No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw

2024/06/3011:21:32 emotion 1734

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes hand in hand. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. A real couple often has minor frictions in their lives. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain their marriage. Growing old together requires joint maintenance and a certain amount of wisdom. The transition from love to family affection is not as easy as imagined. When looking at the relationship between husband and wife, the ancients said that "a couple is as hard as iron in the middle of the journey, and as soft as cotton since childhood." There are What kind of great wisdom is that?

Halfway through, couples are walking on thin ice

Chinese people often say that "the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber when the gold medal is named" is one of the greatest joys in life. Whether it is serving an official or being happy after marriage, it is a long journey, and what is needed is the joy of life. Only with great wisdom and stability can we make these roads smoother. The marriage life of the ancients is "the man is the master of the outside and the woman is the master of the house". It seems easy in just six words. The division of labor is clear, but it is difficult to do it. , it is not easy for a man to make a living in the outside world and for a woman to manage the household well.

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

The ancients all had requirements for gentlemen to "cultivate oneself, manage one's family govern the country and bring peace to the world". They also required ordinary men to support their families., "cultivation and one's family" must be done well, which means hard work and hard work towards the goal. I hope to move forward without fear. Everything needs to be coordinated by someone behind the scenes. The woman's housekeeping is not just as simple as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea. She also needs to handle a lot of things at home.

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

"I wish to be a winged bird in heaven, and a twig on earth" is the most beautiful state between husband and wife, but maintaining a marriage is not that easy , pipeline rise and Zhao Mengfu 's marriage is a well-matched literati match. Love, but there will also be dissatisfaction in life. The pipeline added a love letter like "You and I are very affectionate, pinch one and you will shape me" style love letter, which made those dissatisfaction disappear. However, there are still times when you can't tolerate it. At that time The marriage came to an end.

"Halfway Couple" is about two people who have been hurt once and muster up the courage to embark on a path of looking forward to happiness again. This is naturally more difficult, with the shadow of past failure in their hearts, and also with unlimited hope for the future. Looking forward to , running a marriage like a toddler in Handan, this kind of relationship looks like a very rigid piece of iron, wearing out each other's patience, fearing that something unsatisfactory will cause life to burn out everything.

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

General Wei Qing, one of the imperial twins of the Han Dynasty , his marriage is also very similar to a "half-way couple". Wei Qing was born in a humble background and worked as a riding slave. Later he married Princess Pingyang, the sister of Emperor Wu of Han . In that era when second marriage was not considered immoral, Wei Qing and Princess Pingyang also dealt with it carefully after getting married. Perhaps it was due to his own personality, or perhaps he had the awareness of being a "couple halfway", and lived a life of respecting each other as guests.

The softness of childhood sweethearts

Marriage is the further life of love. Who doesn’t envy the kind of love that lasts forever? Some people say "Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately." Lasting forever may be a beautiful imagination. , even with the promise of "when no one is whispering in the middle of the night", when choosing between country and beauty, the emperor will always choose the most favorable ending . This may be human nature, but wouldn't that simple overlord prefer beauty to country? ?

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

Maybe it’s really hard to say about love! Li Bai Such a romantic poet seems not to have left behind the longing of ten years of life and death like Su Shi , but he has the purest view of love. Li Bai once wrote, "A man comes riding a bamboo horse and goes around the bed to make green plums. Living together lasts a long time." "We have no feelings for each other", every sentence does not mention love, but every sentence is full of the beauty of love, with innocence and innocence, and the breath of hope in life.

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

Lovers who have known each other since childhood may be as soft as water. Two people who are well-matched have known each other for more than ten years, and their love has sublimated and they have begun to accompany each other as a family. The ancients said "The best is like water, and water is like water." Do good to benefit all things without fighting, and do what everyone hates, so you are more in line with the Tao." The two childhood sweethearts may immediately understand each other's little thoughts. There is no need to hide many things. As long as you still yearn for beauty, you can be as gentle and soft as cotton wool. Accept each other.

No one doesn’t envy the kind of marriage where everything goes well. A seemingly happy couple may just be trying to smile in front of others. There are many small frictions in the real life of a couple. Only mutual understanding and encouragement can sustain a marriage between tw - DayDayNews

The love between Lu You and Tang Wan may be the love of childhood sweethearts. Although they did not give each other lifelong companionship, they only missed love because of fate. Lu You has never forgotten it in his heart, so he wrote " With a heart full of melancholy, several years of separation, mistakes and mistakes, although the alliance is still there, it is difficult to trust the book, Momomo." If they can keep going, maybe there will be a pure love shown to the world.


Marriage and love are one. Any marriage without love is just a contract on paper and harmony on the surface. Once love is infiltrated, marriage becomes a contract of the soul and a beautiful hope. The person you meet in the sea is a fate that took five hundred lives to return. If it is true love, mutual tolerance and encouragement, what will be achieved is eternal life and happiness.

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