How to correctly understand "quit sugar"

2021/10/1117:26:07 health 2943

Can't eat sugar if you quit "sugar"? Our daily staple food carbohydrates are collectively referred to as carbohydrates , do we also need to quit? Anti-sugar is becoming more and more popular among women who love beauty today, because glycation can damage our skin, causing wrinkles, aging and other problems. Can quitting "sugar" make the skin better?

How to correctly understand

Are the above questions often considered or heard by everyone who cares about their own health? As food becomes highly industrialized, our entanglement with sugar has changed.​ More and more intense, on the one hand, eating sugar will make us feel happy, and we will be willing to find sweeter foods. On the other hand, the resulting health problems have become more and more serious.

Do we often experience the feeling of powerlessness of "I know the truth, just can't do it"? This sense of powerlessness cannot be simply attributed to "lack of willpower." Countless facts have proved that dietary problems that require willpower to solve are actually futile. And what really allows people to maintain a healthy state for a long time must be a natural state where a healthy lifestyle has penetrated into the bone marrow.

Let us recall that before there were highly processed foods (such as biscuits, candies, etc.), even when we ingested honey with a high sugar content in natural foods or foods such as maple syrup, it was difficult for us to produce Addictive feeling, only when the purified sweetness---sucrose, fructose syrup and other stimuli that are rich in other taste feelings are connected together, we will eat far more than the amount of sugar we need. Don't feel sweet​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ This is the side effect of the over-perfect taste brought by modern food industrialization.

"Sugar quitting" has become the status quo we have to face today. Before that, we need to clarify two concepts:

How to correctly understand

. is different from some lifestyle issues, such as quitting smoking. Regarding sugar, we are more ​​to choose and control, choosing what is good for our health and controlling what is threatening to our health, while avoiding what is harmful to our health .

2. Quit the excess amount. According to the needs of the body, it is resolute and not excessive. Like our normal diet, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and cereals are sufficient to meet our daily needs, while processed foods contain more sugar in beverages, biscuits, and candied fruits. High foods should be selected carefully.

In fact, in addition to the sugar added in the process that is easy to distinguish above, we also need to pay attention to the refined white rice noodles that we consume every day.

How to correctly understand

Polished rice noodles are actually a kind of processed food, but in the process of processing, other foods or additives are not added, but the grains that are rich in many nutrients are removed. The aleurone layer and the germ, leaving only the endosperm which contains more than 70% carbohydrates. The taste is greatly improved, and it becomes more delicate. At the same time, more and more metabolic problems appear, such as obesity and high blood pressure. , Hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia also follow.

To sum up, abstaining from sugar is actually for the purpose of restrained​​​​​​​​​to allow the body to gain greater freedom in a healthy state.


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