For people with hepatitis B, what foods can't be touched?

2021/10/0821:55:12 health 2385

(The article is transferred from the WeChat public account of Hebei Traditional Chinese Liver Disease Hospital)

From the perspective of modern medicine, the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is based on antiviral therapy, and comprehensive measures such as rest and nutrition are required. In terms of traditional Chinese health preservation concepts, the ancestors emphasized that the medicated diet is of the same origin. It is called food for alleviating hunger, and medicine is used for curing diseases. Regular and reasonable diet can provide a material basis for repairing damaged liver cells, improve the general condition of the body, and reduce the occurrence of hepatitis complications; on the contrary, inappropriate diet may induce various complications and aggravate the patient's condition.

For people with hepatitis B, what foods can't be touched? - DayDayNews

Basic principles of diet for patients with liver disease

Ensure that carbohydrates are used as the main source of energy intake (such as rice, noodles, steamed bread, etc.), with a certain amount of high-quality protein (such as milk, eggs, etc.) Fish, lean meat, soy products, etc.). Protein is one of the most important nutrients for maintaining human life activities. Once patients with liver disease get better, they should gradually increase their protein intake to help the regeneration and repair of liver cells. Adults need to consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Eat a light diet: eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, especially green leafy vegetables, to supplement enough vitamins and fiber, enhance the metabolism of liver cells and promote digestion and absorption.

Supplement foods containing trace elements and minerals, such as seaweed, oyster , shiitake mushrooms, jujube, sesame, wolfberry, etc.

Appropriate consumption of foods rich in methionine amino acids, such as millet, sesame, spinach and other foods can promote the synthesis of phospholipids in the body and assist in the transformation of fat in liver cells.

Drink moderate amounts of water and limit salt: You should ensure that you consume 8 glasses of water a day to promote metabolism and excretion of metabolic waste. It is advisable to take 6 grams of salt every day.

Suitable food for patients with liver disease

●Eat fresh vegetables and fruits appropriately.

●Oats are rich in linoleic acid and saponins, which can reduce serum cholestic acid and triglycerides .

●Corn is rich in calcium, selenium, lecithin , vitamin E , etc., which can lower serum cholesterol.

●Kombu is rich in taurine , which can lower cholesterol in blood and bile and sweat;

● Dietary fiber alginic acid can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and promote its excretion.

●Garlic contains a mixture of sulfides, which can reduce blood cholesterol, prevent thrombosis, and help increase the content of high-density lipoprotein .

●Milk contains more calcium, which can inhibit the activity of cholesterol synthase in the human body and reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the human body.

●Allyl disulfide and sulfur amino acids contained in onions have bactericidal function, which can reduce human blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis; it can activate the active ingredients of and fibrin, which can effectively prevent the formation of blood clots;

● Prostaglandin A also has a good blood pressure lowering effect on the human body.

●Sweet potato can neutralize the excessive acid in the body due to excessive consumption of meat and eggs, and maintain the body's acid-base balance. Sweet potato contains more cellulose, which can absorb more water in the gastrointestinal tract, lubricate the digestive tract, play a laxative effect, and can excrete excessive fat, sugar, and toxins in the intestinal tract from the body, and play a lipid-lowering effect.

●Carrots, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hawthorn , fig , etc. can also have a lipid-lowering effect. Fatty liver patients can often eat it.

Food that is not suitable for patients with liver disease

It is not advisable to eat too much sweets: Too much sugar or sweets will increase the body's pyruvic acid and lactic acid and other carbohydrate metabolites.It will increase the burden of liver metabolism, affect the absorption of other nutrients, and cause loss of appetite and malnutrition. Sugar is easy to ferment and aggravate flatulence is easily converted into fat, accelerate the storage of fat in the liver, and promote the occurrence of fatty liver.

Don't eat more canned food, instant noodles, sausages: These foods often contain preservatives, food colorings, additives, etc. that are harmful to the human body. Long-term consumption will increase the burden of liver metabolism and detoxification.

Eat less greasy, fried foods: This kind of high-fat foods can cause weakened digestion. In severe cases, malabsorption steatorrhea may occur; too much fat is deposited in the liver, which is easy to form fatty liver; in addition, repeated frying Fried food contains carcinogens, which can easily induce liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Not suitable for drinking: Drinking alcohol in patients with chronic liver disease is the same as drinking poison. After drinking alcohol, ethanol is quickly absorbed into the blood, and 90%-95% of it is metabolized in the liver. Drinking too much can easily lead to malnutrition and reduce the body’s immunity. .

Eat less sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds contain unsaturated fatty acids. Eating more will consume a large amount of choline in the body, accelerate the storage of fat in the liver, and affect the function of liver cells.

Eat less pickled foods: Because pickled foods are too high in salt, it will affect the water and sodium metabolism of patients with liver disease. In addition, pickled products contain too much nitrite , which can easily induce liver cancer. Patients with liver disease should avoid spicy and irritating foods.

Dietary precautions for patients with various liver diseases

Acute hepatitis patients:

is mainly light,Ensure adequate intake of calories and high-quality protein, and consume 1.5-2 times more protein than usual to promote liver tissue repair, eat less high-sugar and high-fat foods, and supplement various vitamins and fiber appropriately, especially Vitamin B family and vitamin C.

Patients with chronic hepatitis:

It is advisable to eat high-protein, high-vitamin foods, and the intake of carbohydrates should be moderate, not too much to avoid fatty liver. Eating tobacco, alcohol, etc. is strictly prohibited. Strictly fast for sweets, pastries and greasy, fried foods and cold foods.

severe hepatitis patients:

Reduce the protein in the diet as much as possible to control the source of intestinal ammonia. Those who do not eat enough can inject 10%-25% glucose solution intravenously to supplement enough vitamin B , C and K.

Patients with liver cirrhosis:

Eat more high-quality protein. At the end of cirrhosis, limit protein intake to avoid excessive toxin production. hepatic encephalopathy . Patients with esophagus or gastric varices should avoid eating hard, crude fiber, fried and spicy foods that are not easy to digest, and should not eat too quickly or too quickly. Keep the stool unobstructed, and should not use too much force to prevent bleeding from rupture of varicose veins.

Liver cancer patients:

Eat low-fat and high-quality protein-rich foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement with anti-tumor vitamins (vitamins A, C, E, K, etc.), eat more Foods containing trace elements, a balanced diet, to maintain weight.

Fatty liver patients:

one fits two lows,That is, the right amount of protein, low sugar and low fat, usually pay attention to light diet, not oversatisfied, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and limit calorie intake.


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