Insufficient yang causes all kinds of diseases! 5 manifestations show that you have yang deficiency, 6 things to help you replenish yang

2021/04/2216:21:06 health 1230

With the continuous improvement of material living standards, people are paying more and more attention to personal health issues. There are many factors that affect human health. One of the most important points is whether the body's yang qi is sufficient. " Huangdi Neijing " says: "Yin takes shape, yang transforms into qi", if yang is insufficient, all kinds of diseases will arise.

Insufficient yang causes all kinds of diseases! 5 manifestations show that you have yang deficiency, 6 things to help you replenish yang - DayDayNews

We often say that "everything grows by the sun." If there is no sun, there will be no day and night, no changes of the four seasons, and no life on earth; in the human body, there is also an energy similar to the sun, We call it Yang Qi. In the chapter "On Vitality Tongtian" in "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", it is mentioned: "If the yang energy is in the sky and the sun, if it loses its place, the longevity will be lost. Therefore, the luck of the sky should be brightened by the sun, and this is why the yang rises. People who guard outsiders.” A person’s longevity has a lot to do with whether their own yang qi is abundant, and longevity people tend to have sufficient yang qi.

Yang is vital to the human body, it is the foundation of our physical health and life movement. Many elderly people died during the winter solstice solar term, which has the least yang in nature. This is because the yin qi is the strongest and the yang qi is weakest during the period around the winter solstice. Many elderly people cannot survive the long cold climate before and after the winter solstice because their yang qi is already weakened. .

Many modern people have the problem of lack of yang energy. Due to the influence of the environment, work and lifestyle, the yang qi has declined, and a large number of sub-health people have appeared, and many diseases are closely related to yang deficiency.

yang deficiency manifests

cold hands and feet yang deficiency is cold outside. The biggest feature of people with yang deficiency is that their hands and feet are cold, especially when the weather is cold, they cannot be covered for a long time. This is because the extremities of the limbs cannot get the warmth of the yang qi, and the blood circulation is poor. The more severe the Yang deficiency, the lower the temperature of the hands and feet, and people with severe symptoms will be cold below the elbows and knees.

Fear of cold and wind The so-called "yang qi protects the outside and becomes solid", if the heat generated by the transformation of yang deficiency is not enough, the body's ability to resist external cold is also poor. This phenomenon of being afraid of wind and cold is not a temporary phenomenon because of the cold climate, but a long-term phenomenon. This kind of person always wears more clothes than others, is not resistant to heat and cold, and has low body temperature all year round. The head is afraid of the wind, the back is afraid of the cold, and the resistance to diseases is poor.

Frequent colds and coughsYang has the function of fixing the surface. The protective barrier of the human body with yang deficiency is weaker than that of normal people. In the same environment, it is easier than others to repeatedly suffer from colds, coughs, rhinitis, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Show evidence, and recovery is very slow. The symptoms of the disease are the manifestation of the struggle between "righteousness" and "external evils". If the yang qi is sufficient, the "battle situation is fierce". Although the yang qi is insufficient, although the "battle situation eases", the evil qi will directly invade the depths of the body and linger repeatedly.

The spleen and stomach are cold and easy to have diarrheaSome people have stomach pains and diarrhea once they catch cold or eat cold food, and their stools are often not formed. This is caused by deficiency of spleen-yang due to yang deficiency. The spleen is the acquired foundation of the human body. If the spleen yang is insufficient, the transportation and transformation ability is poor, and the qi of the spleen and stomach cannot continuously support the five internal organs, and finally the yang qi will become weaker and weaker.

Nocturnal urination Poor sleep Some people do not drink much water at night, but they still have to get up at night, or even get up several times in one night, resulting in groggy and lack of energy all day long when they wake up the next morning. This is a typical manifestation of kidney yang deficiency . The water in the body cannot be transpired by the transport of kidney yang, and it is directly discharged. Drink some water and go to the toilet, and the urine will be clear and long.

Do not harm the yang qi

Protect your yang qi well, first of all do not do things that damage or dissipate yang qi.

Do not eat raw or cold food. includes cold drinks, herbal tea, etc.Furthermore, if you drink a lot of water every day, you don’t know that water is yin and cold. If the body is deficient in yang, it will not be able to transpirate and transform water. On the contrary, if you drink a lot of water, pathological products such as “water drink” and “phlegm-dampness” will accumulate in the interstitial spaces, aggravating yang. virtual.

Do not eat too much fruit. Especially out-of-season fruit. Most fruits are cold and cool. A healthy diet must first conform to the laws of nature and eat seasonal food.

Do not over-diet to lose weight. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the human body. Excessive dieting to lose weight will easily lead to insufficient qi in the spleen and stomach , which in turn affects the metaplasia of yang qi in the human body.

Do not abuse antibiotics/heat-clearing and detoxifying traditional Chinese medicines. Such drugs are of bitter and cold nature, and are only suitable for the constitution of yang syndrome, empirical evidence, heat syndrome , and traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diseases pays more attention to "three-point treatment and seven-point nourishment". The physique will gradually become weak.

Don't stay up late. Many people don't go to bed until after 11 pm, but when it's time to recuperate, they are still dissipating their essence, and their yang will gradually be depleted. High-quality sleep is an important way to replenish yang. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that normal sleep at night is "Yang enters Yin". If you suffer from insomnia for a long time, it is easy to wake up, and most of it is "Yang does not enter Yin".

Do not expose your ankles prematurely. Before winter passed, I wore short skirts, ankles, navels, and backs, but I didn't know that Yuanyang's losses were happening quietly.

Do not stay in a dark, wet and cold environment for a long time. Some people's work and life are limited by environmental conditions, and they have not seen the sun for a long time. They should pay attention to keeping themselves warm.

Don't be sedentary. Modern people sit in the office for a long time, lack of exercise, and see no sunlight, which can easily lead to insufficient yang energy in the body. Modern medicine understands it as poor blood circulation, and traditional Chinese medicine explains it as qi stagnation and blood stasis.

Don't sweat a lot for a long time.Many people are busy with work during the day, so they can only exercise at night and sweat profusely during running and fitness, thinking that this can make up for the lack of exercise during the day. At this time, "yin qi is gradually rising and yang qi will be exhausted." If you do strenuous exercise, you will exhaust the last part of the body's yang qi. Moreover, exercising too late will cause the sympathetic nerve to excite , which is not conducive to sleep, that is, the "yang does not enter the yin" mentioned above.

Do not violate the natural laws of heat and cold. Normally in summer, you should sweat more. Many people blow the cold air from the air conditioner for a long time, especially from the outside to the room. When the skin pores are open and sweating, they are suddenly cold, or take a cold shower when sweating, which is easy to exogenous evil. Being trapped in the body and getting sick.

Nourishes Yang Qi


Moderate sun exposure in the morning, especially on the back. Many yang meridians of the body walk on the back.


Soak feet in hot water at night. Cold is born from the soles of the feet, soaking the feet with hot water can not only remove the cold in the whole body, but also relieve fatigue, soothe the whole body and relax, which is conducive to sleep.


Movement generates yang. Do various aerobic exercises regularly, such as brisk walking, jogging, Baduanjin, Yi Jin Jing, aerobics, etc.


People with deficiency of the spleen and stomach can drink a cup of ginger brown sugar water every morning in summer, which will help the yang qi rise.


Often moxibustion is performed on the Shenque , Zhongji, Guanyuan, Qihai and other acupoints on the abdomen, as well as the acupoints of the Governor Vessel on the lower back.


Paste the navel. Six or seven peppercorns, one longan meat, add a little moxa velvet, smash them together, knead them into a small ball, put them in the navel before going to bed at night, seal it with tape, peel off and wash the navel after getting up. Zanthoxylum bungeanum dispels cold and dehumidifies, longan nourishes blood, and moxa velvet is pure yang, and it can be used to supplement yang deficiency.

Content source: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News

Author: Shijiazhuang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Chen Liang

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