Nowadays, bridesmaids have become a profession #"post-00" girls have been bridesmaids 41 times in two years#. To be honest, I think it is good to have this profession. This is determined by market demand. Now I find my best friend to be a bridesmaid and it is a mess. She also mad

2024/06/2208:29:32 emotion 1381

Nowadays, bridesmaids have become professionals Nowadays, bridesmaids have become a profession #

On the other hand, if you ask your best friend to be a bridesmaid, you have to give a red envelope. If the red envelope is not handled properly, your best friend may become your enemy. Let me tell you about my own experience. I have a best friend who I think is very good, and we are usually very affectionate. This time I got married, and I invited her to be the bridesmaid. Although she lives quite far away, I said that the bridesmaid would have a red envelope, and she agreed after hearing it. .

Nowadays, bridesmaids have become a profession #

The wedding was very pleasant at first. When the day came, various guests were invited to dinner. I gave a 100 red envelope to the bridesmaid and a 100 red envelope to the hidden shoes. 200 in total. I thought I was interesting enough. During the wedding, she kept muttering that there was no big red envelope. I thought it was no big deal and she was just joking, so I didn't think much about it. After the wedding was over and I dropped her off at the station, she started to get upset. She got into all sorts of trouble with me on WeChat that night, saying that she was just a joke and that she came after me, so I treated her like this. She said I didn't understand the rules, and even asked her to come in politely when she was registering as a guest. I thought it was because I was too busy getting married, so I sent her a red envelope of 88 yuan, a total of 288 yuan. Don't feel sorry for not taking good care of me. She stopped looking for trouble that night.

As a result, she suddenly told me the next day that she asked me to reimburse her for the round-trip taxi fare. She said that the distance was too far and the taxi cost more than 100. I said that I particularly wanted to know what the rules were for your bridesmaid. She said that 1 she had to reimburse her fare, and 2 she had to give her a red envelope that was larger than the amount she paid as a gift. I asked you what kind of theory you are talking about. This is not our custom. Shared money is shared money, and bridesmaid red envelopes are bridesmaid red envelopes.

I had to give her another 200 yuan. She said it was enough to give me face, and she was afraid that I would be under financial pressure so she gave me 500 yuan, thinking that I would add more to her. Turns out I didn’t and I was slapping her in the face. I don’t like being a bridesmaid even if I’m paid. It’s because of me that she agreed to be a bridesmaid. I treated her like this, but she saved my face and said she didn’t care about my basic rules. She was blind.

I suddenly felt that they were here to make money. I think we might still be good friends without this incident, but now that this incident has happened, we are no longer friends. To be honest, I really support the professional bridesmaid industry. The price is clearly stated, and no one will have any psychological burden.

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