I heard a couple arguing on the second floor a few days ago. They are a second-married couple who have been together for more than ten years. The woman’s child has graduated from college. Listening to their quarrels, it seemed like it was about to end. Why do second marriages bre

2024/06/2412:33:32 emotion 1577

I heard a couple on the second floor arguing a few days ago.

They are a second-married couple. They have been together for more than ten years.

The child brought by the woman has graduated from college.

Listening to their quarrel, it seems that it is about to end.

Why do second marriages break up easily?

Let’s take a look at the following two second marriage stories.

I heard a couple arguing on the second floor a few days ago. They are a second-married couple who have been together for more than ten years. The woman’s child has graduated from college. Listening to their quarrels, it seemed like it was about to end. Why do second marriages bre - DayDayNews

Story 1

Their story reminds me of my sister-in-law’s second marriage story.

My sister-in-law has two children, a daughter and a son. When the children were a few years old, their uncle died unexpectedly in a car accident. A few years later, my sister-in-law was introduced to an older, unmarried young man, and her uncle, who was still unmarried in his forties, was working alone in a foreign country.

After they got married, my sister-in-law and her uncle came to the city where he worked, and the child stayed in his hometown to study. Pick them up during summer or winter vacation.

They work hard to make money. My uncle is not a cultured person, but does hard work. Under the care of the fellow villagers, he is contracted for the sanitation of the market, and he invites a worker from the countryside to help him do it. My sister-in-law rented a stall in the market to sell groceries and underwear. This period should be when they make the most money.

Later, instead of covering market hygiene, they moved to another city and opened a stall selling kitchen groceries. Here they lost all their profits.

ended the stall and they started working again. From then on, they began to save their own money and have an AA system for living expenses.

At this time, the children grew up and came to this city to work. They can't see what their uncle has done in the past, but only see his current selfish behavior.

My sister-in-law and my uncle gradually became more and more at odds with each other, and they often quarreled. The children also began to dislike the old and lustful uncle. They started living apart.

A few years later,

my sister-in-law paid for her divorce from her uncle. Everyone said their own differences, and finally broke up unhappy.

My uncle went back to the countryside to live alone. He happened to pass by his hometown and went to visit him. He took out his application form for admission to a nursing home and asked me to see how it was written.

I saw his eyes full of sadness. He thought that his efforts would always be rewarded, but the greater his hope, the greater his disappointment.

My sister-in-law saved enough money to buy a house for her son in the city and opened a mobile phone store for her son and his wife.

My daughter also married in that city.

My sister-in-law has finally settled down in the city.

There should be many second marriages that end like this.

When the children grow up, the marriage ends.

I heard a couple arguing on the second floor a few days ago. They are a second-married couple who have been together for more than ten years. The woman’s child has graduated from college. Listening to their quarrels, it seemed like it was about to end. Why do second marriages bre - DayDayNews

Story 2

There is an older young man in the village at home.

He is forty years old and has accomplished nothing and is not getting married. His name is Taiping.

Later he married a woman in the village and returned home.

The woman was not handsome, she was thin and her husband had been ill for many years. Their life was very difficult, and they lived in a narrow and dilapidated tile-roofed house. During this period, Taiping often went to their home and often helped their family. Everyone in the village knows that Taiping takes good care of them.

The woman's husband finally passed away after being bedridden for several years, leaving behind a wife and three children.

After her husband left, the woman and three children naturally moved to Taiping's house. Although Taiping's house was also simple, it was spacious enough for several children.

Taiping has become diligent since he took the woman and three children home, and the children are also good helpers.

He dug a large fish pond, raised fish, and planted several acres of rice. During the slack period, he took two boys up the mountain to mine. I don’t know who taught him the mining technology. No one in the village knew this technology.

The woman grows vegetables at home and takes care of Taiping's elderly parents.

does this year after year.

The three children gradually grew up.

’s eldest son has good grades and was admitted to a key high school in the county. Children from poor families are particularly perseverant. In order to save accommodation fees for three years of high school, the boy rode an old-style bicycle for a distance of 12 kilometers. He left early and returned late every day to go to school. . After three years of hard work, he was admitted to college. There are very few people in the village who go to college. He is one of the top college students in the village.

The daughter in the middle had good grades. Taiping did not favor boys over girls. He told her that girls should also study more. Later, she was admitted to the city's technical secondary school. Not long after graduation and before working, the girl got married.

Taiping is not like some parents who require their daughters to work for a long time before getting married. Many parents who provide their daughters with education always hope that their daughters will repay the favor of the family before getting married.

The youngest son is not as good at studying as his elder brother, but he is the best at work. He is diligent and not afraid of hardship. He goes out to work and brings back the girl he likes to get married and have children.

The three children each got married and had children.

The two brothers worked together to renovate the old Taiping house and build a new house. The family lived there happily.

Taiping gave wholeheartedly without asking for anything in return. Unexpectedly, he received a lot of rewards.

I heard a couple arguing on the second floor a few days ago. They are a second-married couple who have been together for more than ten years. The woman’s child has graduated from college. Listening to their quarrels, it seemed like it was about to end. Why do second marriages bre - DayDayNews

Whether it is a first marriage or a second marriage, you should be careful when getting married.

Choose the person you like and the person who likes you.

A marriage can only last long if they like each other.

If you get married because of the exchange of interests, it will eventually break up.

No matter who gives birth to the child, the child's heart is pure.

If you give him love without asking for anything in return,

he will love you back wholeheartedly.

Children are the bond of marriage.

When the bond is strong, the marriage is strong.

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