There is a sentence in the movie "The Grandmaster": "Those who practice martial arts have three realms: see themselves, see the world, and see all living beings." In fact, a person's cultivation also has such three "states": see yourself, observe your original mind, and The more

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There is a sentence in the movie

There is a sentence in the movie

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text/ insight pumpkin

There is a sentence in the movie " The Grandmaster ": "People who practice martial arts have three realms: seeing themselves, seeing the world, and seeing all living beings."

In fact, a person's cultivation, It is also the same three-level "realm": when you see yourself, you see your original mind and become more open-minded; when you see the heaven and earth, you see the universe and see the differences; when you see all living beings, you see all things and feel good intentions.

There are hills and valleys in the chest, but there is no trouble in the eyes. People who have seen the world will have gentle and stable emotions.

There is a sentence in the movie

See yourself, feel strong inside

There is a lion who is constantly provoked by a little mouse, but does not move at all.

Other animals were very puzzled and asked it: "You are the king of beasts, are you still afraid of mice?" The lion said: "I'm not afraid of it. Getting angry at it will only show your narrow-mindedness, but this mouse is You will get the honor of challenging the King of Beasts.”

The weak are as angry as fire, while the strong are as calm as water.

If a person does not have concentration and self-control, he will be easily led by the things around him and influenced by his emotions. If he can always keep his heart simple and clear, he will deal with others with a detached and unrestrained attitude.

Someone asked Yu Guangzhong : "How should you deal with those people who find trouble with you every day and chase you and scold you?" Yu Guangzhong said: "He scolds me every day, which proves that he cannot live without me, and I ignore him, which proves that I am Life can be done without him. "

"He is strong, and the breeze blows on the hills; he is horizontal, and the bright moon shines on the river. "

People with small minds can make them jump at any trivial matter. A grown-up person can calm down his emotions and control his temper when encountering big things.

When you introspect everything and be firm in your heart, all comments from others will help you better cultivate yourself and achieve yourself.

There is a sentence in the movie

See the world and tolerate differences

When a person is limited to one world and cannot see the vast world, he can only be trapped in his existing life experience. The height a person stands and the depth of his thoughts determine his mind and magnanimity.

Lu Xun and Lin Yutang were once close friends. Later, when the situation was turbulent, Lin Yutang had an easy-going personality and used soft writing to express his dissatisfaction with reality in a tortuous way. Lu Xun was fierce and fierce, using words as daggers and transformed into a literary warrior. Differences in ideas caused the two to drift apart, and they never cooperated again. But even if they part ways in the end, they can still understand and respect each other's situation and choices, and maintain the decency of a gentleman's friendship.

In 1936, Lu Xun died of tuberculosis . Lin Yutang was very sad when he heard about it, and wrote: "Lu Xun and I got along twice, and we were estranged twice. I always respect Lu Xun... Generally speaking, seeing things that are inconsistent with each other is the reason for separation and union." "

A person who has seen the world is not intolerant and can respect people who are different from him. Although they have different positions, different heights, and different perspectives on problems, they can still respect them. People who are different from him will not impose their personal thoughts and concepts on others, let alone indulge their emotions at will.

has traveled a lot and seen a lot of scenery, so naturally he has the mindset of "the mountains and rivers are in foreign lands, the wind and the moon are in the same sky". Communicate and interact with different people and appreciate the differentiated lifestyles, and you will have a pattern of "generosity and compatibility, and all things can be balanced".

People who have truly seen the world have a bigger mind and a higher vision, and the more they can understand more different people and things.

There is a sentence in the movie

Seeing all sentient beings and understanding forgiveness

Someone on the Internet asked: "What does it mean to have seen the world?"

A high praise member replied: "If you have ability, you will understand humility; if you have wealth, you will understand thrift; if you have status, you will understand weakness."

Already Knowing the vastness of the universe, I still pity the green grass and trees.People who have seen the world are not without anger, but because they have experienced it, they also want to hold an umbrella for others.

Mu Xin once spent many years in a difficult prison sentence. He was locked up in a dark and damp air-raid shelter, drank sewage, ate sour steamed buns and moldy pickles, and was surrounded by rats and flies all day long. Late at night when no one was around, he took out the pen and ink he had secretly hidden and wrote a 650,000-word "Prison Notes". There is no accusation or condemnation in the whole text, but only thoughts and perceptions about art, aesthetics and music.

Liang Wendao once saw a photo of Mu Xin when he was in his 50s and exclaimed: "He doesn't look like a person who has been in prison. He is so strange, such a strange person." Because Mu Xin in the photo has no facial features on his face. A hint of complaint and misery. He never complained about others. When writing his memoirs of suffering, he only left one sentence: "I don't know what to forgive, but I sincerely feel that everything in the world can be forgiven."

Life will definitely encounter many setbacks or challenges, and everyone will also go through a dark road. . But those days when you are walking on thin ice can often inspire people's inner energy and give them the fighting spirit to fight against fate, so never underestimate your own strength and fighting spirit.

Yu Qiuyu said something in " Mountain Residence Notes ": "Maturity is a kind of calmness that no longer needs to observe the words and expressions of others, an atmosphere that finally stops complaining to the surroundings; a kind of smile that ignores the noise, A kind of indifference that washes away the extreme; a kind of solidity that does not need to be announced, a kind of height that can be seen far away but not steep. "

Everywhere you look is scenery, and everywhere you go is warmed by the sun.

I hope that we can all become people who have seen the world, stand tall, see far, and have strong and fulfilling hearts.

There is a sentence in the movie

There is a sentence in the movie

Anchor: Ding Qian

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Article source: Insight (ID: DJ00123987)

Author: Insight pumpkin, not every point of view can be called insight. Produced by

: New Media Editorial Department of Minsheng Weekly (ID: msweekly)

There is a sentence in the movie

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