldn't afford it. But I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything to compare with gift-giving. Gifts are light but affection is heavy. I treat you well and I like you. Isnā€™t that enough?ā€

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

Xiao Zhang shook his head and sighed, ā€œIā€™m really impressed by you.ā€ My parents are people who value etiquette very much. Itā€™s not about the things you give, but the act of giving gifts can tell whether you value this meeting and whether you really want to marry me.

If you come to the door with only a bag of fruit, although my parents will not kick you out immediately, they will probably not give you a good look, let alone get married. After the meeting, they will definitely persuade me to break up with you. .

The boyfriend was frightened by Xiao Zhangā€™s words and asked stumblingly, what should I do?

Xiao Zhang said forget it, come with me and go to the mall while there is still time. I know what my parents like. When the time comes, just treat it as a gift from you and donā€™t let it slip.

My boyfriend still said, "Your parents are too materialistic and too realistic. As long as I have money, they will welcome me?"

Xiao Zhang said: This is the way of the world, do you understand? Just like when you go to the hospital to see patients, can you go empty-handed? When you go to visit a respected elder, can you just go there without bringing anything? Besides, today is the first time I come to the door, so I have to be sincere. What kind of sincerity do you have with a few bananas and a few apples? It will only make my parents think that I am just a popular commodity like banana fruit to you, and you don't really want to marry me.

In fact, Xiao Zhang knew that her boyfriend was originally this kind of person, with low emotional intelligence, stupid, and incapable of paying attention to these skills in dealing with people. It didn't mean that he really didn't love her. Xiao Zhang also liked this very thing about him, he was simple and unpretentious, and he didn't have so many thoughts, but in such a situation, his emotional intelligence was obviously lacking.

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

3. When you truly love someone, you will be willing to give everything for her

Just as Xiao Zhang said, what her parents value is not actually her boyfriendā€™s financial resources. It does not mean that as long as they are wealthy, they will happily spend their money. When a daughter gives a gift, she mainly uses the gift to observe whether the person is sincere or not.

If he only comes to the door with a bag of fruit, no matter how nice his words are and no matter how many promises he makes, it will be difficult for Xiao Zhang's parents to be truly convinced. Because although he said that he truly loved Xiao Zhang, in actual actions, he did not pay much for her. Even on such an important occasion as visiting his parents for the first time, he only gave her a bag of fruit. How could he do that? How sincere is it?

When we really like someone, we are willing to give everything for him. Money has just become a symbol in your eyes. As long as the person you love is happy, no matter how much you sacrifice, you will be willing to do so. .

Similarly, if you don't love this person deeply enough and have no intention of truly growing old together with him, then naturally you don't want to pay too much for him. You will still habitually consider your own interests, and what you love most deep down in your heart is yourself, not the other person.

We often say that gifts are light but affection is heavy. As long as the feelings are there, gift-giving is only secondary. No matter how heavy a gift is, it cannot replace the true feelings between two people. But there are some special cases where this sentence cannot be used a - DayDayNews

So sometimes we need to use material things to prove our sincerity. Within your ability, give the other party the best they want. No matter what, if you try your best, you deserve to be recognized.


Todayā€™s topic: Do you think it is necessary to prepare a thoughtful gift when meeting parents for the first time? Feel free to share your views in the comment area.

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