Psychodrama therapy (Psychodrama) was founded by Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Moreno. It is a method that combines "drama" with group therapy.

2024/05/1822:53:32 psychological 1276

Psychodrama therapy (Psychodrama) was founded by Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Moreno. It is a method that combines "drama" with group therapy. Through scene reenactments and role interpretations, we present your inner world in a safe therapeutic environment. Psychodrama reveals the various parts hidden in the soul, reshapes the root causes of psychological distress, and cultivates a healthy and balanced mind. Inner role, reorganize old thinking patterns to face daily situations, improve interpersonal relationships, and be kind to yourself.

Psychodrama therapy (Psychodrama) was founded by Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Moreno. It is a method that combines

1. What is psychodrama?

Psychodrama (Psychodrama) is a method of action created and developed by J. L. Moreno (1889-1974). It is usually used in group psychotherapy. Moreno applies drama elements to promote individual or Improvement and development of group relationships, for example, through role-playing, props, art media, etc. to help group members tell life stories and convey inner feelings on the stage of psychodrama. Moreno hopes that group members can explore during the performance, understand why they and society are trapped, and at the same time be able to empathize with the status of others or other groups, and learn to use new ways to cope with old situations, and hopes to be able to use them in psychological theater Apply learning in real life.

Psychodrama therapy (Psychodrama) was founded by Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Moreno. It is a method that combines

2. Elements of psychodrama Psychodrama usually contains five elements:

(1) Protagonist - who hopes to seek problem solutions, gain inspiration, or develop a role that replaces

behavioral patterns through the psychodrama group, emerging from the group members.

(2) Director - A person who serves as the leader of the group in psychodrama and is familiar with exploring psychological

issues through drama. He is also the protagonist's therapist.

(3) Supporting role - other group members play roles in the protagonist's story scenes. They may be the protagonist's

stand-in, or other important others, such as parents, deceased pets, or even Buddha, God

and other roles.

(4) Stage - the performance space, different scenes can be set up according to the needs of the protagonist, such as:

kitchen at home, cafe, heaven or hell, etc. It is possible.

(5) Audience - those group members who are not on stage and witness the entire exploration process.

Psychodrama therapy (Psychodrama) was founded by Austrian psychiatrist Dr. Jacob Moreno. It is a method that combines

3. The process of psychodrama can usually be divided into three stages:

1. The first stage is "warm-up"; regardless of whether the members are familiar with each other or not, some activities are needed to help everyone prepare physically and mentally for action. style exploration. The goals of warm-up include: improving group cohesion, establishing group safety, cultivating trust in the director, and shaping a friendly and caring attitude toward each other. Common activities include: self-introduction, promise of confidentiality, sociometrics, for example: showing the amount of experience of members participating in the group through linear spectrum, showing the hometown that members identify with through regional means, or showing similarities between members experience to increase empathy, etc.

2. The second stage is "performance"; at this time, the protagonist's personal issues are mainly the focus of exploration on the stage. There are many ways to create a protagonist. A common method is that members who are interested in exploring through the psychodrama stage are the protagonist candidates. After selection by the group members, the one with more votes or the focus of group dynamics becomes the protagonist of the scene. However, in psychological theater, the audience often resonates with the protagonist's story, or the supporting characters often have similar experiences to the character they are playing. This is called telepathy (tele) in psychological drama. The audience sometimes enters the play as the voice of society and culture, or as the role of three aunts and six wives. This process will expand the horizons and thinking dimensions of all participants.

3. The third stage is "sharing"; after the performance, group members are often encouraged to share the touched parts with the protagonist and the group. It may be shared by playing a role in the play, or it may be based on one's own life experience. At this time, the protagonist is no longer analyzed, evaluated, or given advice. Through this process, the protagonist can From the focus of the group, return to becoming a part of the group.

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